Chapter 34

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I woke up then next morning before the alarm and I got out of bed without waking Mr. Fitz up I left the alarm alone and walked into the bathroom jumping in the shower before getting changed into my school uniform. I walked down to the kitchen and cooked the bacon that was in the packet and put some bread in the toaster making sure that it would all finish at the same time.

I poured two glasses of orange juice and then set the table before walking up the stairs to get Mr. Fitz out of the shower. I walked into the bedroom to see Mr. Fitz stood in the room with only a towel on and I had forgotten how toned his stomach was I could see the 6 pack wanting to break free and his smooth chest was perfectly tanned a beautiful bronze colour.

"Breakfast is ready"

I state hoping not to forget what I came up here to do and that I have a better person that I love with all my heart.

"Okay darling I'll be down in a minute just let me get changed unless you want to stay" he said I chuckled

"That's alright I'll just wait down stairs"

I walked back down the stairs and waited until I could hear his footsteps hitting each step. We sat down to breakfast and spoke in between mouthfuls of food and once done I again cleared the table away and washed the dishes before grabbing my bag and walking towards the front door with Mr. Fitz close behind me. He locked the door and unlocked his car placing his things on the back seat before climbing into the driver's seat and putting the keys in the ignition. He let the car idle before flicking the key and starting the car it purred to life and be began our journey to school.

This was the last time we would be spending together for a month I now had a month with Dan that wouldn't be interrupted and hopefully if the plan goes well won't be interrupted ever again. The journey to school was silent and as Mr. Fitz parked his car I watched out the window as the world continued. He turned the car off and I stepped out grabbing my bag in the process and waiting for Mr. Fitz to grab his, we walked into the school together and then parted him walked to his office and I walking towards the gym the only place I knew I would be able to get some peace. I put my bag on the bench and sat on the floor I had many good memories from this gym and hopefully many more to come but for now there was just one memory that needed to walk through the doors.

I didn't see Dan that morning and I went through the first two lessons without seeing him but I then had 4 lessons of PE and I knew I would see him during one of those lessons. I got changed into my PE kit and then joined the lesson helping the teacher, the PE lessons past by fast and soon it was the end of the day and I was walking towards Dan's office hoping to catch him alone. I knocked on the door and walked in


He spun round on his chair and looked at me his eyes wide at first and then reducing back to their normal size.


He said back not coldly but not his normal tone

"I.." "I'm sorry" he cut in

"Why are you sorry?"

"Because I acted stupidly I know you're not with him because you like him and even though I knew that I still got jealous and stormed off like a little kid"

"No I'm sorry I shouldn't have let him have his arm around my waist"

I walked up to him and looked him in the eyes before planting my lips onto his causing the sparks to fly the eccentric erg, want and need took over causing the kiss to go on longer than originally planned. We pulled away breathless both breathing hard after the passion that flew through both of them. We smiled at each other and looked around hoping no one was around to witness what had just happened.

"We have a month together" I said

"What do you mean?" he asked a confused look on his face

"I managed to get Mr. Fitz to spend the next month with his wife doing everything together so he doesn't have any time to be with me"

I stated almost proud of what I had managed to do. Dan smiled at me

"But you know he will come back to you after that month, no man could stand being away from you for too long"

I smiled at his comment but knew that what he was saying was true and Mr. Fitz would come back and I would have to continue to put up with him

"But by then you wouldn't have been working he for a month and I will be able to date you without people questioning if we were together before and he will have no proof of anything"

"Lets hope so because I don't want to lose you, my feelings for you are too strong for that to happen"

"Are you having a soppy day or something because everything you say is really sweet"

He smiled wide which made me chuckle I hugged him and whispered in his ear

"I love you" he moved my hair away from my ear and whispered back

"I love you too"

His breath sent shivers down my spine which made him smirk leading him to nibble on my ear and then trail hot seamy kisses along my neck and jaw causing an involuntary moan to escape my lips. I could feel his smile against my neck and couldn't help but smile to; he looked up at me staring into my eyes like he was reading my mind. The door opened and in walked Mrs. Morris the head of PE

"Mr. Smith I need to talk to you Ceaira could you wait outside"

"Yea sure, I'll be in our place"

I said to Dan before getting up and walking out of his office. I walked over to the gym and placed my bag down by the door, I had never told anyone but I had always been into dance and gymnastics and I had been doing both since a young age and had only stopped after moving to Fleet. I pulled my IPod out of my bag and plugged it into the speaker setting it to the song I wanted and then pressing play before rushing to the middle of the gym before the song started.

I moved with the music like the music was controlling my body making it jump and leap with each sound. It wasn't long before I had taken off most of my school uniform before it became covered in sweat like I was after the last song.

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