13 - Skin-Tight Smile

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(MILD/FRUITY NSFW CONTENT. Read at your own risk.)

(Song Recommendation: None.)

"How does it feel then?" Vulture asked with a smirk, tapping his finger on the buckle of his belt. "... I-It's okay, I guess." Link mumbled, pulling at his tight shirt collar. "You hate it." The darker-haired male stated with a grunt trembling under his breath as he crossed his arms. "W-What?! N-No! I-It's not that-!" "Y'know, I can return it to the store and just get you another. Maybe something more lightweight and loose?" "B-But-" Link sighed, not wanting to protest against Vulture's offers any longer. "Fine..."

"You need one for tonight anyway. Tonight is a big night." Vulture nudged Link's shoulder and turned the large wardrobe of suits he had picked out to remove one of the many suits he had bought (for himself, it was still beyond Link why he needed that many and he also knew it would be a bitch trying to get them all back to the penthouse.)

(Suit Reference Image:)

(Suit Reference Image:)

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"... W-Why? Y-You're making me nervous..." Link pulled off his uncomfortable blazer carelessly with a shaky sigh. "Tonight in the casino, there's something called a Crowner taking place. It's a game that most of the rich men play although you'll see women playing too." Vulture chuckled. "A-And how do you play it...?" Link's voice was quiet and he was extremely nervous about what words were yet to slip from the lips of the gang leader.

"Men place their girlfriends, fiances and wives into a bet. They can also place young pretty boys like you into the game... People like you are normally more expensive... They're rare and ever so hard to find..." "W-What?!"

"Calm down, Rookie. Three pictures of you will be shown to all of the Crowner players. There will be bids and the highest bid will win the boy or girl but here's the catch... You may pay that money for your prize but everyone who took a bid will lose their money and pay that money to you. It's quite fun... Although I've lost several girls playing the game."

"V-Vulture, you can't just sell me! I-I can't go with some random guy! Y-You were the one who wanted to take my virginity in the first place! What if they do instead?!" Link shouted, random words sliding off his tongue like the sweat that rolled down his forehead like a teardrop. Within seconds, there was regret bleeding from his open wounds.

Vulture smirked.

"So you considered giving it to me? Your virginity?" "I'd use the term 'consider' sparingly..." Link gulped, pulling off his tie and throwing it down onto the floor next to his crumpled blazer.

"... Alright, Rookie... Here's a deal for you." Vulture snapped his fingers with a grin on his face. "If I don't win you, I'll let some ruthless man rape you... Because they aren't as kind as me when it comes to kids like you..." His voice sunk down into a whisper as he spoke to Link, holding him by his chin. "And if you do win me...?" Link asked, only wanting some form of his sanity to remain.

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