-Part 3-

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N and Uzi walked out of Thad's room.

S.D N: "..What  was that all about..-?" He asked, confused.

Uzi: "..Just a friendly conversation.. Don't question it, alright?"

S.D N: "..I.. uh..- Okay..?"

Uzi: "..We're heading back now, wait by the doors, I just need to get something from my room."

N nodded, and walked off, Uzi walking the opposite direction. He waited for a few minutes, tapping his foot on the metallic floor, and eventually, Uzi returned with the railgun and pistol, along with a sword.

Uzi: "..Well.. c'mon, let's go." 

S.D N: "..Sure." 

The two now made their way through each blast door, and eventually exited the colony, returning back to the landing pod, and entering it.

S.D N: "..We're back V-!" 

S.D V: "..HMMPH-" 

S.D N: "..Oh right.. Uzi.. can you take the tape off?"

Uzi: "..Fine.. fine.." She nodded, walking to V, and proceeded to rip the tape off her mouth.

S.D V: "..Finally..- You fucking bitch-"

S.D N: "..V.. what did I say about profanity? Because if you forgot, I'll just do that lesson again! being a teacher was fun." He smiled.


S.D N: "..Awh.. thank you!" 

Uzi placed the two weapons on a desk.

S.D V: "..What're those..-"

Uzi: "..None of your business.." 

S.D N: "..So.. Uzi.. how do you plan to.. get off Copper - 9."

Uzi glanced back at N.

Uzi: "..Well I was planning to fix the pod.. I just need some blueprints.. but I don't know where I'd get them if I'm being honest."

S.D N: "..Y'know.. since J was the.. squad leader and all, there's a chance she'll be sent back here as a clone.. and we can just force the information out of her, she's bound to have a blueprint."

Uzi: "..You.. all have clones?" Her eyes widened.

S.D N: "..Yup-!"

Uzi: "..Well.. alright.. that could work.. why are you so smart all of a sudden?" She sighed, calming down a bit.

S.D V: "..He has his moments for some reason, no idea why.. it's a mystery to us all."

Uzi: "..Alright then." She turned back to the console. "N pass me the screwdriver." 

N nodded, throwing Uzi a screwdriver. She caught it.

Uzi: "..Thanks.." She began repairing the panel.

V looked over at Uzi.

S.D V: "..When are you letting me out of these chain.. rope things?"

Uzi: "..When I feel like it."

S.D V: "..And when's that.."

Uzi: "..Dunno."

S.D V: "..Fuck you-"

S.D N: "..Can you two please stop fighting-?"

S.D V: "..Fine..-" V groaned, looking at Uzi. "..Speaking of J returning.. how do you plan to take on three disassembly drones on, hm?"

Uzi: "..What do you mean."

S.D V: "..Well.. the company is going to eventually notice that their precious drones are missing, or destroyed, and will send in more to deal with the threat."

Murder Drones: Interstellar Annihilation (Previously Insanity)Where stories live. Discover now