-Part 13-

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Thad slowly opened his eyes, still dazed off from the recent encounter. He looked around the room, his vision somewhat blurry. An oven, some buckets, and the oil splattered walls accompanied with drawings and posters is all Thad saw, or at least what he thought he saw. He looked to his left, spotting Khan, who was still unconscious, and to his right, Doll and Lizzy, being in the same state. He struggled a bit, realizing his was bounded to what seemed like a hospital bed of sorts. 

Thad: "W..where am I..-?" He mumbled. Once he said this, he heard the faint sound of footsteps, which grew louder every second. Eventually, the neon orange glow of what seemed to be a worker's visor took up Thad's vision, which began to focus. He eyed the figure, examining it, or rather, them. He noticed antlers, and a ID card of sorts hanging off one of the many protrusions. "..Alice..?" He muttered, confused and tired.

Alice: "..Mhm.. right on the nose!" She chuckled, jumping off the hospital bed. 

Thad: "Why.." He stuttered. "Why am I here?"

Alice: "Reasons!" She laughed. "..I just need something from you."

Thad: "..What  do you need then.."

Alice: "Your parts." She said, rather calmly.

Thad: "Excuse m-"

Alice: "..Hush now, let me focus." rummaged through a closest, pulling out an axe. "We rounded up a few drones before you, I'll deal with them first." She smirked, now crawling out of the room.

Thad groaned, as he began to struggle even more, to no avail. 

Lizzy: "..Eugh..-" She mumbled.

Thad: "..Lizzy-?" He said, relieved. "Can you hear me?"

Lizzy: "..Yeah..? Where are we?"

Thad: "I'll tell you later.. let's get out of these ropes first." He began pulling with extreme force. Around five minutes passed, before the ropes, which seemed to be slightly flimsy possibly due to their age, snapped. He silently stood up, and walked over to Lizzy, untying her ropes. "Let's get them awake.." 

Lizzy nodded in agreement, she moved over to untie Doll, and did so. Thad did the same with Khan. They powered the two on, and after around a minute, they were online

Doll: [RUS] "..What happened-?"

Khan: "..Yeah..-"

Thad: "No time. All you need to know is that we're kidnapped.. She's coming back later, we have to find our weapons, or anything really."

Khan: "Sure.. sure."

Lizzy walked over to a cupboard, and opened it, she took out an average sized knife. 

Lizzy: "Found this."

Doll moved and picked up three pipes, handing two of them to Khan and Thad.

Thad: "Alright.. great.." He sighed. "Now.. our plan i..-"

Thad was interrupted by the sound of scurrying, similar to a bug, however larger, and metallic. All four of them turned over, spotting what seemed to be a baby worker with some legs, but not regular ones.

Doll: [RUS] "Is that a baby-?"

The baby now scurried out of the room, which was later followed by footsteps, and later, Alice walking into the room.

Alice: "..My my.." She chuckled. "Good work Beau!" She patted his head. "Now, let us deal with them, eh?

Beau nodded, or rather attempted to. Alice now gripped her axe, and charged at Thad. Thad blocked, stumbling back as he did so. He was now face to face with Alice, her wide grin, and overall insane appearance becoming much clearer than his first encounter with her. Thad shoved her off, causing her to stumble as well, however she quickly collected herself. She now jumped onto the ceiling, crawling all over the place. Khan, noticing some spare parts on the floor, grabbed an arm, and with all his strength, pelted it at Alice, causing her to fall down. 

Murder Drones: Interstellar Annihilation (Previously Insanity)Where stories live. Discover now