-Part 10-

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Multiple vehicles and employees were scattered around the hanger, surrounding the cruiser as they prepared it for takeoff. The loud clanking of the metallic crates as they were placed down into the cruiser, as well as the chatter of people, echoed throughout the large, vast expanse of the building. Fuel, Food and ammunition crates were being loaded into the giant via cranes. E, a disassembly drone with a mustache, suit, and a military style dress hat stood in what seemed to be an observation room, seemingly overseeing this operation. The door opened, revealing Z, another disassembly drone, who sported a grey buttoned up shirt, slightly darker pants, and a ponytail. She walked over to E.

S.D Z: "Good evening, E."

E turned his head over to Z, smiling, and stroking his mustache.

S.D E: "..Ah! Z, hello. I assume you're here to check on our progress?"

Z nodded.

S.D Z: "Pretty much, yeah.. how long till it's launch?"

S.D E: "Around a week and a half." He replied, adjusting his tie and dusting his shoulders of any dust or other forms of residue. "We still have to repair a part of the engine that's been acting weirdly.. the size doesn't help either."

S.D Z: "Wonderful-!" She clasped her hands. "I've heard that P worked on this one as well, new weapons, eh?"

S.D E: "Indeed.. it is quite remarkable what she can do."

S.D Z: "Truly." She paused for a moment. "..Why is A coming with you?"

S.D E: "No idea." He shook his head, sighing. "He likes to meddle with our affairs sometimes."

S.D Z: "Sounds like him to be honest." She shrugged.

S.D E: "He is quite.. unique, to say the least."

Z laughed a bit, but composed herself.

S.D Z: "..Yes, yes.. now, what's your plan?"

S.D E: "..Eh well, this thing is pretty slow if I'm being honest, so we'll just go at a slower pace than usual.. Conserving supplies and all that." He cleared his throat. "..If that email Tessa sent was correct, we will simply shoot their little ship out of the sky.. well.. not the sky, space.. you know what I mean. Then we'll go over to Copper - 9 and finish the job, killing all the workers and all that."

S.D Z: "I see.." She nodded. "And how long will the journey take?"

S.D E: "Around.." He thought for a moment. "two weeks there, two weeks back, not counting the time we spend on Copper - 9, about four weeks."

S.D Z: "Well good luck then." She paused again. "..Y'know there's this one thing I'm worried about."

E tilted his head to the left slightly.

S.D E: "Hm?"

S.D Z: "..It's J."

S.D E: "What about her?"

S.D Z: "Well.. ever since she's returned from Copper - 9, I've noticed her behave weirdly."

S.D E: "How so? I barely speak to her."

S.D Z: "..She used to always talk to everyone, and had a ton of confidence.. don't get me wrong, she still does that, but less than usual. She seems more nervous and confused as well. It's almost as if something is troubling her."

S.D E: "..Maybe they tried to brainwash her or something, as in the worker, N and V."

S.D Z: "You think so?"

S.D E: "Most likely, she's probably thinking about what they said." He thought for a moment. "Get Tessa to talk to her or something. Well then, I have to get to work again, I'll talk to you later.."

Z nodded.

S.D Z: "Sure.. sure." She turned around, and walked out of the room, the door shutting.

A phone began ringing, E picked it up.

S.D E: "..Yes?" He listened. "..Really? Alright." He sighed, hanging up. "..God.."

Tessa: "..Damn it-!" She groaned, slamming her fist onto the desk, putting her phone down.

S.D J: "What's wrong?"

Tessa: "The ship those three rebels are working on has been being repaired faster than expected."

S.D J: "Is the cruiser even ready?" She said, slightly more distressed.

Tessa shook her head.

Tessa: "I don't know-! Maybe..?" Tessa rubbed her forehead.

S.D J: "Why are you freaking out-?"

Tessa: "..I notified them about the ship being repaired. I'll probably get blamed for this." She said this, almost scared.

S.D J: "How would you even keep track of it's progress?"

Tessa: "..We managed to reconnect with it, barely, the only thing we can access is it's statistics."

S.D J: "..Oh, alright. Why doesn't anyone tell me this?"

Tessa: "We're in a rush right now to be honest, everyone's stressing. Mostly about a scenario were the ship is destroyed, it'd be a huge waste of recourses, time, and just a threat to our security."

S.D J: "..Don't forget about how our partners might feel.. they'd be infuriated." She crossed her arms, shaking her head.

Tessa: "..Mhm."

S.D J: "Well what will we do if this whole mission does fail?"

Tessa: "Z will probably mobilize some defenses, and P will work on some technology." She sighed, clearly tired.

S.D J: "All of that for three drones?"

Tessa: "..If three drones can take down an entire cruiser by themselves, I'd think we need to take precautions."

S.D J: "..I suppose you're right." She hesitated. "..Do you hate N and V?"

Tessa shook her head.

Tessa: "Of course not! It's just.. they did get corrupted by that worker.. I'm just doing what's best for them. Why are you asking?"

S.D J: "I just wanted to check, and you've never really shown hostility towards them."

Tessa: "Desperate times call for desperate measures."

J nodded, looking outside a window. A notification popped up on Tessa's computer.

Tessa: "Hold on I just have to answer this email.." She moved her chair over to the desk and began typing. While she was doing this, J was staring outside a window, off into the distance, zoning out.

Murder Drones: Interstellar Annihilation (Previously Insanity)Where stories live. Discover now