The lights flickered, the room was huge, and the atmosphere was tense. Thad, Lizzy, Khan and Doll were traversing the room they entered, using each cubicle as a hiding spot from the dinosaur like sentinels. The door they were after was in sight, not far from their reach, and it would only be a matter of time before they reached it. Thad, Doll and Khan took turns sprinting over to the next cubicle, and when it was Lizzy's turn, she was stopped by the sound of metallic footsteps, the ones of a sentinel. Lizzy remained quiet, holding her breath. The sentinel circled the cubicle, toying with Lizzy. She crawled under the desk, silently, as the sentinel jumped onto of the cubicle, searching. Suddenly, Thad threw what seemed to be a pencil far away across the room, the sentinel chasing it, Lizzy was now safe. She quickly sprinted, and the four entered the room.
Lizzy: "Tha.." She panted. "Thank you-"
Thad: "It's no problem, really." He smiled, now taking out his flashlight, shining it in front of them. "Well I suppose we should get to searching.."
Khan, Doll and Lizzy nodded, scattering off into the small room, packed with shelves and files.
Doll: [RUS] "..JC-56 Cruiser..? Nah, that won't be useful." She shook her head, putting the file back in the cabinet. [RUS] "Did you guys find anything else?"
Lizzy shook her head.
Lizzy: "Not really to be honest." She sighed.
Khan: "..Aha.. here we are." He took out a file, opening it up. "We have some weapon system blueprints on here, up to date too, send them over to Uzi." He threw them to Thad.
Thad nodded and caught them, doing as he was told.
Lizzy took out another file.
Lizzy: "What's this.. Security Drone..?" She tilted her head, somewhat confused, as she opened the file. "..Look's weird to be honest.." The Security Drone looked somewhat like a crab, however much larger, and with a cylinder like head. She threw it over to Thad, he caught it.
They continued searching for about an hour, finding at least thirty four somewhat useful files. However, as they were about to leave, Thad found something seemingly interesting.
Thad: "What's this..?" He looked at a box, the lock was rusted, so he simply ripped it off. He opened the box up, and took out a file. "Classified eh..?" He opened it. "..Let's see.." He froze. "..Come over here.."
The other three walked over to Thad.
Khan: "What's wrong-?"
Thad: "..I found something about, well, the JcJenson HQ..-"
Doll: [RUS] "..Well, tell us."
Thad: "..It's located in a place called.. Antarctica.. The hell is that?"
Lizzy: "Somewhere on Earth, continue."
Thad: "Well.. I have the building plans here, however half of it is faded out.. and something about, well the writings faded out as well, but I can make out the word 'yn' and.. prototype."
Khan: "The hell does 'yn' mean-?"
Thad: "I dunno.. but it could be useful." He took out his phone and sent all the file pages to Uzi, as he put it away, but still on him. "Let's go."
Lizzy: "Y'know I have an idea.."
Thad, Doll, and Khan looked at Lizzy.
Khan: "Yeah-? What is it?"
Lizzy: "We could take that Alice and Beau person with us, I mean we barely got to question them, and I honestly want to get out of this place as fast as possible."
Thad nodded.
Thad: "..Sure, yeah.. We could try and get her on our side too."
Doll and Khan nodded as well. The four now set off, opening the door. As they traversed the room, Doll stepped on some scrap metal, causing at least three sentinels to be alert.
Thad: "..Shit."
The four now sprinted across the room, the sentinels chasing them down, Thad slid under a desk, causing the sentinel to slam into it, toppling the desk over, and falling on it's back. Lizzy and Doll ran away from one as well, it bit onto Doll's arm, causing her to let out a scream. Lizzy gripped her knife, stabbing it into the sentinel's head, resulting in it roaring in pain and falling over, not yet dead. The sentinel that was chasing Thad got up and charged at him, slamming him into a wall with it's tail. Thad got up, however, it flashed him, causing him to fall to the ground, seemingly rebooting. Lizzy noticed this dashing over and before the sentinel could chomp down on Thad, she stabbed the knife into it's neck, causing it so stumble back. She did this numerous times, until the sentinel was on the floor, seemingly dead. She crouched down and slapped Thad, his visor now going back to normal. Khan saw this happen, and had an idea.
Thad: "..W..what happ-"
Lizzy interrupted him.
Lizzy: "COME ON-!"
Thad nodded and got up, running over to Doll's sentinel, which trapped her in a corner. Lizzy brought down her knife, Thad his pipe, and killed this sentinel as well. While this was happening, Khan was running away from the sentinel chasing him, using the cubicles as a weapon, dashing out of the way whenever it charged at him. The sentinel slammed it's tail against Khan, causing him to hit a wall. However, he quickly got up, and spotted a sharp piece of metal on the ground. He grabbed it and waited for the sentinel to flash him. When it did, he blocked his vision with the metal, and when the sentinel opened it's mouth, he lodged the piece of metal in between it's jaws. He swept it's feet, and stomped on it's head, killing it.
Khan: " that all of them-?"
Thad: "I think so-"
Doll: [RUS] "Let's just get that bitch and leave-"
They all ran to the room Alice was in, and approached her bed.
Thad: "SHUT UP-!" He untied Alice from the bed, however before she could do anything, quickly tied her up again, and carried her over his shoulder. Lizzy did the same to Beau. They now sprinted out of the room, and saw a bigger sentinel approach them. Instead of fighting, they now ran for the exit, the sentinel doing the same, except for a different reason. Thad kicked any door he was, instantly opening them due to how old they were, until they were at the entrance, which was much stronger than the other doors. Thad let everyone else get out, and threw Alice outside, and before the sentinel could catch him, he slammed the door on it, the sentinel crashing into it. They now made there way to the colony, Alice, Beau, and the files in their possession.
Murder Drones: Interstellar Annihilation (Previously Insanity)
Science FictionA world where Cyn never killed Tessa, Earth Survives, and our favorite Genocidal Trio is up against the Company.. what will happen? I'm not fucking spoiling it.. god-