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Footsteps on a metallic surface could be heard throughout the large expanse of the hallway, accompanied with the whispering of two people. As the two made it down the hallway, a door opened, revealing an enormous room with some sort of structure in the center. They walked down a path, leading the figures to some railing, one of them leaning onto it.

???: "..Mr. Jenson, sir are you sure you really want to keep this..-" They paused. "..This creature..- not even that, this.. thing active..?" They said this in a sort of worried tone, however managed to keep their composure. 

Mr. Jenson nodded, clicking a pen.

Mr. Jenson: "..If we just kill it, well it will not be of use to us anymore, would it? We could get a lot of information from this marvelously destructive being. Hell, it may not even be alive.." He chuckled, setting the pen down on a nearby desk.

???: "..Yes sir, but the incident at the Elliot's manor.. the only survivor was the gi-"

Mr. Jenson cut them off.

Mr. Jenson: "..That event is precisely why I want this being alive, Roberts." He sighed, pushing himself away from the railing. "..Don't you see? if we find a way to eradicate it.. humanity shall keep on going. for another lifetime, or more..-!" He chuckled. "..That thing cannot be contained forever..-"

Roberts: "..If you want to eradicate it, why not just kill it now?"

Mr. Jenson: "..Well I want to study it.. see what makes it so powerful, and why possibly it chose that drone as a host. See I don't think this is a simple virus, Roberts.. Oh no no no-!" He grabbed the pen again, clicking it. "..This is a sort of deity.. and we cannot simply terminate it by getting rid of one of its host.. or hosts rather. We have to find a way to eradicate it as a whole-! This.. drone can help us with that.. can't you see?"

Roberts: "..Well I suppose..-"

Jenson cuts him off once again.

Mr. Jenson: "..Very good my boy." He smiled, now closing the pen. "..It is quite amazing how we managed to trap it, yes?"

Roberts: "..How did we even do that?"

Mr. Jenson: "..Classified information sadly I mean I know it, I just won't tell you."

Roberts: "..'Right.. of course." He thought for a moment. "Why did you even bring me here.."

Mr. Jenson: "..Routine check up on how the containment is doing.. I just brought you to have some company, also for.. help."

Roberts: "..Why not just send a workman over-?"

Mr. Jenson: "..I run.. and well.. created the project.. so I dictate who enters.. and who doesn't."

Before Roberts could say anything, the door opened.

???: "..Sir..-!" A female voice cried out, a person, seemingly one of the personnel of JcJenson, entered the room.

Mr. Jenson looks up at the voice.

Mr. Jenson: "..Yes..? Can't you see I'm busy..-" He is quickly interrupted.

???: "..W..well there's been reports from our satellites.. of a planet wide extinction event on Copper - 9!" It seems that she was exhausted, as if she was sprinting over.

Jenson's eyes widen as he hears the news. He drops the pen, the sound echoing throughout the room as it collided with the cold, hard metal floor. He remains silent for a few seconds.

Mr. Jenson: "..W..what..-?" Is the only thing that can escape his lips, shooting a glance to Roberts, having the same look of distress. All three run out of the room, the door closing behind them. Darkness falls upon the structure.

Murder Drones: Interstellar Annihilation (Previously Insanity)Where stories live. Discover now