Chapter 5

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One flight of stair and I would find out, I stood at the bottom of the stairs wishing that a teacher would come along and tell me I was needed somewhere else but it never happened, I slowly made my way up the stairs as if I had only been walking for a few days.

I got into science fifteen minutes later and Mr. Jones was in one of his many moods that was until I walked in, it was unbelievable and the kid he was shouting at felt relieved that I had walked in.

"Ceaira can I see you outside for a minute"

My heart was beating faster and faster I didn't know what he wanted or what he would do and I didn't want to hang around and find out.

"Why are you fifteen minutes late?"

"Um I walked slow"

I didn't know what to say to him and I couldn't say that I was late because I didn't want to see him.

"So you're late because you walked slow... ok and Ceaira we will have to talk about what happened between us."

"Today after school?"

I couldn't believe what he was saying

"Um well I can't really stay I have to get home"

I couldn't look him in the eyes I didn't want to look him in the eyes.

"Ceaira don't make excuses I bet you can spare ten minutes"

He was looking at me with longing eyes hoping that I would give him the answer he was looking for.

"Yes sir I can spare ten minutes"

Regretting every word as they came out of my mouth but seeing the smile grow on his face made me feel better until I remembered what happened the last time I stayed after school.

Now wishing I had said no I spent the whole of my English lesson wondering if I could get out of it and finally telling myself that I couldn't get out and that maybe he just wants to tell me that what happened will never happen again.

English felt like it was only five minutes long and when the bell went I could feel my heart race and as I walked up the stairs to Mr Jones classroom I could feel the adrenalin rushing round my body.

He had just let his class out when I arrived and once again he went from being in a mood to someone that you would think was happy all the time.

"Hello Ceaira I'm glad you came back"

"Well you didn't really give me a choice"

I couldn't help but smile as I said it

"Well I had to make sure we could talk about what happened"

His expression had changed he now had a serious face and was looking me directly in the eyes, he had locked my gaze, I felt paralyzed it was like he had a certain affect on me that I couldn't shake.

"Please sit"

We both sat down at the same time in the same seats as last time.

"Now thinking back to what happened I know that I shouldn't have made that move and Ceaira I hope you don't hold it against me but......... you can't tell me you didn't feel it to that magical feeling when we kissed, it was like the whole world stopped, like we were the only two people around, like we were meant to be together".

"Sir I did feel something and yes it did feel somewhat magical but it can't happen you're my teacher you should know better and what would you do if somebody found out and you got fired".

"Ceaira I don't care about that all I know is that I want to be with you even if it means sneaking around to be with you".

I couldn't help but smile at what he was saying; he was willing to risk losing his job just so he could be with me.

Once again he had found my gaze and with his beautiful golden eyes holding it like he was looking into my soul, I couldn't find the will to look away. I told myself to stand up and leave I wasn't going to have a replay of what happened last time, by the time I managed to stand up Mr. Jones had realized that I was going to leave and moved into the space between myself and the door, blocking the only exit I didn't know if I would ever get out.

Now feeling slightly light headed I moved towards the wall I needed something to lean on and as I lent against it Mr. Jones moved towards me reaching for my hands he pinned them above my head with one of his hands and using the other to hold my face.

"Ceaira you are the most beautiful student I have ever had the pleasure of teaching and I wish you could feel the same way about me"

Fighting to break free of his hold wishing that I hadn't agreed to come back but it was all to late to wish or to feel sorry for myself I had to bare it. He traced my jaw line with his thumb before running it over my lips, the whole time watching me intently, I turned my head away feeling better that I had managed to get his thumb off of my face.

"Oh Ceaira you know you shouldn't have done that"

Using his free hand he moved my face back towards him at the same time moving his face closer towards mine and before I could fight he had his soft cool lips pressed against mine sending a fiery passion cursing through my body,

I couldn't stop myself from kissing him back he just had a way of making me feel amazing. He let go of my hands and moved his hand to my back where as mine fell to his neck and I could help but run my hands through his hair.

We both pulled away at the same time and I think that from that point on there was something between us even if we didn't say anything we both knew, I had to know if what I was thinking was what he was thinking

"Sir what does this mean?"

"Ceaira this means that I was right there is

something magical between us and if you want we could try and make this happen".

There was a long awkward silence as I tried to make up my mind, I finally managed to speak


Was all I could manage. 

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