Chater 43

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I stayed with Dan throughout the whole of lunch and now I was sat in his office with him the bell for the end of the day had rung half and hour ago and Dan was sat catching up with paper work that hadn't been done.

"Dan" I said

"Yea beautiful"

He said back looking up from his work at me

"You know that guy that made me drop the glass?"

I asked making Dan form creases in his face as he wondered where I was going with this

"Yes" he said warily

"Well he was back last night an..."

"Did he do anything? Did he get into the house? Did he hurt you?" he sprung question after question

"Dan" I shouted

"You didn't let me finish, he just stood at the backdoor I moved the blind back and he just stood staring at me and then he moved his sleeve back to where a watch would have been and he tapped his wrist and then ran, but I don't know what it means Dan and I'm worried all I know is that I have seen his eyes before"

Dan got up from his seat and walked round to my side of the desk and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm not going to let anyone hurt you ok you are going to be fine"

He said but I could hear the worry in his voice and that's was made me panic most that he was worried too.

~ 2 weeks later ~

Nothing more had happened with the guy being in the garden but Mr. Fitz had now finished his month trying to feel something for his wife and to say that it didn't work is an understatement. I was called into his office during first period Tuesday morning.

I walked down the corridor towards his office each step causing me to become more anxious than before, I knocked on the door and then stepped inside the office.

"Hello Ceaira it's good to see you again, please shut the door and then take a seat"

He said almost excited to see me. I turned around and closed the door taking a deep breath I then spun round and took the few steps towards the seat on this side of his desk and I sat down.

"Now Ceaira as you know you asked me to spend a month with my wife and you asked me to spend that month like we spent the first month of our marriage and I will confirm that we did and my wife will even state that we did if you need more proof"

I shock me head to let him know I didn't need proof

"But after that month my feelings had not come back and I still have very strong feelings for you, but I know there is an obstacle in our future and that would be Dan Smith"

He spat Dan's name out as if it were venom burning his tongue

"I know you and Dan have been in a relationship this past month and I would like to say that although I didn't like the idea of him being close to you I let you have your fun and now you can come back to me and we can carry on from where we left off if you know what I mean and I know you do"

I shivered at the thought knowing full well what he meant


Was all I could say but it would be enough.

"What do you mean no"

"I'm not just having fun with Dan I have real feelings for him and I'm not going to drop everything to run back to you Martin we are over and that's the end of it"

I stated feeling confident but the look on his face wiped all confidence I had to one side leaving me with nothing

"How dare you say that you still love me and you always will love me I'm not going to lose you and anyway your time will run out and when it does ill be there"

He smirked at me and I couldn't help but wonder what it meant

"You can go now Ceaira"

He wrote me a late pass and I took it from him but as I was pulling my arm back he grabbed it and whispered

"5 weeks Ceaira, your time is limited"

He let go of my arm and I walked out of his office. I didn't stop walking until I got to the school field and walked through the gates and towards the only climbable tree out there and that's what I did I climbed. I climbed higher and higher until I was so high up that I could see everything around the school for quite a distance. I sat up there for a long time thinking about what Martin had said to me '5 weeks' 5 weeks till what; I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard someone calling my name


I looked down to see Martin walking across the field. I held my breath hoping, praying that he didn't look up. He stood at the bottom of the tree that I was in looking franticly around the school field


He called again but I didn't respond but what he did next surprised me he pulled out his phone. I hadn't noticed from this high up that it had been ringing and now as I sat on one of the branches listening in to his conversation I realised who the person was that would stand in my back garden

"We give her 5 weeks, if by that point she hasn't split up with Dan then we kidnap her although she is becoming braver last time I stood in her garden she didn't look scared almost like she knew it was me"

There was talking on the other side before he spoke again

"Yes 5 weeks and then we make our move, do you have the place we will take her to ready?"

He questioned and once the other person stopped talking he hung up.


He yelled one last time before doing something on his phone, I waited to see what it was when I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I pulled it out and instantly hit the reject button; sighing in relief at the fact I had changed the settings during form after thinking about the text I had got from Dan shit I had to tell Dan what I had heard.

Martin began to walk back to the school and I pulled up the last text I had got from Dan and began to write everything I had heard to him. He responded almost instantly asking where I was if I was ok and how I knew this, I chuckled at his response he always panicked even if he didn't need to. I text him back asking if I would be able to come down to his lesson and his instant reply was yes so I climbed down from the tree and walked back towards the school when I ran into the person I least wanted to see at that point in time.

"Ceaira, where have you been?"

Mr. Fitz asked

"I was on the field getting away from everything"

I stated as I walked past him. He grabbed my forearm and pulled me back

"Don't walk away from me Ceaira I went to the field and shouted your name many times and you didn't answer so where were you?"

"Did you not think that I might not have wanted to be found meaning I wouldn't have responded to your calls"

I argued back

"And let go of my arm"

I said pulling my arm out of his grip only to have him grab my arm again

"I will let you off being on the field but do not think you can get away with arguing with me Ceaira I will not tolerate it even if you are my love"

"I am not your love and nor will I ever be so just leave me alone and get on with your life"

I almost yelled this I was now tired of standing around him I just wanted to get to Dan and to tell him about everything that had happened but it didn't look like that was going to happen any time soon.

"Ceaira you are going to come with me and we are going to sort this out once and for all"

He pulled me along even with me fighting back he was too strong and I couldn't keep it up for long although I made sure he had a hard time getting me to his office.

School Secrets | Book 19 (Student/Teacher book 1 of 2) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now