Uzi began shaking N.
Uzi: "..N..- Wake up-.. c'mon.."
N jolted awake.
S.D N: "..Whu- Who's.. who's the..- oh.. just.. just you- you scared me." He sighed, laughing a bit.
Uzi: "..Eh.. well.. sorry I guess..-" She sighed. "..Well I'm done adjusting the railgun, the recharge time should.. hopefully be a bit lower than before."
S.D N: "..Well.." He yawned. "..can we go meet your friends now..-?"
Uzi: "..Not until I show you something I've been working on for a while now.." She giggled. "..Let's go to my room."
N nodded, as the two walked over to her room, entering once they arrived.
Uzi: "..Just wait by my desk.." She began searching for something, rummaging through a box. "..Here we are." Uzi took out what looked like a dagger.
S.D N: "..Isn't that just a regular dagger?"
Uzi: "..It's more than that.. well.. in a way it is.. but watch when I do this." She pressed the button, the dagger lit up a bit, emitting a bright neon green.
S.D N: "..Woah..- A color changing dagger.. sick-"
Uzi: "..N.. It's not just that..-" She sighed. "..Just keep watching." She pressed another button, the dagger changed its shape and became a pistol of sorts.
S.D N: "..Wha..-? Does.. it work?"
Uzi: "..Yeah.. and This only takes like.. five seconds to recharge, plus I can fire multiple shots at a time.. pretty cool, I know." She smirked.
S.D N: "..What if the humans get past the railgun.. and the rail.. pistols.. if that's what they're called."
Uzi: "..I have this sword I made out of random parts I found, and if I'm being honest it's surprisingly strong.. In my free time I've been practicing with it.. I'd say I got pretty good.. plus if that goes to shit too, I have you so y'know."
S.D N: "..Yeah.. fair..-" He nodded. "..Well can we..?"
Uzi groaned.
Uzi: "..Yeah.. fine.. I'll introduce you to the ones that matter to be honest."
N nodded.
S.D N: "..Alright-!" Uzi put the railgun, and pistol away, and the two walked out of the room.
Uzi: "..Let's introduce you to Thad first."
S.D N: "..Sure." N smiled, clearly excited.
Thad was now in his room, playing some video games, when suddenly, Uzi knocked on his door. He put down the controller and walked over, opening it.
Thad: "..Oh-! Hey Uzi- and.." He paused for a moment. "Guy..?"
Uzi walked in, and turned back to N, gesturing for him to introduce himself.
S.D N: "..Oh.. right- I'm.. Serial Designation N-! But.. you can really just call me N-" He chuckled awkwardly.
Uzi: "..So yeah.. no need to brag or anything, but I got a cool genocidal robot as my best bud now.."
Thad inched closer to Uzi, and whispered.
Thad: "..Are.. you sure he's safe."
Uzi: "..Trust me, he wouldn't hurt a fly.."
Thad shrugged and nodded.
Thad: "..Fine.. fine I'll give him a chance.."
Uzi, Thad and N now walked over to the living room, sitting down.
Thad: "..Lizzy and Doll are.. coming over in a bit.. is it really alright to.. y'know.. have him here?" He gestured over to N.
Uzi: "Lizzy's a bitch anyway.. I wouldn't care."
Thad: "..Right..-"
S.D N: "..Are we going to meet more of your friends-?" He said, even more excited.
Uzi: "..Hopefully not.." She sighed.
Five minutes has passed, and suddenly there was a knock at the door, before the sound of it opening.
Lizzy: "..Heyy Thad.. sorry we're la..-" She stopped, noticing Uzi. "..Why is she here-" Lizzy now glanced over to N. "..And why.. why is he here-?!"
Thad: "..Relax.. relax he's good now.. I think..?"
Lizzy: "..What do you mean you think..-"
Uzi: "..If you don't calm down I'll tell him to get you."
Lizzy shot a glance over to Uzi, one of anger.
Lizzy: "..Fine..-" She groaned, sitting down next to Thad.
Doll: [RUS] "..Hey Thad.." She waved, trying to ignore N and Uzi.
Thad: "..Hey Doll."
The room descended into a awkward silence, Lizzy and Doll occasionally staring at N, then back to the floor.
Thad: "..So Lizzy.. I.. actually have an idea on what we can do.. maybe we can get.. you and Uzi to.. Like each other?
Lizzy and Uzi stared at Thad, surprised, and slightly annoyed.
Lizzy + Uzi: "..WHAT-?!"
Doll, Thad and N flinched at the shouting.
Lizzy: "..Hell No..-! She's weird..-!"
Uzi: "..At least I'm not a bitch-" The two continued to argue, N and Thad watching in surprise, as they all backed up into the same corner.
S.D N: "..I'm scared.."
Thad: "Me too..-"
Doll: [RUS] "..Pfft..- Pussies..-" She laughed.
Thad: "..Shut up Doll-"
Meanwhile on Earth, the Company has finally received the news of the incident on Copper 9 Involving the Drones. Mr. Jenson, along with two other figures, sat on a table, discussing on what to do next. Mr. Jenson, out of rage, suddenly slammed his fist onto the table, causing one of them to flinch.
Mr. Jenson: "..What the hell do you mean one of them rebelled..-?!" He looked over at one of them. "..Johnson.. explain..-"
Johnson: "..Well.. sir..-" He'd clear his throat. "..Don't.. forget that another one was captured.. and the squad leader destroyed.. she is currently being cloned as we speak.. we are currently investigating on the cause for all this."
Mr. Jenson sighed.
Mr. Jenson: "..How long will this cloning take..-?"
Johnson: "..Around.. three more hours."
Mr. Jenson: "..Alright.. here's what I want you to do.. Williams?
She looked over.
Williams: "..Yes.. sir?"
Mr. Jenson: "..I want you to send in three more drones, one of which being J, to Copper-9.. keep J as the squad leader."
Williams nodded, walking out of the room.
Johnson looked back at Mr. Jenson.
Johnson: "..And sir.. if this fails?"
Mr. Jenson: "..We send in another squad then..- I cannot risk our investors being disappointed.." He paused. "..Speaking of which, Johnson.. go and try to cover all of this up.. we won't let the media report on it.. alright?"
Johnson: "..Sure." He got up, leaving as well.
Jenson remained alone in the room now, he got up, and walked over to a window, lighting a cigar, while looking on into the distance.

Murder Drones: Interstellar Annihilation (Previously Insanity)
Ciencia FicciónA world where Cyn never killed Tessa, Earth Survives, and our favorite Genocidal Trio is up against the Company.. what will happen? I'm not fucking spoiling it.. god-