Chapter 36

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I woke up and Dan pulled me onto him making me gasp in surprise, I smiled down at him and then kissed his soft pink lips sparks raining through my body like and earthquake shaking the ground. He trailed kisses down my neck leaving a hot trail behind I groaned in pleasure wanting more but being denied.

"Haha" Dan chuckled

"That's just mean, I'm going to make breakfast"

I got off of his lap and walking into the bathroom I grabbed a clean pair of underwear before closing the door and I changed into it leaving the dirty things in a pile while I brushed my hair before putting it up in a messy bun.

I walked out with the dirty clothes and walked into the kitchen putting the dirty things into the washing machine before turning to the rest of the kitchen and deciding to cook bacon sandwiches with orange juice. I began preparing the things I would need then turned on the grill and put 4 of the bacon rashes onto the tray and putting it under the grill leaving it to cook while I pulled two glasses out of the cupboard and the carton of orange juice from the fridge.

I set the two glasses down on a coaster each on the kitchen island and then went back to the bacon putting the cooked pieces on one of the plates and putting more on the tray before moving to the bread bin and preparing Dan's bread for him putting it on his plate and cooking the last of the bacon. Once all the bacon was cooked I put 6 pieces in Dan's sandwich and 6 in mine put the plates on the kitchen island and then called Dan

"Dan foods ready unless you want me to eat yours as well"

I heard him jump out of bed and before I could say anything or even laugh him came sliding round the corner like Tom Cruise in Risky Business causing my chuckled to become a deep laugh. He sat down next to me swigging half of his orange juice before digging into his bacon sandwich

"How is it?" I inquired hoping he liked it

"Delicious I'm not letting you go home your going to stay here and cook for me from now on"

I laughed at what he said but denied his offer and stuffed my mouth with my own bacon sandwich. Dan finished his bacon sandwich and then finished off the last of his orange juice a few minutes before I finished mine and once I had I stood put grabbing both mine and Dan's plate and glasses and placed them in the sink running the water and cleaning the dishes. I turned around to face Dan to find him stood watching me


I questioned hoping I hadn't done something without realising it

"I like watching you work your way around my kitchen its sexy especially as you bend down to put things in the bottom cupboards as your arse shows from the bottom of the top and babe I can defiantly say you look good from behind"

I blushed at the idea of my arse being visible and then thought about his comment 'did I really look good from behind, does that mean I look great from the front or is my arse my best feature' oh well. Dan had advanced on me while I had been thinking and now he was stood right in front of my inches away from me I could feel his warm breath of my neck and it sent shivers down my spine.

He kissed my neck and along my jaw before pecking my lips and then deepening the kiss I was pushed up against the kitchen island and I then jumped up onto hit letting Dan stand between my legs his hands running up and down my thighs before settling at the top of my thighs. We continued to kiss, he bit my lower lip asking for an entrance and I gave in letting his tongue explore my mouth and mine his. His hands gripped my thighs making me moan and as I ran my fingers through his hair tugging at a few bits I felt a moan surge through his body causing an involuntary smirk to appear on my face. We pulled away for about ten seconds catching our breath before returning to what we were doing.

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