Chapter 32

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I got through the day without a problem although my mind was on Dan and not the work I guess I was lucky the teachers couldn't be bothered today because the bell rang for the end of the day and I was now unfortunately walking round to Mr. Fitz's office.

His door was open and he wasn't there so I decided to make myself comfortable, I placed my bag on the table in his office before claiming one of the chairs. I sat there for a while before getting bored Mr. Fitz hadn't come back yet and I knew Sarah would still be milling around the school catching up with marking and other work so to pass the time I decided to go through some of the things on Mr. Fitz's computer. I looked through most of the interesting files finding nothing but school pictures from sports day and any other day the school holds and then I found a folder with my name as the title.

I clicked on it and found all the photos he had taken of me on those days and even some when I had been sat outside his office, I closed the file and sat back in his chair closing my eyes and letting the blissful silence take me away. I was brought back by a pair of lips just from the rough but not overly rough texture of the lips I knew who they belonged to but that didn't stop me from responding.

I pulled away opening my eyes to find I wasn't sat in Mr. Fitz's office but in fact in his bed, I pulled my sleeve up to look at my watch seeing the time 12:26am

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you it was just a goodnight kiss"

I looked up groggily

"Oh no its fine"

I reply while getting out of bed

"What are yo..." he started before I cut in

"Do you have a large top I can wear?"

I questions answering his own question. He moved towards his walk in closet and pulled open one of the drawers from the chest of drawers, he pulled out a top and threw it in my direction.

I caught it with ease and then began to change taking off my jumper and shirt first before pulling his top on and then taking off my trousers leaving them in a neat pile on his desk in the corner of the room. I walked back to the bed and climbed in; he emerged from his onset bathroom and climbed into bed next to me. It felt like it did when we had been together but I still missed Dan even when Mr. Fitz wrapped his arms around me it just wasn't the same and I didn't know if I would be able to last till the end of the year.

His alarm woke me up but I could tell what his plan was and I wasn't going to fall for it I wasn't going to lean over to turn it off to have him grab me. I led there for another 5 minutes with the alarm beeping constantly causing me to become quickly annoyed. I leaned over him to reach the alarm hitting the button with the tips of my fingers I didn't hear a single beep after that. His hand grabbed my waist and pulled me on top of him causing me to squeal Mr. Fitz smiled at me before planting his lips on mine, I had always liked kissing a guy first thing in the morning it makes you think that your the first thing they think of in the morning and that your special. I moved off of him and began walking towards the bathroom removing my clothes once I had locked the door and jumping in the shower before changing for school. I was out the shower after ten minutes leaving me loads of time to get ready. I changed into my school uniform and walked down to the kitchen grabbing my phone from the desk and checking my texts to find one from Dan. My heart skipped a beat just from reading his name and I could feel my breathing hitch and the text read:


After you left me alone yesterday I did a lot of thinking and I have come to the conclusion that I don't care what happens or what small feelings you may still have for the man I LOVE YOU and I want to be with you and I will willingly quit my job if that's what it will take to have you in my arms again please don't shut me out.

Love Dan xxx

p.s come and find me today at school

I smiled to myself he said he loves me he actually loves me, I locked my phone making sure Mr. Fitz wouldn't be able to get into it and continued on my way to the kitchen to get some breakfast. I made a couple pieces of toast and then scuffed them down before we got in the car to go to school. It was a quiet journey we listen to the radio and I sung along to a few of the songs I liked with Mr. Fitz complimenting me on my singing but that was as much as we spoke.

When he pulled into the school I took notice of Dan's car parked in one of the spaces I smiled slightly but knew Mr. Fitz would be watching. Once he parked the car I grabbed my bag and got out waiting for him to collect his things from the back seat before walking to his office together, I placed my bag in his office and then headed towards the door

"Where you going?" he asked

"Walk around I always like to walk around the school when its this quiet is nice and peaceful"

I said smiling at him

"Ok beautiful see you later".

I walked out of his office and to the one place I knew Dan would be waiting. The school gym. I opened the door to find him standing in the middle of the gym


He spun round and looked at me he had dark bags under his eyes telling me he hadn't got any sleep last night his hair was a mess like he had just get out of bed and left it and his eyes were red and bloodshot almost like he had been crying. I ran over to him and hugged him tight not wanting to let him go

"I love you"

I whispered into his ear I pulled out of the hug and kissed him deep and meaningful like we hadn't be able to for months although it had only been a day.

"I'm going to quit"

He said after he pulled out of the kiss

"I'm leaving this school so we can be together"

"I cant ask you to do that"

"But you haven't asked I have told you that that's what I'm going to do"

"But what are you going to do for a job?"

"I have already found another teaching position at another school and I have sent my application off so I'm just waiting to hear back from them"

As his said it his phone binged. He pulled it out and looked at it flicking through something

"I have an interview with the school in 10 minutes time"

"Well then you better get going and good luck"

I said kissing him quickly before letting him go.

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