V, still carrying J, fled into a room in what seemed to be the loneliest corner of the facility, a good hiding spot indeed. She placed J, who was still tied up, down onto the ground and sat on a chair, panting.
S.D V: "What.. the hell just happened?" She muttered.
J remained silent.
S.D V: "I'm talking to you, scrap head." She tossed a pen onto J's head.
S.D J: "He left me..-"
S.D V: "Who lef- You mean Mr. Jenson?"
J nodded.
S.D V: "Why're you surprised? He's a scumbag.. always was."
S.D J: "He told me he thought I was the best..-"
S.D V: "J, you're not very smart, are you? He was lying." She sighed, shaking her head.
S.D J: "SHUT UP-!" She snapped. "I.. I was just confused, okay-?!"
S.D V: "Whatever you say.." V shrugged. "But look, you hate me, and I hate you, right?"
S.D J: "Mhm.."
S.D V: "Let's just put aside our differences for now and try and get out of this mess, alright?
J hesitated, but eventually nodded.
S.D J: "Sure, yeah."
S.D V: "At least you aren't that much of a brat.."
S.D J: "You're making me regret my choices."
S.D V: "Good.." She snorted.
Meanwhile, Tessa hid in a janitors closet.
Tessa: "O..okay, I'm safe-!"
She examined the room around her, finally at rest. It was dark, somewhat hot, and cramped. She attempted to find a light switch.
Tessa: "Can't see a bloody thing.." She mumbled. "Aha! Here it is!" She declared happily, flicking the lights on. "Now..-" She turned around, letting out a blood curdling scream of pure terror and surprise. Infront of her were pools of blood on the floor, smears on the walls, and limbs everywhere. She began hyperventilating, trying to leave the closet, however the door did not budge. There were only two bodies that seemed to be recognizable. Their faces were pale, lifeless, and calm, their bodies bloody, bruised and scarred, their organs laid out unevenly around them, as if a wild animal, a predator, went at them and removed them from this mortal realm. Tessa breathed in, and walked over to the bodies. As she got closer, the putrid stench of the decaying corpse's set in, causing Tessa to let out multiple violent coughs. She kneeled down, and examined both the bodies, they had nametags on them however were covered blood. Tessa took out a first aid kit, and got some gloves out, putting them on. Once she did so, she gently wiped the blood away from the nametags, and read two names out. "Roberts.. Williams..- Oh my god..-" She backed away, her face turning green in pure disgust. "Oh.. oh my god..-" She repeated, tears flowing. She stumbled backwards, falling into a corner, curling up into a ball.
Finally, Uzi. She ran in the general direction of Tessa, however through a different hallway. She was lost in the maze of doors, walls and ventilation systems, every room and or hallway looking like the other, and eventually the next.
Uzi: "Who the hell designed this place..?" She sighed, rubbing her forehead. "Hm..?" She heard a faint sound of.. crying? "What the hell?" Her eyes widened, now deciding to make her way towards it. She eventually reached what seemed to be where the crying came from. She attempted to open the door, it did not budge. She tried again, it remained closed, letting out a few sparks. She groaned, reaching for her railgun, and aiming it at the door, firing it, causing it to immediately blow off. She entered, and spotted Tessa. "Tessa-?"
Tessa: "U..Uzi..?" She wiped a tear away. "I..is that you..?"
Uzi nodded, going over to help Tessa up.
Uzi: "What's wrong Tess-?!" She said in a panic.
Tessa pointed at the sight behind her.
Uzi: "Oh..-" She looked at it. "OH..- FUCK- How.. didn't I see that when I walked in.. never mind- let's just get out of here, m'kay-?"
Tessa: "O..okay-" She replied, calming down slightly.
Uzi: "Let's find the others.."
They both left the room, now traversing the facility.
[sorry i split these into parts! P.1 is like 800 words, this is around 600, so 1300 words total!]

Murder Drones: Interstellar Annihilation (Previously Insanity)
Science FictionA world where Cyn never killed Tessa, Earth Survives, and our favorite Genocidal Trio is up against the Company.. what will happen? I'm not fucking spoiling it.. god-