Chapter 33

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The school day had finished and Dan had come back from his interview with great news he got the job and he has said that he will take it so he starts next week he even handed in his resignation once this week ends I will be with him and no one will be able to do anything because he wont be my teacher.

We came up with the plan to not go public until he had been teaching at the other school for a few weeks to make it seem like we got together once he had moved from my school giving us less chance of people saying we were dating while he was my teacher. I walked round to Mr. Fitz's office knowing I have to keep the act up until the end of the week; I walked into his office and sat down in my usual seat looking at him with a smile on my face.

"If you and him think that his leaving this job for another one will stop me then your wrong"

I furrowed my eyebrows not sure on what he was talking about and then it clicked he's not going to drop anything even when Dan does leave for his new teaching job

"What do you mean?" I question

"Just because he won't be your teacher any more doesn't mean you weren't dating while he was teaching here"

"But seeing as there is no proof to back your accusations I don't think you have a leg to stand on"

I spat at him, fury causing me to become aggressive.

I pulled out my IPod and headphones and put them in my ears turning the volume up so I couldn't hear him and sitting in the chair in his office without paying attention to him. Time passed by and soon he was packing up his things and shutting down his computer, I pulled out my headphones and looked at him

"Sarah has already gone home she came in while you were in a sulk and I said I would either take you home or back to mine"

"I'm not bothered either way" I said

"Then back to mine it is"

He stated somewhat cheerfully. We walked together to his car; Mr. Fitz had put his arm protectively around my waist pulling me into him as we walked and flaunting in front of Dan. I could see him becoming jealous and then anger replaced that jealousy and it looked like Dan wanted to hit Mr. Fitz in the face. I walked past with an apologetic look upon my face hoping Dan would calm down but it did no good and I was glad to be out of the school and in sight of Mr. Fitz's car. He unlocked the door and I jumped in waiting for him to put his things on the back seat along with his suit jacket and climb into the front. Mr. Fitz started the car and pulled out of the space heading towards the exit and then pulling out into the traffic, Apologize by One republic came on the radio and I looked at Mr. Fitz before turning it up and singing along. I turned the radio down once the song ended and sat back in the seat looking out the window at the scenes that past by.

"You're and amazing singer, do you know that?"

"No and thank you"

I car went back to silence apart from the dulcet tones of the radio. It wasn't long before Mr. Fitz pulled onto his drive and cut the engine, I jumped out the car and stood on the doorstep waiting for him to finished getting his things and let me in.

He threw me the keys and I unlocked the door opening it wide enough to get in and then grab his mail opening the door fully so he could walk through just seconds later. We left our shoes on the mat by the door and then ventured further into the house. I walked into the kitchen and placed his mail on the counter before finding a place for my bag.

He walked into his study and sat behind the desk turning on his computer and setting out his work before him

"What do you want for dinner?"

I ask already feeling like a housewife yet not even married.

"I don't mind honey"

I cringed at the word 'honey'

"Ok then I'll surprise you" I smiled.

I walked back into the kitchen and began to work on my masterpiece still unsure of what to cook until I thought of a very British thing 'Sheppard's pie'. I gathered the ingredients and began cooking. I finished making dinner after an hour and as I set the table placing the last plate down before calling Mr. Fitz. He walked in and looked at the table

"You made Sheppard's pie"

"Yea is it not what you wanted"

"No I cant believe you made it"

I smiled and sat down motioning to his seat opposite me. He sat down and we tucked into our dinner chatting throughout the time. Once we had both finished I cleared the table away and Mr. Fitz went back to his study, I washed the plates and left them on the dryer before wiping the table down. I walked into his study and looked at him

"Are you almost done?" I asked

"I'm getting there" he smiled I sat down on his desk getting in the way of his work

"Ceaira do you mind I want to get this work finished" I ignored his comment

"Why" he looked at me confused before speaking

"Why what?"

"Why are you doing this"

"Because its my job"

"No not that why are you blackmailing me"

"I'm not I'm making sure you're in a relationship that will last and that I know deep down you want as much as I do"

"Why did you fall for me? Out of all the female students in the school why me?... I'm the most broken, ugly, stupid, unloved, pathetic, selfish, unlucky, foolish, awful com..."

I was cut off in mid word

"Because the broken things are always the most beautiful"

I didn't know how to answer that it was sweet and kind and one of the most touching things anyone had ever said to me but it just proved that I was broken

"But how do you not know that you just wanted to fix me mend my broken pieces and then be done with me"

"Because the first time I laid eyes on you felt like the first time I laid eyes on my wife I felt feelings I had not felt in a long time you were and still are constantly on my mind whenever I hear your name I listen in to the conversation and smile to myself you have taken my heart captive like your hands are clamped round it unwilling to let go"

"Or is it your mind that is clamped round the idea of wanting something you cant have and that's what's not letting go"

"NO I love you my heart belongs to you and I know that" I sighed in frustration

"If you love me like you say you do.."

"I do" he cut in. I ignored him and continued talking

"Then will you do one thing for me?"


"I want you to spend one month with your wife, like you used to I want you to carry her up to bed at night and I want you to eat breakfast and dinner together to call each other and I want you to reconnect with her"

I looked at him praying he would do as I have asked

"Fine only for you and I don't see the point of this"

"I'm glad and you realise you cant do anything with me until that month is up" I say

"Yes and I'm not happy about this but because I love you I will do it".

School Secrets | Book 19 (Student/Teacher book 1 of 2) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now