-Part 5-

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The loud humming of welding could be heard far from the pod, as sparks danced throughout the air. Uzi had been at work for what nearly felt like a day, every second feeling as if it was an hour, she usually enjoyed engineering, however for some reason found this boring. She sighed, climbing down ladder, setting the welding kit down, and lifting up her mask.

Uzi: "..N.. did you and V get more metal-?"

N approached Uzi, nodding, setting down at least ten pieces of metal, in varying sizes.

S.D N: "..Yup-! You won't believe how much there are just lying around-"

V approached, setting down five pieces.

S.D V: "..That's what happens when a large explosion occurs, I guess." She sighed, wiping some snow off of her shoulder.

S.D N: "..Well.. how's J holding up?" He looked over at V.

S.D V: "..She's.. fine.. I suppose.. I mean I don't expect her to change.. but it's always worth a shot."

Uzi: "..I still don't completely agree with her joining us.." Uzi grumbled, visibly irritated.

S.D V: "..I know.. when I told you yesterday I almost didn't hear the end of it.. fuck you talk a lot."

Uzi: "..Just.. let me continue working.." Uzi picked up a piece of metal, as well as the welding kit, taking them over to the side of the pod, continuing to work. V glanced at N.

S.D V: "..How do you deal with her for a whole day-?"

S.D N: "..C'mon V.. she isn't that bad.. just imagine how I felt dealing with J."

S.D V: "..I thought you.. were fine with it."

S.D N: "..Suppressing emotions V, suppressing emotions."

S.D V: "..Alright.. then..-" She cleared her throat. "..So.. how long do you think this thing will take until we can.. y'know.. leave."

S.D N: "..Well.. Uzi said we aren't leaving directly.. she wants to just introduce you to the other workers once this thing is done, and try and get you guys.. to like each other. Plus, she needs to clear out her room too."

S.D V: "..Meh.. fine..-" She groaned, but then paused. "..What.. will we do once the company sends in more drones?"

S.D N: "..That's why she's working so fast.."

S.D V: "..Makes.. sense."

Uzi returned without the welding kit, and her mask up.

Uzi: "..That's enough for today..-" She sighed, stretching a bit. N and V turned over to her.

S.D N: "..You should really.. work a bit less, you've already spent like.. what.. four hours on this today-?"

Uzi: "..I'm on a schedule N.. I can't afford wasting time."

N sighed, but nodded.

S.D N: "..If you say so."

S.D V: "..Well.. what're we going to do now-?"

Uzi: "..No idea, to be honest.." She thought for a moment. "..Wanna just.. head back to the colony.. y'know.. introduce V and all that."

S.D N: "..I thought you'd do that once you finished the pod."

Uzi: "..Yeah but I said.. fuck it let's just get it over with."

S.D N: "..Okay then..-" He turned over to V. "..When we're there, I don't want you to kill anyone, alright-?"

S.D V: "..Yeah.. yeah.. I've had some oil already, I'm good."

Uzi: "..Well it's almost day time, so let's just get going."

Murder Drones: Interstellar Annihilation (Previously Insanity)Where stories live. Discover now