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(Song Recommendation: Sam Tinnesz - Sound Off The Sirens [Official Audio.])

*Chapter Title: Even Glass Couldn't Hold Me Back.

Sean chewed on his bottom lip, tossing the lime green tennis ball up and down in his dirt and dust-painted hand. "Throw that ball once more and your head will be next." His prison mate snapped from the top bunk. He couldn't help but chuckle and throw the ball at the wall once again to successfully catch it in the palm of his hand. "You fuckin'-!" As his prison mate leapt from the top bunk and made an attempt to grab him by his throat, the door flung open.

"Sean Venus?" A tall male police officer asked, holding a small plastic board with his messy mop of chocolate brown hair poking out from his soft hat. "The one and only..." Sean sighed, leaning back and pressing his hands to the back of his head with a tiresome yawn. "You have a visitor." He burst into a contagious laughter. "I have a visitor? Mr police officer, I think you forget who I am sometimes. I don't get visitors." His voice was sarcastic, dripping with a lack of empathy and interest.

"Well, there's some guy asking to see you."

He grunted and flicked his middle finger up at his prison mate. "You can break my skull as much as you want when I'm back." He stepped out of the cell and was chained up with handcuffs instantly. The corridors were deafeningly loud, filled with the grunts and yells of other prisoners. Most of them were playing with a cliche tennis ball like him or crushing a deck of cards under their ass before the lights went out. "C'mon, chief... I don't get visitors... Especially when it's eleven at night... Are you sure they're here for me?"

"They were referring to someone known as Sean Vulture Venus. I have a feeling that's you." The police officer tugged on Sean's handcuffs a little, causing him to trip and groan. "Tug them again and I'll choke you with 'em." He growled. "Threatening a police officer? Guess I'll just add another month to your sentence." "Wonderful. As if I haven't been used to it for the past eight years, twat."

A pair of double doors were smacked open and Sean's cuffs were taken off and he was thrown into another cell on another corridor, head first. "Thirty minutes." The police officer noted before slamming the door shut behind him, not even letting the supposed "visitor" choke out a quiet "thank you."

"F-Fuckin' asshole..."

"Eight years, huh...? Just another two to go."

Sean yawned, pushing himself up onto his feet with a weak smile. "Well, yeah... I was trying to convince that police officer that I don't get visitors-" His voice came to a sudden halt. "... Y-Yeah... I didn't... I-I didn't know if you'd remember me or not." A small and shy, but still fashionably confident, Link stepped out from the shadows. A leather bag was thrown over his shoulder (filled to the brim with pink and white papers.)

"... I-It's... I-It's really weird to see you again."

"I've seen you enough times on my roommate's TV to remember your face... How's prison?"

Sean glared at him and crossed his arms. "Fucking fantastic, thanks for asking." He grunted sarcastically, tapping his foot on the ground. He was just irritated by the younger male's presence. "... Still holding a grudge over what happened?" Link sighed, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"I helped you find your mum and you repaid me by turning me in at the nearest police station! They gave me ten years in prison because of you! I lost everything...! I-I... I-I lost everyone."

"... The gang disbanded?" "The gang is still running... I'm just... Not a part of it... I made Red the leader until she... Hit the nail on the head and fell into a coffin..." Sean glanced away, shoving his hands into his pockets with a sigh. "... R-Red... S-She-" "She killed herself, Link... Because I left her with all of the pressure of the gang... Ivory is probably dead... Somewhere... And then you left me for that university after all... Did your mum give you a lift down here?"

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