Chapter 8

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I walked in without bothering to knock, he was sat at his desk with his head in his hands and I had a feeling that we were over that the school must have got to him. I made my way over to him and carefully placed my hand on his shoulder making him jump.

"Ceaira what are you doing here?"

He sounded angry that I had come to see him, I looked up at him with a sorry look on my face before turning and walking away.

"Ceaira don't leave its just.... he trailed off "its just what that we shouldn't be doing this, that the school know, that if we did continue you would be fired and go to jail, that if we get caught I would have another thing ripped from me that I would be left alone once again".

I was now shouting I had so much pent up and I had just taken it out on him


I whispered turning on my heels I run out the door to the other side of the school hoping he wasn't following hoping that no one was following all I wanted right now was to be alone to clear my head and to be able to think about something without worrying that it will be taken away or that someone will say that it has to stop all I wanted was my old life back.

The bell rang and everyone wondered off to 5th period while I remained huddled in the loneliest corner of the school hoping that if I stayed there long enough I would be forgotten about. I was just about to doze after when I heard the faint footsteps of Miss. Hickstead and someone else, I managed to open my eyes long enough to see Miss. Hickstead and Mr. Fitz come running round the side of the school towards me before I feel unconscious.

I woke up in matron blinking rapidly at the blinding light hoping that I would fall asleep again but I didn't with one slow movement of my hand and managed to turn all heads that were in matron and now had five pairs of eyes all staring at me with relief, Mr. Fitz was the first to move towards me with both of the people that worked in matron following behind and Miss. Hickstead and Mr. Jones trailing behind them.

I couldn't believe my eyes but to me it looked like Mr. Fitz was very happy to see me awake, five teachers crowding round me made me feel a little nervous it was like being a newborn baby with loads of eyes all concentrating on you and once again I wanted to run but found that I couldn't.

"Ceaira" Mr. Fitz had started

"We were all every worried about you" Miss. Hickstead had continued while Mr. Fitz watched with a sour look.

"Ceaira we called your house but nobody picked up" Mr. Fitz started and was planning to finish this time

"Yea my mum is ill so I told her not to answer the phone"

I couldn't tell them the truth not now I couldn't even tell Miss. Hickstead and I'm meant to trust her.

"Oh well that explains it"

Miss. Hickstead had now left the room and Mr. Jones slowly followed in her footsteps making it look like there was nothing going on between us, both of the teachers that work in matron had gone and I was now left all alone with Mr. Fitz looking down at me. He had pulled a chair up beside the bed I was lying on and was looking longingly down at me while thinking hard about something. I lay there for a few minutes before sitting up I notice that Mr. Fitz is following my every move. I brought my knees up to my chest and bury my head hoping to block out the world once again, it didn't work and I flinch as Mr. Fitz placed his hand on my back

"Ceaira are you ok?"

I looked up at him at the same time trying to shake his hand off of me unsuccessfully

"Ceaira its 4:30 would you like a lift home?"

I look at him as if to say 'you know where I live and you want me in your car'. I think it through and after what seemed like and eternity of silence I slowly nod my head and manage to whisper


He looked thrilled like a young kid that has just got the best toy. I swing my legs over the side of the bed and then slowly rise to my feet feeling rather shaken

"Ceaira you don't look well are you sure you're alright?"

Mr. Fitz actually seems genially worried about me but I don't know why

"Yes sir I'm fine just a bit shaken that's all"

He grabs my bag and slings it over his shoulder and with his free hand he took a hold of my arm and carefully leads me to the door acting like a walking stick for me to lean on. He places my bag on the back-seat and then opens my door for me, just as I attempt to get in I notice Mr. Jones walking across the car park with a hurt look on his face. I plonked myself in the passenger seat and grab my phone sending a text to Mr. Jones explaining what he has just seen and that there is nothing going on. His reply is almost instant and I breathe a sigh of relief as I read his text.

I didn't have to tell Mr. Fitz where to go that was one of the good things about living in 'lady bower' everyone knew it and where it was. Mr. Fitz stopped the car just outside and switched the ignition off, turning to look at me with his dark grey eyes before striking up a conversation about today. I sat there hanging on every word that came out of his perfectly formed mouth I hadn't noticed how good looking he was when I was sat in his office, he got out the car and walked round to the passenger side opening my door for me and then grabbing my bag from the back-seat. He lead me up to my front door handed me my bag and walked back towards the car

"Thanks for the lift sir"

I called after him making him turn and smile then continuing back down the drive. I opened the door and instantly felt alone, cold and deprived of human contact, home wasn't home any more it was the dark and gloomy place in which I had to live. I went straight upstairs had a shower and curled up in my duvet and read a book.

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