CH 21: The Collapse of the Magical Veil

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While Astaria flourished with new beginnings, the situation back on Earth was deteriorating rapidly. The magical world had always been separate from the Muggle one, divided by wards and enchantments, concealed from those without magic. But now, those very wards were crumbling, and the magical veil that had once protected the wizards and witches of Earth was unraveling.

In London, chaos reigned in the streets. Muggles, who had once been oblivious to the existence of Diagon Alley, now walked openly past The Leaky Cauldron, their eyes wide with confusion and fear as they stared into the once-invisible street that now lay bare before them. The wards that had hidden magical alleys and buildings were dissolving like mist, leaving the magical world exposed for all to see.

Muggle passersby stared at the shops, where witches and wizards were frantically closing their businesses, trying to hide their wares. Riots had broken out in the streets, Muggles demanding answers for the strange sights they were witnessing. People who had never known magic existed were now seeing broomsticks fly, cauldrons brew potions, and creatures like goblins darting through the alleyways.

"Is this some kind of trick?" a Muggle shouted, his voice filled with panic as he pointed at a shop where magical fireworks exploded above the entrance. "How is this possible?"

Across the street, a wizard was trying to hold up a collapsing magical barrier that had once protected his shop, but his wand flickered weakly, and the shimmering protection faded away.

Inside Grimmauld Place, now abandoned and eerily quiet, Ron and Hermione were pacing back and forth, their faces filled with worry and frustration.

"We should've listened to Harry," Ron said, running a hand through his hair, his voice thick with regret. "He knew something was wrong. But we didn't—"

"We didn't take him seriously," Hermione finished, her eyes dark with guilt. She was sitting by the large, dusty table where they had spread out maps, books, and old parchments in a desperate search for answers. But no matter how hard they looked, they had found no clue as to where Harry had gone or how to fix the catastrophe unfolding before them.

"I've tried every spell I can think of to track him," Hermione continued, her voice cracking with frustration. "But it's like he's disappeared completely. There's no trace of him in any of our usual magical networks. He must have gone somewhere beyond the reach of even magical detection."

Ron slammed his fist against the wall, his frustration boiling over. "Well, he's not here, is he? And look at what's happening! Magic is falling apart, and Muggles are losing it. We're running out of time!"

Hermione glanced out the window, watching as the once-quiet streets of London now erupted in chaos. The magical communities had always existed in secret, hidden away. But now, there were reports from all over the world—Muggles seeing through wards, magical creatures appearing in plain sight, and magical infrastructure collapsing.

"Grimmauld Place is still hidden, at least," Hermione said softly, though her voice was laced with doubt. "But for how long? Every other place we checked has lost its protection."

Ron turned back toward the table, where several maps of the world were laid out, each marked with magical hotspots—places where the wards had failed first. Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade, even the Ministry of Magic had been compromised. There were reports of Muggle authorities getting involved, trying to control the situation, but their efforts only fueled more panic.

"We should have listened," Ron muttered again, his shoulders slumping. "Harry tried to warn us."

Hermione shook her head, fighting the tears that threatened to spill. "We didn't know how bad it would get, Ron. No one did. But now... now we have to find a way to fix this."

"But how?" Ron asked, his voice desperate. "We don't even know where Harry is!"

They had spent weeks searching for Harry, using every contact they had, every spell they knew, but there was no sign of him. They had gone to Neville's home, hoping to find a clue, only to be told by Neville's grandmother that Neville had left for a "new world." Hermione's heart had sunk at that news, knowing it likely meant Neville had joined Harry in his mission, wherever he had gone.

"We'll have to try somewhere else," Hermione said, standing and gathering the books scattered across the table. "There has to be a clue. Maybe the old places we used to hide out during the war—Godric's Hollow, the Shrieking Shack..."

Ron shook his head, but there was a flicker of determination in his eyes. "We have to keep trying. We can't let this get worse."

Outside, the streets were descending into anarchy. Riots had broken out in both the magical and Muggle parts of London. The panic spread as Muggles demanded answers for the magical phenomena they were witnessing, while wizards and witches scrambled to protect themselves and their families.

In Diagon Alley, Muggle police had been called in to contain the crowds, but they were met with confusion and fear as they tried to deal with creatures they didn't understand. Some wizards had resorted to erasing memories where they could, but the damage was too widespread.

As the collapse of the magical barriers continued, the wizards and witches left on Earth found themselves facing a terrifying reality—magic was no longer hidden. Their world was exposed, and the delicate balance they had maintained for centuries was crumbling.

Back inside Grimmauld Place, Ron and Hermione exchanged a determined look.

"We have to find Harry," Hermione said, her voice strong. "He's our only hope. He knew something like this could happen, and wherever he is, he must have a plan."

Ron nodded, determination returning to his face. "Then let's go. We'll search every place we can think of until we find him."

With that, the two of them left Grimmauld Place, stepping out into the chaotic streets, their minds focused on one thing—finding Harry and stopping the collapse of the magical world before it was too late.

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