18 - Tugging On The Table Corners

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(Song Recommendation: None.)

Link's body was pulled out of slumber and his ears were infused with the sounds of blue tits chirping outside the window and Vulture's quiet snores, muffled by the crease-kissed pillows. He watched Vulture for a short while, admiring the way he cuddled his pillow and nuzzled his head into the white warmth. "... Good morning." He whispered and leant down to kiss his nose.

Vulture's lips curled into a smirk and his eyes fluttered open daintily. "Morning."

"... I-I didn't realise you were awake." "Oh no, did I scare you?" He sat up calmly and laughed a little, stretching out his tattooed arms with a tired yawn. "No... I'm not scared of much anyway-" Link was cut off when Vulture grabbed his weak wrists and pinned him down to the mattress. "... You should be scared of me." "If I was scared of you then I wouldn't have done those things with you yesterday... Speaking of which, you have to sort out those girls today."

"Yeah, guess you're right... A-And I completely forget about that... Are you going to come with me?"

"... I-I would but that whole thing of you letting loose... I-It really kicked in."

"Yeah, figured something would come up... You might feel a little sleepy today but the action may also have lowered your blood pressure... But that was an article for women, nobody makes articles for men..." Vulture sighed with a shake of his head. "... Do you want me to get you any medication?"

"... I'll be fine. How long do you plan to be out for today...?" "Maybe a few hours? I need to get you a phone so I can text you whilst I'm out..." "... I-I... I-I've never had a phone before..."

Vulture sighed. "You'll get used to it. They're simple... I'm going to go and make something." He stood up and strolled out of the room wearing only his tight black underwear.

When a crackling sound enacted from the other room, along with the wonderful smell of a certain meat, Link decided to pull himself out of bed. He took the silk blanket that lay over the duvet to mask his nudity before he exited the room to trail off into the kitchen. "You really should be lying down..." Vulture mumbled when Link wrapped his arms around his waist. "... I like smelling the food you cook."

"Don't you prefer eating it?" The taller male chuckled as he flipped something in a frying pan and it began to sizzle again in the oil. "... What's that?" Link asked as he peered over Vulture's shoulder. "... You haven't seen bacon before?" "Oh, it's bacon...? I thought it was something else... I've never had bacon but when I was in Skinned Rabbit, I sometimes got to share a cut of beef jerky with a friend."

"I can't believe they treat their acquaintances like that... It's disgusting behaviour... I may live in a casino penthouse, far away from some of my gang colleagues but I don't bitch about them behind their back. We're spread out through New York and the rest of America and we don't plan on stopping." Vulture explained, taking the bacon out of the pan to slap it onto a plate

"Like a disease...?" "Yeah, if you want to describe it that way."

The two of them both giggled and laughed a little before Vulture continued cooking a variety of different foods in different pots and pans. "How do you normally have your eggs?" He asked as he tossed an egg into a pot of boiling water. "... I-I haven't had eggs before... Not by themselves anyway... W-Wait, no. I once had a boiled egg."

"You're just making me sad, Link... I can't believe a gang would treat you like that... You seemed like such a close gang too... Like a family... Do you want a boiled egg?"

"... D-Don't be sad... I-I'm here now anyway... A-And the last time I had one, it tasted really bad..."

"Probably because you were in the sewers. I'll boil one and then fry another and you can try both." "You really are treating me as if I was your own brother..." "Brothers don't screw each other." Vulture pointed out with a snigger. "You know I didn't mean it like that, you asshat..." Link secretively stole a wad of bacon to place into his mouth.

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