Chapter 17

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I was about to jump into bed when I heard the front door open I looked out the window to see Mr Fitz's car still on the drive and I wondered why. I could hear all three of them climbing the stairs and I guessed that Mr Fitz's car must have broken down or something and he would be staying the night.

"You can stay in the room next to Ceaira's, have a good night sleep Martin"

Sarah called from the end of the hallway. Her door clicked shut and I was already warmly tucked up in bed when I finally realised I hadn't heard the door next to my room open or close, that's when my door swung open and Mr Fitz stood in the doorway.

"What do you want sir?"

I called my door clicked shut and I didn't know whether he had stayed or left but as I turned over to find out I was greeted by a dark shadow stood in my room. He placed his bag down and then opened my wardrobe

"What are you looking for?"

I asked curiosity lacing my words

"A hanger"

I jumped out of bed and moved towards him nudging him out the way so I could get one for him. I found the one I was looking for and passed it to him before jumping back into bed

"Why are you in here sir?"

"I wanted to stay in here instead of the guest room but it's alright I was going to sleep on the sofa bed"

"Your going to freeze on that thing"

He got undressed and settled on the sofa grabbing a blanket and pillow before trying to fall asleep.

I woke up with two arms wrapped around me my legs tangled with another pair of legs and my head on a strong hard chest. I grumbled at the alarm clock it was on the other side which meant I would have to try and lean over Mr Fitz to get to it. I tried to lean over him but it wasn't working, I gave one last try and ended up in his lap with his hands on my waist.

"Why couldn't you have just left it alone?"

"Because it was annoying me"

I replied sweetly. I could feel his erection growing and there was a strange happy feeling about the idea of knowing I could do that to him although if it was any teacher I would want to be able to do that to it was the one I truly had feelings for but then again most girls did I was the only one that didn't show my feelings towards him. He grumbled and I fidgeted in his lap but his grip tightened as I moved. I looked down at him searching his eyes but got nothing, one of his hands moved up to my face and then to the base of my neck. He put a small amount of pressure and my head involuntarily moved towards his, he leaned up to meet me kissing me lightly at first but making it more passionate after a minute.

I pulled back breath taken at what had happened, I got off his lap and grabbed his clothes and my own putting the hangers on the wardrobe doors. I walked to the bathroom and jumped in the shower, it was only quick I then changed my pants and bra and walked back to my room with my towel in my hand. I sat on the edge of the bed drying my hair with the towel before grabbing the hair dryer and finishing it by brushing it. While I was doing all of this Mr Fitz just led in my bed watching, I had finished getting into my uniform and now stood in front of Mr Fitz with a inpatient look on my face

"Get up and get dressed"

I said while picking up my bag and putting it on my desk. I walked round the other side and sat down in the seat going into the top draw to get the books I would need for the day, stuffing them into my bag I said once again

"Get up and get dressed".

This time he stood up and began to get changed

"Your rather demanding aren't you"

"No and I need to speak to you about changing a couple of subjects"

His face darkened as I mentioned school. I made the bed and folded the blanked Mr Fitz started off using before picking up my bag and making my way to the door. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen grabbing the bread and making myself some toast for breakfast. Mr Fitz came down the stairs not long after myself and Sarah was already down eating her own breakfast when I got down which meant Liam was taking Haydn to school.

"I trust you slept well Mr Fitz"

Sarah asked when he entered the kitchen he smiled slightly and replied

"Yes I did best nights sleep in a long time thank you"

Sarah smiled at this but you could see something biting away in her mind and I guess it got the better of her

"If you don't mind me asking but what made it the best nights sleep?"

The confusion was clear on her face as Mr Fitz had answer with a smirk on his face which had now disappeared as his witty response backfired.

"Uhh I think it was the fact that I wasn't alone in the house"

"But your wife is always in the house with you so it couldn't have been that"

Sarah responded which shocked me why would he kiss me and say things when he has a wife. I looked at him and his eyes widened as Sarah said it making him look at me you could almost see him saying sorry with his eyes. I went back to my toast pulling off the crusts and eating them first before the rest enjoying each and every mouthful and completely ignoring each comment Sarah and Mr Fitz were making.

I finished my breakfast and cleaned up my plate I then looked at the time and told them to stop arguing and to get moving as we needed to get to school. They both stood up quietly and put their plates in the sink and then began to move towards the door, I washed up quickly and then rushed over to the door putting my shoes on and then shutting the door behind me. I got in the car and shut the door ignoring the bickering going on in the front of the car instead I listened to my IPod for the car ride to school.   

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