-Part 32-

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Uzi and Tessa continued to walk through the facility, taking care to check each and every corner, and or door for anyone, or anything. They heard faint talking in the distance, prompting them to dive behind a crate, ceasing all movements and sounds, Tessa's breath growing soft. The voices seemed familiar, they thought, however did not decide to take any chances, and now formulated a plan to get out of there. Uzi took notice to a vent on their left. She nudged Tessa.

Tessa: "What..?" She turned over to Uzi, whispering.

Uzi pointed at the vent, Tessa nodding. Uzi moved over to the vent and quietly dismantled the cover, entering the ventilation systems, the two crawling through them.

Tessa: "Where will we be going?"

Uzi: "Somewhere safe, hopefully.."

Tessa: "This building isn't the epitome of safe, y'know that right?" She chuckled a bit.

Uzi: "You know what I mean.." Uzi replied, grumbling slightly. "Now c'mon, no time for jokes, we got what seems to be a robot with powers to deal with."

Tessa: "Hey, Uzi?"

Uzi: "Yeah?" She asked, still crawling.

Tessa: "I.. I'll tell you after we're out of these vents."

Uzi: "Sure, sure.." She paused. "I have a question to ask you too."

Tessa nodded, the two continuing to crawl through the shaft.

Meanwhile, J and V walked through a hallway, conversing as they did so. Each step they took was of quiet, as to not be heard by the devilish entity that was within the facility. J looked at V.

S.D J: "N really did that?"

S.D V: "Hehe.. yeah.." She chuckled. "He can be strange and confused sometimes, but hey, his heart is in the right place."

S.D J: "I guess.." She paused. "To be honest I never liked the guy."

S.D V: "Yeah he can be a bit much sometimes.." Her eyes perked up. "Y'know this reminds me of the old days."

S.D J: "What does?"

S.D V: "Us talking casually, instead of fighting."

S.D J: "Yeah.. you're right to be honest. But we're still in a way enemies."

S.D V: "Yeah.." V looked to her left. "That vent covers off, seem suspicious?"

S.D J: "Nah I know how the cleaning crew can be in this sector, they're pretty lazy."

S.D V: "Really? For a building like this?"

S.D J: "Mr. Jenson usually just directs all the professionals to clean his office, or any room he wants for that matter."

S.D V: "I see.. well alright."

At the time, Uzi and Tessa by now have already exited the vents, now crouched behind some cover.

Uzi: "So.." She began, making sure the coast was clear one more time. "What's the plan, eh?"

Tessa remained silent.

Uzi: "You alright?"

Tessa: "Just.. uh.." She hesitated. "Just figuring out how to explain something to you, it's pretty complicated."

Uzi: "Well just try your best."

Tessa: " 'Right well, I have a history with Cyn."

Uzi: "Cyn's that magical robot thing right? Keep forgetting to be honest."

Tessa nodded.

Tessa: "Surprised N never told you." She sighed, shaking her head. "I always try to forget about that day, it just.. always comes back  to me."

Uzi: "What day-? C'mooon tell me!" She smirked, now fully facing Tessa.

Tessa: "Y'know how N, V and J were my like, friends?"

Uzi: "Yeaah..?"

Tessa: "She was one of them too, though she was quite odd, if I'm being honest. She was almost defective, damaged even. Her neck couldn't support her head, her voice was basically just text to speech, and she always said her actions out loud."

Uzi: "Yeah, I noticed. It's so fucking annoying-"

Tessa: "Agreed." Tessa continued. "Then there was the day.. Cyn got out of control during this Gala we had. She ended up killing some people there, including my parents. Me and Mr. Frumptlebucket were the only survivors. He moved to the states after that whole affair."

Uzi: "I'm sorry to hear that, how were your parents before the.. incident."

Tessa: "Y'know, they were horrible parents. They chained me up, made me punish Cyn and the others, it was horrible. And yet, they're still my parents, I still felt horrible when they died.. even though they hated me."

Uzi: "I see.. well, we can finally put a stop to her, eh?"

Tessa: "Yeah, I guess we will." Tessa smiled. "Hey, Uzi?"

Uzi: "Yeah?"

Tessa: "Thanks for listening, I appreciate it."

Uzi: "It's no problem, really. Now let's just think of a plan."

Tessa: "Sure."

J and V continued to walk and talk, seemingly too deep in the well of nostalgia, talking about the days at the mansion, and before they met Uzi.

S.D J: "So, once we find Cyn, what will we do?"

S.D V: "She can't possibly stop hundreds of bullets at once. We just give her hell!"

S.D J: "You haven't changed a bit since the day we landed on Copper - 9, y'know that?"

S.D V: "I don't intend to change." She smirked.

J chuckled a bit.

S.D J: "Hey now, don't get too friendly, we're still.." She hesitated. "Enemies.."

V noticed this.

S.D V: "Are you oka-"

S.D J: "What the hell is that-?" She pointed in front of them.

V turned her head over to the end of the hallway, which itself was covered in a fog.

S.D V: "Fog, in here?"

S.D J: "Keep your guard up."

A symbol flashed faintly in the foggy hallway, It is color yellow, it's aura suspicious, and somewhat malicious. The symbol got smaller, as if it were backing up, until it eventually went up some stairs.

S.D J: "Follow it?"

S.D V: "Follow it."

The two disassembly drones began following the symbol, up the stairs, through some hallways, and up the stairs again.

S.D V: "These hallways seem familiar to you?"

S.D J: "I can barely see, but yeah, somewhat."

They went up one final flight of stairs, before entering a room through a familiar door.

S.D J: "What the hell..?"

They were back in Mr. Jenson's room, however, this time, something was different.

S.D V: "Was that door always there?" She pointed over to a newly opened hatch.

S.D J: "No..? I don't think so at least."

S.D V: "C'mon, let's go."

They entered the hatch, now going through one final hallway, blown off security doors on the floor, crumbled and destroyed. They ran through the narrow, yet long space as fast as they could, eventually reaching its end. They now walked into a large room, with a large structure in the middle of it, the symbol near it.

Meanwhile, Uzi and Tessa got up, dusting themselves off. Uzi clutched her railgun.

Uzi: "Be ready, anything could happen."

Tessa nodded, and took her sword out, keeping it close to her. They heard heavy metallic footsteps. From the fog, emerged a disassembly drone, a solver symbol on their visor, and a cap on.

Tessa: "Is that..?"

Uzi: "N-?" Uzi gasped, almost dropping her railgun.

Murder Drones: Interstellar Annihilation (Previously Insanity)Where stories live. Discover now