Chapter 1

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I had always known I was different even when I was little; I just felt out of place, my family always did things with such grace and I would fall flat on my face.

What I'm trying to say is I'm Ceaira and this is my story.

I was 12 when my dad was called out to duty, a country was at war and they needed all the soldiers they could get. My mum would never tell me what was happening, only that he had to go and help people that needed him.

My brother Peter was 16 he had short brown hair and bright green eyes, he never failed at anything and was an A* student, he would never let mum down. He would be home on time, have dinner on the table if mum was running late and would have all his homework done days before it had to be in. He never put a foot wrong.

Mum worked part time so she could spend weekends with us and would help us with anything or talk to dad if he could spare a few minutes, mum was beautiful and had everyone falling for her but she fell in love with my dad.

The day I turned 14 was the day Peter left home, he had finished school and was going to stay in America and study at Harvard Law, it was also the day that mum and dad told me that we would be moving to a small town called Fleet in England. The next week felt so short and when the day come to get in the car and leave all my friends, felt like the hardest day of my life little did I know that it was actually the start of something far worse.

I was awoken by the soft voice of my mum telling me that we had arrived and as I slowly opened my eyes all I could see was the dull grey sky that once looked so beautiful over America.

Once I sat up I could see the house, it was twice the size of our old one and although it looked old from the outside it was actually rather modern on the inside and the house even had its own name, 'lady bower'. I had made it to the main stairwell and had to stop and take it all in the house was amazing and once I had gotten to my new room I couldn't believe my luck, it was the second biggest room in the house and it even had its own bathroom.

It took a week to unpack all of our things and another week just to get settled in but once that was over the real fun began. Mum went to a local secondary school and filled in the forms so I could go there, the school gave me an extra two days off so I could get used to Fleet and its surroundings but mum told them that I would be happy to come in at the start of term.

Mum came home that afternoon to tell me the good news and the she was taking me out so I could get a bag and stationary, we walked into town and had a good look at all the shops, there was a Woolworths, partners and WHSmith so we managed to get me a bag, pencil case and loads of stationary to go with it. Once we had finished shopping we went to McDonalds for dinner as a treat. I couldn't sleep that night I was too nervous about going to a new school and all I wanted to do was make some new friends.

The day rolled round and I felt a surge of excitement as I put on my school uniform, I rushed down stairs and ate my breakfast as fast as I could before running out the door.

I passed through the school gates just as the bell went and as I watched all the students walk to form I knew from that moment on that I would like it at this school and that I would like it in Fleet. I managed to find reception and they gave me my timetable and showed me to my form where I met my form tutor.

Mr. Wood a tall man with clear blue eyes and sandy blonde hair he looked about 24 and most of the girls seemed to be drooling over him as they sat and watched him I also met some of the girls in my year. This was all new to me as my old school didn't have a form or tutors and they would have never mixed up the years but here they say it's so the older students can help the young ones with anything, there was also a peer mentor scheme.

Two girls introduced themselves as Kelly Guide and Rachel Hill they were both pretty and they knew it Kelly was the queen bee of the year 10's and Rachel was her best friend everyone else were like her minions. Kelly and Rachel showed me to my first lesson which was maths and my teacher was Mr. Wilson an old guy with no hair and big glasses, they were learning trigonometry which was one of my strong points.

My next lesson was science and it was Mr. Jones's first day as well, he was the husband of the head teacher he was good looking, short brown hair and beautiful brown eyes, he was also very athletic played football and loved to run.

Mr. Jones was trying to teach our class about waves when Mrs. Hall the head of science walked in and asked to talk to Mr. Jones.

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