Chapter 9

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I woke up late, it had been a rough night and I had a feeling the day wasn't going to be any better. By the time I got through the school gates everyone was in form and I was late by 20 minutes 'great' I though to myself 'this means I'm going to miss out on my lunch'. I signed in and then went to form, we had five minutes left and then the bell went

"Ceaira can you stay for a minute I have something for you"

Once everyone had left Mr. Wood handed me a pink slip of paper which read


Please could I see Ceaira Path at 9:30am

Mr Fitz MFitz

I had been in PE for only 25minutes before I had to leave to see Mr. Fitz, I walked round the corner and down the corridor towards his office I felt like there was a stampede in my stomach and as I got closer and closer to his office it got worse and worse. His door was open and as I knocked on the door his eyes rose from the PC up towards my eyes holding my gaze he turned around and asked me to shut the door and sit down. I did as I was told sitting down in front of him with only his desk between us.

"Ceaira I asked to see you because I wanted to talk to you about yesterday"

He still had my gaze his beautiful grey eyes never leaving mine.

"So what happened?"

I looked at him confused

"What do you mean what happened?"

"What put you in that mood and why did you faint?"

I broke his gaze and looked at the floor awkwardly wishing he had never asked that question. I didn't answer and he was starting to get impatient it almost seemed like he was demanding an answer from me

"Ceaira you need to give me an answer and please look at me"

I flicked my eyes from the floor to him and back again but without giving him an answer. I didn't know want to tell him about everything that had happened. I wanted to cry but I couldn't in front of him, I ran out of his office out through the school gates and didn't stop till I got home knowing I shouldn't have done what I did tried to calm myself down. I was about to walk back to school when I noticed that there was a message on the answer phone I pressed play and listened to the message

"Hello this is Melissa Dab from St.Harry's hospital we are calling to inform you that your relative Peter Path has been killed.....

I didn't have time to register what they had said or how it happened because I had left before she could finish, this time I wasn't running away from the school but towards it hoping that someone would figure it out without me telling them and sorting things out for me. I calmly walked back through the school gates and back to PE hoping that sports leaders would keep my mind off things and it did up until break, Mrs. Plunkett didn't question any thing as I had shown her the note that said Mr. Fitz wanted to see me so she thought I had been with him the whole time.

The teachers had let us out to break and just as I was walking through the door Mrs. Plunkett called my name, turning to face her I felt my whole body relax I was so glad it was her and not any other teacher

"Ceaira are you ok? You seamed a bit distracted in the lesson"

I couldn't help looking at the floor although I knew she was trying to help I just couldn't find a way to tell anyone what I was going through

"Ceaira you know where I am if you want to talk"

She said breaking the silence and dismissing the conversation. I couldn't help but feel like I had just pushed everyone away I couldn't even tell Miss. Hickstead. The bell went while I was still deep in thought and I was brought back by Mr. Fitz calling my name, oh shit I was thinking to myself what does he want now? He probably wants to shout at me for running out of his office.

"Ceaira can you come with me I would like to talk to you without you running out on me"

We walked back to his office and he closed the door behind me, he directed me to one of the chairs that were placed around a small table in his office obviously used for meetings while he pulled out the chair directly opposite.

"Ceaira I don't know what it is but there is something bothering you please don't close up on me but what is it?"

Without looking at him I closed my eyes thinking about what I could say and in one swift moment I had opened my eyes

"Sir I cant tell you"

Giving nothing away I looked him in the eyes instantly losing myself in his beautiful grey eyes

"Why cant you tell me?"

He asked with a slight hint of worry rising in his voice

"Because I'm not ready to tell anyone"

I answered almost instantly dropping my eyes to the floor wishing I could take everything back to a time that was better than it is now.

"Ceaira I care about you please let me help you"

I couldn't help but feel sorry for him I was in no way helping him and he was doing everything he could to help me, once again I lost myself in his gaze wishing I had someone to hold me tightly and tell me that everything would be ok and the only thing that made what I had with Mr. Jones feel like nothing was that we had to sneak around and that we hadn't seen or spoken to since my last science lesson.

"Ok Ceaira you can go to your lesson"

I stood up the same time as him and before walking out I turned and gave him an awkward but thanking smile thankful that he didn't try and find out what I couldn't tell him. I made my way to science slowly going through everything and only now realizing that he said he cared about me, what does that mean? The last person that said that was Mr. Jones and look what happened between us.

I got to science and there were only fifteen minutes left of the lesson Mr. Jones looked happy to see me but was also playing the role of the teacher and acting angry because I was thirty-five minutes late to his lesson, I couldn't help but feel out of place in the class as I had walked in everyone had stopped working to look at me and now as I sat alone I could see that everyone was sat in there little group staring and whispering about me pointing at me and going on about the few rumours that were going round the school, the only problem with one of the rumours is that it is true me and Mr. Jones are going out.

With five minutes left of the lesson I fished my iPod and headphones out of my bag picked a good song and placed one headphone in my ear leaving the other one out so I could faintly hear what the teacher was saying. Placing my iPod in my coat pocket as my class disappeared through the door before slowly following behind them towards English. I sat at the back of the class wishing for the lesson to end and when it did I felt almost happy and now I had thirty-five minutes get through before my next lesson.

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