9 - Reasons That Scare Us Both

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(Song recommendation: None.)

Link sat with his legs folded over one another on Vulture's bed, completely naked. He was ashamed of himself and didn't want to look at his disgusting body. His dead skin, his dull eyes, his "gay" hair, his tiny mouth, his death-screaming pupils, his oddly-shaped ears, each and every imperfection he could find hiding under his arms and legs. As he brushed his fingertips over the sole of his foot, the front door flung open. Link anxiously straightened himself up and held his hands in his lap. He had his back turned to the door and his head was aligned with the tall bed frame.

He trembled ever so slightly when the bedroom door flung open. A quiet chuckle enacted from the frame and the door closed again. Slow footsteps over the floor and the soft sound of creased clothes falling to the ground pierced the silence and Link found it ever so calming for such a short amount of time. "... What a surprise to see you obeying my orders properly for once..." Vulture whispered as his breath tickled and warmed the skin of Link's ear. Link simply nodded his head, swallowing the lump in his throat anxiously. "... What do you want me to do to you... Rookie...?" Vulture asked softly, pressing a cold hand to the back of his apprentice's neck.

Link shook his head, tears in his eyes. "... I-I want you to leave me alone."

"That isn't your decision to make." Vulture muttered, pulling off his belt and tossing it aside. His jeans dropped to the floor as he pushed Link down onto the large bed and lay him on his stomach. He watched with some form of sympathy and cold fingertips. "Look, if you want to go back to your own room then fine but just for today." He murmured with a sigh and crossed his arms. He bent down on the ground to take his lighter and box of cigarettes from his jeans.

Link, already embarrassed and stabbed from the inside out by his anxiety, sat up and turned to Vulture. One arm crossed over his pelvis to hide his genitals whilst his other hand was pulling at his hair. "... It's a surprise to see you taking me into account... But I should be grateful that you're giving me clothes, food and a place to stay."

"I'm trying to be fucking reasonable here and you're pushing me away."

"I wouldn't imagine you to be the reasonable type..."

Within seconds, Link was face to face with the devil. Chest to chest and lips mere inches apart, Vulture hovered above his supposed "Rookie" with a scowl ruining his grin. "I'm giving you a fuckin' chance here, Rookie... Don't take it and I'll do something that you don't want."

"... A-Are you scared?" Link questioned softly, a quiet paleness drowning his skin tone. "... What the fuck makes you think that...? I'm not a sorry-ass piece of shit like you." "... Y-You're scared." Vulture was not going to admit to anything that this kid was telling him but knew that this kid was more terrified than he'd ever been. "... Are you looking for an early death?" He snarled, his hand crawling up to Link's neck to wrap it with a throat-choking grip. Link nodded nervously, his fingertips gliding over his skin and leading up to his neck to rest on Vulture's hand. He continued nodding every so often until the taller male pulled his hand away. As his fingers ran from the harsh grip, Link pushed himself up to take hold of Vulture's hand and intertwine them. "... Link, stop it." Vulture stood up with a groan and pulled his hand away painfully.

"I-I just want to help..."

"... How... H-How do you want to help me? Holding my hand, telling me that I'm scared, throwing my generosity out of the window and agreeing to a death that I'm willing to give you does not help me... I have been smoking and drinking from the parts of my life that I can actually remember and sometimes... Sometimes you realise not everything is as it seems... And nobody actually wants to help you... They just want what's in your pants and the contents of your bank account." Vulture mumbled, turning away from Link to walk up and down the room with a hand pressed to his head.

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