-Part 21-

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V looked up at A, staring him down for a minute, before getting up and dusting herself off, grunting as she did so. A stood tall, his yellow visor eyes still cold and emotionless, and his body still. She regenerated any dent or cut on her body and shook her head, clearing her mind of any distraction. They were both silent. V looked to the left, and then to the right, making sure she was not going to be ambushed, before concentrating again on A. Suddenly, a security drone landed behind him, he looked at it, turning his attention away from V, which prompted her to suddenly dash at him, attempting to impale him. However, despite his gaze being elsewhere, he blocked without issue with his own blade, almost in an instant. She froze.

S.D V: "How..?" She muttered, distressed and confused. He pushed her off, she maintained balance.

S.D A: "Nice try." He said, in his usual tone. He suddenly disappeared, appearing behind V and slashing her back with a blade.

S.D V: "AGH-!" She fell to the ground, her back seeping oil. He was fast. She quickly jumped up, keeping a distance between the two, as her wound healed.

S.D A: "Pathetic." He remarked simply.

V realized he wasn't one to be underestimated, sure his voice and outer shell seemed old, but he was very well a new and experienced fighter. Seeing no other option, she ran. A took note of this, simply dashing over and grabbing V, throwing her into a wall.

S.D A: "You shall not run, you will fight."

V got up, dusting herself off, and nodded. 

S.D V: "Fine..-" She switched over to her blade, and quickly dashed at A, sending a slice his way, which he blocked. However, this time, he was the one to be pushed off, leaving him quite surprised, but his guard still up.

S.D A: "Impressive, you managed to push me." He remarked jokingly, however did not chuckle, nor smirk.

He dashed over at V, however with a swift motion she dodged, and sliced his back, causing him to grunt. He jumped up into the air and dropkicked V, now pinning her to the ground, resting the blade on her neck. With his other hand, he switched it to an SMG, and fired a shot at her torso, causing her to let out a small grunt.

S.D A: " I must cut this fight short, however." 

V, desperate for survival, jabbed her tail into his leg, however he grabbed it right before it could touch him. He switched from his SMG to his hand in an instant, somehow. With both of his hands occupied she bit his arm, causing him to stumble back away from her. She jumped up, opening her wings and diving onto him, kicking him into a wall. Despite slamming into it, and also taking some damage, his focus was seemingly unaffected, as he sliced a crate that was going to fall on him in half, cleanly at that. The fight continued, both making their moves cautiously, and slowly.

N put G into a headlock after a short scuffle. He attempted to throw G into a wall, however was met with a jab in the stomach by G's fist. N glanced over at Uzi, noticing the predicament she was in and sighed. He grabbed G by the legs, and began spinning him around, throwing him at incredible speeds into a wall, causing him to crash through it and another one just like it. Using his time wisely, he grabbed Uzi.


S.D V: "'KAY-!" She shouted back.

He and Uzi now exited the room, through a hole in the wall. They made it into a hallway, the alarm still blaring throughout the area. Uzi looked at a sign on the wall, showing a map of the ship.

Uzi: "Alright so we're here.."

S.D N: "No no we're here.. we passed by that pizza place remember-?"

Uzi: "Ah yeah right right my bad, we should be able to reach the room if we just keep going straight, and take a left."

Murder Drones: Interstellar Annihilation (Previously Insanity)Where stories live. Discover now