Chapter 11

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I packed the main things like toothbrush, hairbrush and clothes I locked the door and walked down the drive towards Mrs. Plunkett's car, she had a ford focus but then so did most of the teachers as I got in the car I must have had a worried look on my face because she told me not to worry instantly calming my nerves.

When we got to her house her sun and husband were waiting patiently on the sofa, he stood up and introduced himself as Mr. Liam Plunkett and his sun was little Haydn Plunkett and seeing the three of them stood together made me feel like there was new hope for me yet. While Mr and Mrs. Plunkett spoke about what would happen I spent my time with Haydn and in the end we played with some of his toys, by the time they came back in from the kitchen we were engrossed in a game

"You must have a way with children Ceaira I have never seen Haydn take a shine to someone he doesn't know like he has to you"

I gave him a polite smile

"So Mr. Plunkett what do you do for a living?"

"First please call me Liam and I'm a child psychologist"

I could help but look surprised

"Oh I see now why Mrs. Plunkett is so good with all the kids at school"

I moved to look at her

"Thank you Ceaira and please call me Sarah"

We all sat in silence my eyes flicking from Mrs. Plunkett to Mr. Plunkett and back again and I had almost forgotten that Haydn was in the room until he broke the silence

"Mummy can Ceaira stay forever?"

He had asked in such a cute little voice running over to hug me, with Haydn sitting on my lap we all discussed the idea of me staying with Haydn adding his input every other sentence.

We decided that I should stay for three to four days so I could get used to the place and what it was like, I was shown around the house and left my bags in Haydn's room but was told that I would have to sleep on the sofa as they didn't have a spare room and that if the did adopt me they would try and find a new house to move to.

I slept through the night for the first time in what seemed like months. It was seven in the morning and everyone else was already up dressed and almost ready to go I had forgotten that if I moved in I would have to get up early too and I would then be at school early too. Everyone was out the house at seven thirty Mr. Plunkett took Haydn to play school so it was just me and Mrs. Plunkett in the car

"Miss I was thinking if you and your husband do adopt me and you do think of moving why don't you move into my house as my family bought it you wouldn't have to pay rent and there are loads of rooms Haydn would be able to have a separate playroom for all his toys"

She looked at me like I was mad

"Ceaira you have obviously given it a lot of thought but wouldn't living in that house bring back bad memories?"

"All the more reason to move in so I can have some good memories I would only have to try and sell it anyway so why not"

I tried to keep the sadness out of my voice but with all the will in the world it wouldn't help

"Let me talk to Liam and Ill find out what he thinks of the idea"

She gave me a slight smile and went back to looking at the road

"Don't forget Haydn he would have to move as well so you should ask him too"

I was now smiling the thought of Haydn running round my house made me feel happy.

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