-Part 17-

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Uzi slowly opened her eyes, and glanced over to N, who was currently operating the ship. She stretched and yawned, which caught the attention of N. 

S.D N: "Morning Uzi!" He called out, still looking at the screen. "Is V still asleep?"

Uzi: "Morning N.. and yeah, she is." She walked over, leaning on the chair he sat on. "So how's everything going?"

S.D N: "Great!" He smiled. "We've had a smooth journey so far, no real problems, we're currently above Copper -7."

Uzi: "That's good.. well, what do you want to do now?"

S.D N: "Dunno, it's supposed to be V's shift now.. can you wake her up?"

Uzi nodded and walked over to V, and pretty much just slapped, she jolted awake.


Uzi: "Get up, it's your turn."

V groaned.

S.D V: "Fine.. fine." She got up. "Move over N.." She said, clearly tired.

N nodded and got up, V sitting down in his place. Uzi and N now sat down together.

S.D N: "Soo.. what now?"

Uzi: "Don't know, wanna just talk?"

S.D N: "Sure-! About what though?"

Uzi thought for a moment.

Uzi: "Well how about your past?"

S.D N: "Like, the mansion?"

Uzi: "Yeah." She nodded.

S.D N: "Ah well.. it was pretty weird. I mean, J hasn't changed a bit since then, still a bully and all.. but V.. wow did she change-" He snickered a bit. "She was shy as hell, she couldn't even keep a straight face talking to me!"

Uzi burst out laughing.

S.D V: "N SHUT UP-" She interrupted N, clearly embarrassed.

S.D N: "Well to be fair, I couldn't either but.. y'know.. oh and Tessa! I've told you all about her."

Uzi: "Your creator, right?"

S.D N: "Not really.. she just found us, and fixed us up really.." N thought for a moment, and hesitated. "Y'know, there was this gap of sorts in my memory."

Uzi: "What do you mean?"

S.D N: "I don't know." He shook his head. "It's just confusing, it's like that certain day was wiped off my memory."

Uzi shrugged.

Uzi: "It should be alright."

S.D N: "I guess you're right." He looked over at V. "Do you remember?

S.D V: "Remember what?"

S.D N: "What happened the day the Gala happened."

S.D V: "Well of course I-" She paused. "Actually, no..? I've never really thought of it."

S.D N: "Strange.." He sighed.

Uzi: "Well then N.. anything else?"

S.D N: "Ah well.. it's pretty blurry to be honest, I only know the little things."

Uzi: "Well, go on, tell me!"

S.D N: "Alright!" He smiled. They talked to each other for at least an hour, V chiming N occasionally, however she mainly focused on the panel. 

S.D V: "What the hell..?" V mumbled.

Uzi: "What's up?"

S.D V: "Something.. big is approaching us."

S.D N: "What do you mean-?" He got up, walking over and looking at the radar. "Holy..-"

S.D V: "It's getting close, real close." She sounded worried. 

Suddenly, the pod was struck with something, causing it to rock a bit. 

Uzi: "What was-"

S.D V: "Shit.. shit-! It hit one of the thrusters!"

The ship rocked again, the alarm began to blare.

S.D V: "We're loosing stability-! N.. go check what's going on, quickly-"

N nodded and climbed up a ladder, he opened a hatch, revealing some windows, he looked through them. He froze at the sight.

Uzi: "What's wrong-?" 

In front of N was another spaceship, however this one was large, fitted with cannons, and overall terrifying. It fired another shot at the ship, causing N to fall down and slam into the floor.

Uzi: "What did you see?" The alarms will still blaring. 

S.D N: "A.. a big.. big spaceship-"

Uzi tilted her head and ran over to the ladder, climbing up to the windows.

Uzi: "Holy..- V get us out of here-!" She quickly climbed back down.

S.D V: "Got it." She nodded, trying to turn the ship, was shot at again. "We lost the other thruster-!"

Suddenly, the pod was hit by a barrage of projectiles, around ten. The ship stopped moving, and due to the fact it was in Copper -7's orbit, began to descend into the planet. Uzi hugged N in pure fear.

Uzi: "Are we going to die-?"

N shook his head.

S.D N: "I don't know-"

S.D V: "Stay strong.. and brace for impact!"

The pod began heating up, now reaching the planet's atmosphere as it began to descend faster than before, at insane speeds. Eventually, the pod slammed into the ground, and soon, everything went dark.

Murder Drones: Interstellar Annihilation (Previously Insanity)Where stories live. Discover now