50 - High Off Of You

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(Song Recommendation: High - Sivik.)

"So? How did it go?" Red asked with a smile, filling up Link's glass with water and proceeding to pass it to him. "I guess you could say it went well... He gave me this." Link showed her the university acceptance letter. Red gasped in surprise, taking the letter and reading it with joy. "He got you into a university? L-Link, that's great!" She hugged him tightly, more than happy to have the letter in her grasp.

Link hugged her and sighed in relief, his head leaning on her shoulder. "So where did he take you last night? I was just chilling out with a friend in the nearest McDonalds all~ night. I really should have bought another McFlurry." Red shook her head with a chuckle, her hands on her hips after she gave the letter back to the younger male. "... J-Just a restaurant." Link lied, recalling the intimacy in the car and whatever proceeded from that point onwards.

"This is nice..." Link sighed in relief, slumping back in his seat and holding Vulture's hand, fingers intertwined and tapping against bloody knuckles. "Mhm...?" Vulture hummed, stopping at another red light. Most of the windows were open, trying to air out the car after what had just happened. Vulture was topless and Link was wearing his tailcoat, a weak smile wiped across his red cheeks.

"... Where are we going?" "Somewhere nearby, don't worry..."

He laughed nervously, fists pushed against the marble counter. "An expensive one, I assume? And is Sean still not awake? God, he's so lazy..." Red grunted, making an attempt to leave the kitchen to go wake him up. "We should just give him five more minutes... Besides, we slept in separate rooms last night... He was taking up most of the bed and it was too warm." Link chuckled, turning to the nearest window and wincing from the large intake of light.

"... So how's the relationship rolling...?"

The teen thought for a few moments, taking a sip of his water. "I think it's good... He gave me the university letter and... A-And... I kinda broke under the pressure and knew what I wanted to say." He smiled weakly, putting down his glass with a sun-swept smile stretching as high as his ears.

"Link...?" Vulture asked softly when the two were sat on the bench closest to the shore, watching the waves ripple over each other like a fight for dominance that the two had experienced too many times amongst the dangerous land of their own mouths and lips.

"... Yes, Sean?" Link turned to him, taking hold of his hand in the process and squeezing it to reassure him. "... Will you come and visit me?"

Link laughed and shook his head. "Of course I will, Sean. I love you."

Vulture paused, his eyes full of tears with every single moment he had wished to ever see. He heard it. He heard what he wanted to hear. "... I-I thought you... Y-You said you wanted to live your life? O-Or are you just saying like... L-Like a friendly I love you-"

"Stop getting worried, you wuss... I-I... I-I guess I do love you... L-Like...'Love' love you. Y'know?"

"... G-Goddammit, Link!"  He pushed himself onto the younger male and pressed their lips together in joy, holding him closer than close could possibly be. "I-I love you so much..."

"I love you too, Sean... Y-You fuckin' asshole, don't kick me! A-Ah, get off! Y-You're heavy-!"

"You guys are like a couple now? That's so sweet! Y'know, you're like his gang sidekick!" Red laughed, nudging Link's shoulder. Link chuckled and nodded. "T-Thanks, Red..."

"Hm? You can call me Mercury, my love." She smiled with a bow. "... M-Mercury?" Link stammered, almost scared of the new information. "The one and only-!" The purple-haired female gestured to herself sassily with a snap of her fingers.

Doesn't tie well when your former stage name was Mercury... Ouch. Link thought to himself anxiously, scratching the back of his neck with a fake laugh.

"Mercury? Wasn't that Link's stage name?" A certain masculine voice enacted from the door frame, causing both Link and Red to turn quickly to the presence of Vulture, who was smirking at the two with his arms crossed and a lack of clothing. "Jesus Christ, Sean! Put on a pair of pants!" Red groaned, turning away. "I am wearing pants...! Mercury." "I'm not referring to your underwear! And you can't call me Mercury, asshole!" She stormed out of the room carelessly, her middle finger stuck up like the stubborn young girl she was.

"So, what were you thinking for the university?" Vulture asked, looking over at the letter.

The paper was crumpled and creased, folded at the edges. It was painted with discomfort and fear that had dripped from the younger male's fingers the night before. The taller male's eyes only burnt a certain feeling into the letter even more. A feeling of hurtful emotions that he couldn't drag out by even the slip of his fingernail.

"... I think I might pass." Link smiled, pressing a kiss to his partner's lips as he spoke in a low and husky tone. Vulture's eyes widened, his hands lifted and his fingers trembling from where he had tried to pull Link closer to continue the kiss as if it was their last. "You're not going? After all the shit I fuckin' did to apply you? I lied for you in those application forms!" He almost seemed sarcastic as he shouted, happy to hear about the offer being declined (even if he did spend several weeks bargaining his way into a university for Link.)

"Well, I appreciate that, my sweet Vulture... But I think I have a better idea as to where my occupation will be leading me..." Link's voice sunk down into a whisper as he leant forward and tied his arms around Vulture's neck to pull him down and kiss him passionately. It wasn't any surprise that Red (or Mercury, as Link was now referring to her) could hear them making out and complained from the other room with a mouth full of some sort of cereal that Vulture probably told her she couldn't have.

"Sean, if I come in and I find you with my boy bent over that counter then I'll slap you so fuckin' hard-!" Red yelled at him from the living room, a few bits of cereal falling out of her mouth. Vulture pulled back and chuckled, ignoring the fact that he did indeed have Link bent over the counter (or more to the fact his ass was just seated on the marble, quite comfortably might he add.)

"Maybe I'd like her to hit me hard...?"

"I think you'd like it more if I did..." Link whispered to him, pressing a kiss to his nose with a voice quieter than a kitten's soft paw to the fluffy carpet.

"Damn right I would..."


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