Chapter 20

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The second Sarah had finished parking the car I got out and made my way to my spot at school, just as I rounded the corner I bumped into something hard making me fall backwards but instead of hitting the ground like predicted a strong pair of hands grabbed my waist saving me from the floor. Once I was back on my feet and standing I looked up at my hero to see Mr Smith smiling down at me

"Sorry sir I didn't see you there"

"Of course you didn't unless you can usually see through walls"

I chuckled

"Yes actually I can I just clearly didn't pick you up with this special gift of mine"

"Clearly you didn't if you walked into me"

He smiled.

"Ceaira would you help me?"

I looked up surprised to find that he knew my name

"Uhh sure I guess"

"It's alright Ceaira I don't bite...much, I just need you to help me set up the gym"

"Ok then and I wasn't worried about you biting I think I bite back harder".

I stepped aside letting him move first before joining him at his side, we walked back to the PE office to pick up his layout before walking to the school gym to set up the equipment. We grabbed the equipment we would need and began to set it up all while working in silence.

"So are you in school this early everyday?"

He asked breaking the silence

"Yea, I guess for most kids it would kinda suck to be in this early but I like it"

I replied continuing with the equipment I was setting up.

"I usually see you alone, don't you like sitting with your friends?"

"I don't have any"

I stated

"Oh come on you have to have friends you an amazing girl and you have to have a boyfriend"

This made me laugh. He stopped what he was doing to look at me

"Thank you for that compliment and no I don't have any friends and no boyfriend well not right now but there is a guy I have sorta been seeing without being closed if you get what I'm failing to explain"

His smile dropped which I would have caught if I had stopped to look at him but I didn't

"Oh ok"

I picked up on his change of tone forcing me to ask

"What's up you seem down all of a sudden"

"Nothings up I'm fine really"

I stopped what I was doing placing my hand on my hip and staring at him in disbelief

"Your not fine and it all changed after my last answer, did I remind you of a painful memory?"

"Ceaira if you must know my mood has changed and yes it was after I heard your last answer but the reason behind my mood change is one I can not tell you"

He had stopped what he was doing to look at me his eyes watching my every move taking in each and every one of my features.

"Why can't you tell me?"

"I can't tell you"

I laughed

"You would be surprised the thing teachers have said and done that they aren't allowed around me"

His eyes widened at the new information I had given him making him think for a second

"Well Ceaira I don't know what to say to that but I still cant tell you"

"Well then tell me in PE tomorrow"

And with that I began to get back to work moving things in silence. The gym was set up and we had 5 minutes left before the bell for form would ring giving us enough time to check everything over before getting to our forms.

"Thank you for you help Ceaira, its much appreciated"

Giving a nod of my head I replied

"It was no problem saved me from a dreaded talk with Sarah and then Mr Fitz so I should actually thank you"

He was about to reply when the bell cut him off making us part our separate ways leading me towards form and Mr Wood. When I got into form Mr Wood was in a bad mood shouting at everyone that came through the door and at this point in time I couldn't be bothered with his shouting. As I walked through the door the shouting began, I stood there looking at him like he was mad as he yelled and yelled and after only half a minute of him shouting I got angry shocking him and everyone else in form by shouting back

"Don't you dare yell at me for being late without asking for a reason seeing as I have had many family problems in the past you don't know if another one could have come up but no you just jump straight to yelling at the person, so stop yelling because if you think its going to get you anywhere with me your wrong you are just making me angry which is going to make your job 100 times worse!"

I took a deep breath and looked at him waiting for a response

"I'm sorry, you can take your seat Ceaira"

I clenched my jaw and walked to my seat still angry but feeling a bit better for getting some emotion off my chest. Form passed by quickly after my little outburst and Mr Wood didn't yell again and when the bell rang I couldn't have been happier, I jumped out of my seat grabbing my bag at the same time and rushing out the door towards the history block. As I got down the stairs I slowed down and began to walk to lesson when I heard my name being called, turning my head to look behind me I saw Mr Fitz walking up to me. I turned round fully to face him and then stood silently listening to what he had to say

"Ceaira I need you to give a tour to a few groups of parents for the day, so if you come and put your bag in my office as you wont need it and then I'll introduce you to the first group"

"Oh ok"

I followed him back to his office placing my bag on one of the chairs at the table and then following him back towards reception where the 6 parents and 7 kids stood waiting. Mr Fitz introduced me to them before telling me to show them everything but the upstairs offices. I let Mr Fitz leave before saying anything making sure I had everyone's attention

"As you know I'm Ceaira and I will be showing you around the school today please don't hesitate to ask any questions that's what I'm here for, I will talk you through each part of the school and how the subjects differentiate and with that said lets get started so if you would like to follow me".

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