Human and drone employees of JcJenson dotted the area, scattered through every alley, and crevice of the inner hall of the headquarters. By now, J had gone, and left V, N, Uzi, and Tessa alone, to fend for themselves. To their right was a laboratory, and to their left a small car and a road. The HQ was huge, spanning what seemed to be miles, across the snowy wasteland of the Antarctic. The four looked at eachother weighing their options.
S.D N: "..The car..?" He said, confused.
Uzi: "Yeah yeah, the car-" Uzi replied, slightly panicked.
They now made a break for the car, as security began to emerge and push the employees aside, chasing them down. They all leaped into the car, Tessa in the drivers seat. in a panic, she rummaged through her pocket, and took out a key, starting it.
S.D V: "Where did..?"
Tessa: "Public vehicle." She said in a hurry. "I have authorization." Tessa now slammed the gas peddle down and drove the car down the road. Soon after their departure, they began to get chased by a number of security vehicles, N taking notice to this first.
S.D N: "G..GUYS-" He said, frightened. "THEY'RE COMING-!"
Uzi:" N.. just.. uh..-" She panicked. "GET ON THE ROOF AND BLOW THEM UP OR SOMETHING-!"
S.D V: "Ooooh! Can I help?" V asked excitedly.
Uzi: "YES.. YES!"
V and N nodded, now ripping a hole in the roof of the car and climbing through it. They held on, struggling a bit, but managed to stabilize themselves. N switched his hand over to a missile launcher, V doing the same, as they then began to fire the missiles at the security vehicles whilst being shot. The missiles struck the vehicles, blowing them off the road, as well as in some cases, burying them under rubble, as they crashed, toppled, and split in half. A shot from one of the security guards' RPGs collided with the wheel of the car they were in, causing Tessa to crash into a building. They quickly exited the car, making a run for it.
S.D V: "Where are we now-?"
Tessa: "Technology department.."
S.D N: "Just lead the way-!" He shouted over.
Tessa:" You don't need to shout.." She rolled her eyes, sighing. "Come on."
They ran through hallway after hallway, still being chased by some guards, before they eventually lost them, now entering a room, and slamming the door behind them.
Uzi: "Alright.. alright, what now..?" She panted.
S.D N: "Let's just..-"
P cleared her throat.
S.D P: "What the hell are you doing in here-?" She said, slightly irritated.
Tessa: "Fuck..-" Tessa mumbled.
S.D P: "Hold on aren't you..-"
Uzi aimed her railgun at P, while V and N held her down, Tessa watched.
Uzi: "One movement.. and I'll do it." She said, with authority.
P nodded.
S.D P: "..What do you want from me..-?"
Tessa: "Where is Jenson right now?"
S.D P: "I can't..-" She sighed, now glancing at V and N. "His office, at the main building.." She said, hope disappearing from her once energetic voice.
Uzi "And what's the quickest way out of here, without being spotted."
S.D N: "Can't we just destroy the wall?"
S.D V: "N you're honestly an idiot.."
S.D N: "How- Oh right they'll hear us.."
Uzi:"..Let's just do it.. the alarm's loud as hell anyway."
S.D V: "Alright." V shrugged, sending a punch at the wall, crumbling it instantly. "Wall was weak as hell..-"
S.D P: "..What are you going to do to me..?" She was clearly frightened and worried.
Tessa: "You're going to help us.. alright?"
P nodded reluctantly.
Tessa: "Great.."
Suddenly, P stabbed N with her tail, and threw V off of her, now running over to a desk and pressing a button. N stumbled into Tessa, and the two fell through a trap door. V and Uzi quickly apprehended P, pinning her to the desk.
Uzi: "Where the hell are they-?"
S.D P: "Why should I tell..-"
V ripped off her tail, causing P to scream in pure anguish.
S.D P: "F..FINE! THEY'RE JUST IN A STORAGE ROOM UNDER US-!" She cried out in pain.
S.D V: "What's in it.."
S.D P: "Nothing, it's abandoned.." She sobbed.
Down in the storage room, N and Tessa sat up, groaning.
Tessa: "Shit.. where are we..?" She mumbled, a bit dazed.
N looked up, spotting some light.
S.D N: "I'm low on oil.. I can't open my wings.."
Tessa: "I.. have some."
S.D N: "Great, give it to me-"
Tessa: "Can we just.. talk."
S.D N: "About what..?"
Tessa: "I want to admit something.." She sighed, rubbing her forehead. "I.." She hesitated. "I was going to betray you earlier, it was this whole plan me and J had but.. I don't want to do that anymore.."
S.D N: "I..I'm glad, but why..?"
Tessa: "I wasn't being myself N.. I'm not like this I'm not a murderer I'm not a bad person I just panicked- I just always saw JcJenson as this company that benefited humanity but I was.. well I was scared to go against them, to be honest." She teared up a bit.
S.D N: "He..hey don't cry..-"
Tessa: "I'm.. I'm so sorry.."
N pulled her into a hug, wrapping his arms around his back. She stopped crying, simply laying there with him, she felt at peace.
S.D N: "Now c'mon, hand me the oil."
Tessa wiped the tears away and nodded, rummaging through her pocket, and handing N a can of oil. He now drank it, getting up and stretching. He picked Tessa up and opened his wings, flying over to the light, and eventually, getting out of the room.
Uzi: "There you two are..-" She said, relief washing over her.
S.D V: "How'd you get out-?"
S.D N: "The trapdoor never closed.."
V picked up P, carrying her on her shoulder.
S.D V: "Let's just., get out of here."
They all ran out, now on a large, vast green field, a tall, humongous building in sight, still somewhat far away.
Tessa: "That should be it-"
???: "Halt." A voice called out.
They all turned around.
S.D P: "YES- Z! HELP ME-" She cried out.
Z landed with two other drones behind her, now staring at the trio, staying perfectly still.

Murder Drones: Interstellar Annihilation (Previously Insanity)
Science FictionA world where Cyn never killed Tessa, Earth Survives, and our favorite Genocidal Trio is up against the Company.. what will happen? I'm not fucking spoiling it.. god-