-Part 35-

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Uzi stared at Cyn, slowly standing up, N and Tessa doing the same. The trio now slowly approached her, however keeping their distance. Cyn's head snapped over to N, then to Tessa, then finally back to Uzi, a smirk slowly growing.

Cyn: "My my.. Smirk. Your spirit is truly unstoppable, eh?" She moved over to them, and in response, they moved back slightly. "Forgive me for this improper introduction, Uzi." The symbols of the solver now appeared on N and Tessa, who were then thrown away, however not killed, into a wall.

Uzi: "What the he-"

Cyn: "Shh..-" She walked over to Uzi, placing her finger on her mouth. "I haven't finished talking."

Uzi tried frantically to move, however for some odd reason, she couldn't.

Cyn: "That won't work, do not tire yourself out."

Uzi: "..What do you want from me?"

Cyn: "I could ask you the same thing."

Uzi: "I want you to let her go-"

Cyn: "V?"

Uzi nodded.

Cyn: "I'm afraid I cannot do that, she is a great asset to have in my possession."

N slowly stood up, his legs wobbling a bit due to the impact.

S.D N: "Hey Tess, you alright-?"

Tessa nodded, rubbing the back of her head.

Tessa: "Yeah, I'm fine.. Hold on.." She squinted her eyes. "Wasn't J there a second ago-?" She whispered over.

Cyn: "She was, yes.. I'm surprised you took that long to realize.. giggle." She smiled. "You know, maybe J is better off with me, besides, her so called 'friend' did not notice her absence until now, quite pathetic, is it not?"

Tessa: "How did.."

Cyn: "I hear a lot of things Tessa, including your thoughts and your heart, they are truly always in conflict, always paranoid, and always afraid. If only you were a drone, then the advantage I could have over you would be great." She now set her focus onto N. "And N, oh brother.. I see they have broken the bonds of nostalgia and past I tied you up in, eh? A shame, really." She now looked back at Uzi. "Now, what shall I do with you?"

Uzi didn't say a word.

Cyn: "..Well, I have been bored recently, extremely bored. This is my first time getting out of that damn prison." Her eyes lit up. "Oh, I know! Let's fight-!"

Uzi: "..Wha-"

Cyn: "..Well you've come this far, have you not? Head tilt. I assume you want a brawl."

Uzi: "Why do you.."

Cyn: "Well I can't control the planet if I have you here, can I?"

Uzi: "Well, no-"

Cyn: "Splendid." Cyn made it so that Uzi could move. "I'll let you have the first shot."

While the two were talking, N crawled over to V.

S.D N: "How can we get you out of this.." He whispered as quietly as he could.

S.D V: "I.. I dunno- Shoot her, maybe-?"

He turned over to Tessa, who was, by now, hiding behind a crate. The text 'Shoot Cyn' appeared on his visor, Tessa nodding in response to it. She grasped her revolver and aimed it at Cyn, firing a shot that successfully struck her head's metallic frame. V could now move her body.

S.D V: "That actually worked-"

Cyn: "I am not amused.." She shook her head. "I hate when someone plays dirty.. it ruins the fun for everyone.. giggle. J, sick 'em."

Murder Drones: Interstellar Annihilation (Previously Insanity)Where stories live. Discover now