CH 8: Gathering of Leaders

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Two weeks had passed since Harry's discovery of Astaria, and now the time had come to bring together the leaders of the magical world for a meeting that would shape the future. The weight of what he was about to do sat heavily on his shoulders, but Harry knew it was the only way forward. Magic was dying, and Astaria was their last hope.

The meeting took place at Hogwarts, in the vast Great Hall. Harry had chosen this place deliberately—it was a symbol of the magical world's past, a place of learning, friendship, and unity. Now, it would serve as the launch point for their future.

The hall had been rearranged for the occasion, with a large circular table placed in the center, surrounded by chairs for each of the leaders. The enchanted ceiling reflected the twilight sky, soft hues of purple and blue blending together, offering a serene atmosphere as the magical beings and wizards from all over the world arrived.

One by one, the leaders took their seats. The Vampire Lord, Lucius Drach, entered silently, his long cloak trailing behind him. The Centaur leader, Firenze, moved gracefully into the hall, his gaze sharp and observant. Sorina, the Veela leader, radiated with her natural beauty and grace, while the Hag leader, an ancient witch named Morwenna, took her place, her gnarled hands clasping her staff tightly.

The Goblin Lord, a towering figure of authority, nodded to Harry as he sat, while other leaders followed: the Merpeople leader, King Triton, represented by a shimmering medallion that allowed him to appear in a magical projection. The troll chieftain, massive and imposing, settled with surprising gentleness into his seat. The Giant leader, a hulking figure, towered over the others, his expression calm but fierce.

Harry's friends arrived too. Draco Malfoy, now a trusted ally, sat beside his old friend Theo Nott and Daphne Greengrass. Neville Longbottom greeted Harry with a firm handshake, while Luna Lovegood floated in, her dreamy smile ever-present. The Weasley twins, Fred and George, took their places with a nod of encouragement to Harry, their usual mischief replaced by quiet determination. Poppy Pomfrey and Pomona Sprout were there, representing the healing and herbology communities, while Katie Bell, Hannah Abbott, Lisa Turpin, and Rubeus Hagrid filled the remaining seats.

There were also leaders of magical communities from across the world—Yusuf Kama from Africa, Isabell Star, a powerful witch from North America, and others from Europe, Asia, and beyond.

Harry stood at the head of the table, the holographic projection of Astaria floating above it, glowing softly in the dim light. The leaders around the table watched in silence, waiting for him to speak.

"Thank you all for coming," Harry began, his voice steady but carrying the weight of the moment. "We are standing at the edge of a new beginning. The world we know is dying. Magic is fading, and soon, there won't be anything left. But we have a way out. A new world—Astaria."

With a flick of his wand, the hologram expanded, revealing the full view of the distant planet. Gasps of awe rippled through the room as the leaders saw Astaria for the first time. Its vast oceans, lush green continents, and glowing ley lines filled the air with a sense of wonder.

"This is Astaria," Harry continued. "A world untouched by war, destruction, or the darkness that has plagued our own. Its magic is stronger than anything we've felt in centuries, and it's a place where we can start anew."

He moved his wand, zooming in on the planet. "There are several continents, each one full of resources and magical potential. We can build settlements here, create a home for each of our clans, cultures, and species. One continent for the Centaurs, another for the Veela, the Vampires, the Goblins, and so on. Each group will have space to live, grow, and thrive."

The leaders were captivated. As Harry zoomed in on specific regions, showing them valleys, mountains, and lakes, he also highlighted the magical creatures that roamed the planet. The exotic beasts that soared through Astaria's skies—majestic, dragon-like creatures, and strange but beautiful animals moving through the forests and plains—drew gasps of astonishment.

"There are challenges, of course," Harry said. "The creatures of this world are powerful and unfamiliar, but they offer opportunities as well. We'll need to adapt and learn how to coexist. But Astaria offers everything we need. Fresh water, fertile land, rich ley lines for our magic."

He paused, allowing them to take in the enormity of it all before moving on. "I've taken notes on everything I could—its geography, its magical properties, and even the galaxy itself. The stars in Astrunora are stable, and Astaria is far enough away from any major dangers that we can live without fear of interference."

The leaders exchanged looks, some smiling, others nodding in approval. Harry could see the hope in their eyes, the sense of possibility that Astaria offered.

Harry waved his wand again, and the hologram faded. In its place, he produced a small pile of trunks, each one tagged and organized. "I've spent the last few weeks gathering supplies. Food, tools, building materials, enchanted objects, potions ingredients—everything we'll need to start fresh. Each trunk is tagged, and I've prepared enough for everyone. I'm giving each of you a few trunks today so you can begin collecting personal items for the journey."

He gestured toward the large trunks set aside for Gringotts. "The goblins will be taking these seven trunks with them—one for Galleons, one for Sickles, one for Knuts, and others for their own needs. Every trunk is labeled and organized."

The Goblin Lord gave Harry a nod of approval, clearly pleased with the preparations.

Finally, Harry looked around the table, meeting each leader's eyes. "This is only the beginning. In two weeks, we'll meet again to discuss the next steps. We'll need to plan our government, settlements, schools, and how we'll organize our new society. This will be a fresh start for all of us—a chance to create something better than we had before."

The leaders sat in silence for a moment, absorbing everything they had seen and heard. Then, slowly, a sense of unity began to build in the room.

"We're with you, Potter," Lucius Drach said, his voice firm and unwavering.

Firenze, the Centaur leader, nodded in agreement. "Astaria will be our new home."

One by one, the leaders voiced their support, their skepticism and doubt replaced by excitement and hope. Even the more cautious leaders, like the Vampires and Goblins, had come around, understanding the necessity of Harry's plan.

The meeting ended with a sense of purpose. Each leader received their trunks, tagged and ready to be filled with personal belongings, and they left Hogwarts with a newfound determination.

As the last of the leaders departed, Harry remained in the Great Hall, staring up at the enchanted ceiling. The stars above twinkled brightly, as if echoing the stars of Astrunora, where their future now lay.

Two weeks. In two weeks, they would gather again, and the real work of building their new world would begin.

For the first time in a long while, Harry felt like the weight on his shoulders was shared.

Astaria was waiting. And they were ready to make it their home.

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