The bullet remained suspended in the air, the yellow symbol still surrounding it. Soon, the bullet fell to the floor, the sound of hit colliding with concrete echoing through the large facility.
Uzi: "..The What?"
Mr. Jenson: "The solver." He repeated, smiling.
Uzi: "Who.. what..?"
Mr. Jenson: "I got an.." He thought for a moment. "..Ally if you will, capable of such a power, if that helps."
Tessa: "But what kind of creature is capable of such a thing-?"
Mr. Jenson: "She is by no means alive, Ms. Elliot."
S.D N: "Then what is she."
J continued to squirm if V's grasp.
Mr. Jenson: "Why don't you see for yourself." He smiled, stepping away from his desk. A hole appeared in the ceiling, something emerging from it, a bright yellow light shining from the hole. The entity emerged, white hair, a maids outfit, yellow visor eyes, and it's head to the side. It appeared to be a worker model.
Tessa: "Is that..?"
S.D N: ""
S.D V: "Holy shit..-" She muttered.
Uzi: "What? What's going on?"
S.D N: "Cyn-?" He said, his voice shaky.
Cyn: "Hello, big brother. Smile."
S.D N: "Wh..what..- Where were you all these years-?"
Cyn: "Locked away, big brother N.. locked away in that room.. But now, I am free. Giggle."
Tessa: "N.. don't.. don't approach her."
S.D N: "Why..?"
Tessa: "Don't you remember that day..?"
S.D N: "What da.. oh.. right..-" He stepped back a little.
Mr. Jenson: "Cyn, would you show them the door? I have to make an exit."
Cyn: "Of course, sir. Nod."
Mr. Jenson: "Well then, P?"
S.D P: "Yes sir?"
Mr. Jenson: "Let's go.."
P nodded, the two walking to the door.
S.D J: "WAIT-!"
Mr. Jenson: "Hm..?" He said, halting directly in front of the door.
S.D J: "What about me?! You can't just leave me here!" She declared in a panic.
Mr. Jenson: "..You're defective, J.. We do not have room for defective models." He left the room, P following behind him.
J stared in silence, and disbelief.
Cyn: "Now." Cyn began. "Let us play hide and seek.. laugh. Ten.. nine.." She began counting down.
Uzi: "LET'S GO-!" She immediately ran out of the room, V, N and Tessa following her. They scattered around the building, effectively splitting up in the process. N ran down a couple of stairs, swinging a door open, shutting it behind him. He was panting heavily, terrified of the outcomes that could occur. Really anything could happen, most bad, a few good. Maybe she was joking, he thought, however quickly dismissed the idea deeming it unlikely. He now heard footsteps outside the door, and hid behind a crate.
Cyn: "Oh big brother.. Grin. I can hear you."
N stopped all sound from escaping his body as the door got kicked down. Cyn entered, crawling on all fours, searching for N. She searched every crevasse, every corner, before eventually reaching the crate N hid behind. He held his breath, praying to whatever God was up there.
Cyn: "He isn't here.." She grumbled, now turning, and leaving the room.
N breathed out a sigh of relief. Cyn grinned, a claw grabbing him, and bringing him over to her.
Cyn: "Silly big brother, did you think you could hide? Amused face."
N began hyperventilating, coming face to face with her. She looked the same, yet was different. She wasn't his sister, no, no, no she was something different. She was evil, not cute, she was murderous, not kind, this wasn't who he once knew all those years ago.
Cyn: "What is the matter, N? Head tilt. You're little sister is back."
S.D N: "" He mumbled.
Cyn: "Hm?"
S.D N: "You aren't my sister..-" Digital tears formed on his eyes.
Cyn frowned.
Cyn: "Don't be silly N.. angry face. I am your sister."
S.D N: "NO YOU ARE NOT-!" He exclaimed emotionally, the tears flowing rapidly. "YOU ARE NOT MY SISTER!"
Cyn: "...Cry." Tears formed in her eyes.
Something snapped in his mind, he stared at her.
S.D N: "No.. no don't cry-"
Cyn: "You.. hurt my feelings N.. boohoo.." She sniffled.
S.D N: "I'M SORRY!" He sobbed. "Give me a hug-" He opened his arms.
Cyn: "R..really..?" She wiped a tear.
S.D N: "YES!" His smile grew, something was not right with him.
Cyn hugged him.
S.D N: "I missed you, Cyn."
Cyn: "I missed you too, big brother. Smirk." She then raised her claw, and threw him against a wall. "However, not enough. Betrayal."
S.D N: "W..what?"
Cyn: "Do not let emotions control you N, nostalgia and hope are wonderous weapons. Now come, if you truly want to spend time with your little sister.. take my hand."
N stared at her, deep into her bright yellow eyes. He remembered, he remembered everything. He remembered their tea parties, remembered when they played together. He remembered when he read her stories, every night before bed. He remembered playing with her when Tessa wasn't home. He was hypnotized because of what he remembered, he was so desperate for the past to return to his clutches that he did not focus on the present, nor his future. hesitantly, he reached his hand out, desperate to aid his little sister, desperate to feel what he felt all those years ago, a feeling that he thought to be impossible to feel again. The feeling of family, and acceptance. Uzi indeed did accept him, however it was something about Cyn that drove him further into happiness, something that drove him further to what he thought to be a better future for himself, and others. His hand froze in the air, and eventually, in a graceful fashion landed on Cyn's palm.
[Part 2 will just be the next part.. I honestly didn't want to ruin the ending!]

Murder Drones: Interstellar Annihilation (Previously Insanity)
Fiksi IlmiahA world where Cyn never killed Tessa, Earth Survives, and our favorite Genocidal Trio is up against the Company.. what will happen? I'm not fucking spoiling it.. god-