J walked down the dimly lit, and somewhat narrow hallway. It was quite fancy and well put together, with paintings scattered on the walls in neat, organized rows. Eventually, she reached the end of the hallway, a door stood Infront of her, with small sign that read, 'Mr. Jenson's Office'. She took a deep breath, adjusted her tie, dusted herself off, and entered the room. Mr. Jenson looked up from his desk, a smile formed on his face.
Mr. Jenson: "Ah! J!" He put down his pen. "Please, sit down." He gestured to the chair.
J nodded, and did as she was told, taking a seat.
Mr. Jenson: "Now, I assume you know why you are here, yes?"
S.D J: "Yes sir, you wanted to talk about what happened on Copper - 9 when I was sent there again, correct?"
Mr. Jenson: "Precisely!" He nodded. "Now, I want to specifically know why N rebelled.. we had to get you back on that planet as fast as we could, so I didn't have the chance to ask for a detailed explanation."
S.D J: "Well.. he was persuaded by the worker, Uzi, into believing that he.. well rather us, me, him and V would just be left here by the company once our job was done."
Mr. Jenson: "And you believed him?"
J hesitated.
S.D J: "Of course not-"
Mr. Jenson: "Judging by your hesitation, I do not think you are telling the truth, don't lie to me J."
S.D J: "I did a bit.. not really.."
Mr. Jenson: "And why is that?"
S.D J: "Well.. I.." She paused. "Even though I do kind of hate him, he's still a friend, in a way."
Mr. Jenson: "A friend?" He tilted his head.
S.D J: "More of an acquaintance that I dislike.. but still keep around."
Mr. Jenson: "Now J.." He shook his head. "We cannot have you rebelling just because he's your friend, now can we.."
S.D J: "Sir I have no intention to rebel-"
Mr. Jenson: "And yet you considered the word of a defective, damaged model?"
S.D J: "I was stressed- I-"
Mr. Jenson: "J." He began. "N is not a friend, nor is V, they are now obstacles. Obstacles in our path that stop us from completing the job that we have to finish, the job that will please our investors and benefit humanity as a whole. Now J, think about it like this.. we are playing a game, and that game involves us killing the defective workers, all of them. Now, do you know what happens to obstacles in any game we play?"
S.D J: "We get passed them..?"
Mr. Jenson: "We get passed them!" He said, proudly. "Now you're catching on. Look.. there are different ways to get rid of different obstacles, correct?"
J nodded.
Mr. Jenson: "Then the way we get rid of these obstacles, being N and V, we simply.. well.. get rid of them as a whole, remove them.. get them out of our way. How would you do that you may ask? Well, kill them I suppose, then we simply clone them."
S.D J: "Why can't we clone them now.. and just use them to fight the original ones off.."
Mr. Jenson: "..Cloning takes time, and is expensive, J. I bet those two are on their way to become stronger than ever before, stronger than they are now, we don't want to risk the clones being damaged. Plus, what I say goes, and I say that we don't clone them until we kill them."
S.D J: "I understand sir."
Mr. Jenson: "..J, look at me."
S.D J: "Yes..?"
Mr. Jenson: "You need the company, and well, frankly, the company needs you. Just know, in all my years of following in my fathers footsteps as the CEO of JcJenson, you are the single most hard working, attentive, and loyal drone I've ever seen, met and talked to. I bet all of the other drones aspire to be like you, and we don't want to change that, now do we?"
A smirk began forming on J's face, her lips curling into a smile.
S.D J: "You really think so?"
Mr. Jenson: "I know so.."
S.D J: "Well then sir, I will work harder then.. to not fall behind, and all that."
Mr. Jenson: "Keep that up and you'll get a promotion.. you may leave."
J smiled even more when he mentioned a promotion and nodded, standing up and saluting him, before swiftly exiting the room, and shutting the door. Mr. Jenson remained seated, and picked up his phone, dialing a number. It rang for a couple seconds, before getting picked up.
Mr. Jenson: "Begin the launch." He hung up, placing the phone on the table. He got up, and walked out of the room, shutting the lights off.

Murder Drones: Interstellar Annihilation (Previously Insanity)
Science FictionA world where Cyn never killed Tessa, Earth Survives, and our favorite Genocidal Trio is up against the Company.. what will happen? I'm not fucking spoiling it.. god-