37 - Lies; They're All Too Familiar

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(HOT/TOASTY NSFW CONTENT TO FOLLOW. Read at your own risk.)

(Song Recommendation: None.)

The sun slid in through the curtains' thin gaps. The pale fabric swooned and flew around in circles like a ballet dancer, the cream coloured dresses pressing a peachy hue onto the room's surface. "... Good morning." Vulture whispered, his head shifting on the gold-touched pillows. Link turned around, the metal chain around his neck draping over his passion-damaged collarbones. "Good morning." He whispered back with heavy-lidded eyes and a seductive stare amongst the company of his dead ivory irises. "... Sleep well?" Vulture stretched out his hand to push Link's hair behind his ear. Link nodded, snuggling into the taller male's warm touch. "Yeah..." He sighed in relief.

"Good to hear..."

"... What time do you have to go today...?" The teen sat up just as Vulture did too and scratched his head. "It isn't until gone night time... Red and I texted each other after you had gone to sleep last night and we were mentioning if there was any form of way to call this off... We've contacted the seller and haven't received a response yet... But we'll just wait and see." Vulture explained, his shoulders hunched forward and his body trembling ever so slightly as he spoke.

"Sean... I... I want to be able to help."

The gang leader chuckled, ruffling the thick messy mop of Link's hair. "I appreciate that, love... But it's okay. I don't want you to get hurt."

"... I-I don't want you to get hurt either." Link shot back, his voice cracking a little. "H-Hey, don't cry." Vulture reassured him and squished his cheeks. "I'll be okay, alright? You'll be okay too. I promise, if anything happens to me, I'll take you out to dinner wherever you want.." "And if something happens to me?" Link tilted his head a little to push the taller male's strong hands away. "Well, we'll get takeout and live off of pizza for a month, if not the rest of our lives..." Vulture smirked and ruffled his hair again. "Stop doing that... A-And that sounds good... I-If I do... If I d-do get hurt."

Hours of bed talk passed by, the sunshine gliding through the room as midday approached quicker than Link could make a sandwich (although Link was quite slow at making sandwiches already.)

As he cut the crusts off of a white piece of bread, he felt a warm grasp tie around his hips. Cold, wet fingertips ran under his shirt and tapped his torso. "What are you making?" Vulture asked, kissing the back of his neck as he gazed down at the piece of bread. "J-Just a sandwich..." Link mumbled, pushing the knife aside. As he pulled the butter closer to him, Vulture took it to examine the calories and ingredients. "Actually..." He nudged Link aside with his hips to cut a hole into the bread and take an egg from the fridge. "What are you doing?" Link asked the taller male as he swung his hips around like a stripper.

"Making food."

"I see." The teen rolled his eyes with crossed arms. "You're ruining my sandwich." "I'm making you a better sandwich, shut up."

The end result was a toasted piece of bread with a fried egg sitting in the uncomfortably-cut hole, topped with a generous helping of a weird spice that made Link sneeze. "Would you ever consider being a vegan?" Link questioned, taking a bite out of the toast. "You fuckin' wish. I'm closer to eating meat for the rest of my life than resorting to veganism... Maybe one day I'll be a cannibal and you'll be my dish..." Vulture snarled with a devilish smirk, his hands sliding over Link's arm. "Don't." Link growled at him, taking another bite out of his lunch. "Alright, alright." Vulture backed away with his hands raised. A quiet, but almost provocative, laugh enacted from the thin gap between either of his red lips that the teen was practically gazing at.

"... Link?" Vulture nudged his shoulder when he kept staring. "A-Ah, sorry." Link shook his head and turned back to the counter to take another bite out of what he was eating. Silence fell between the two until Link was finished eating. As he stood up to place the plate into the dishwasher, Vulture took it from him to put it aside. "... You were staring before, weren't you?"

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