Chapter 26

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I spent most the day at Fleet Pond taking photos of things most people wouldn't look at twice; by the time I got home I had loads of different photos and had used up enough time to keep my mind off of tonight but also used up enough time that I would now have to start to get ready. I jumped into the shower making sure I was as clean as I could be before jumping out and drying myself off. I got changed into a tracksuits and a vest top before I started on my hair first of using the hair dryer to dry my hair and then brushing through the tangles before grabbing the curling iron and preparing my hair with a certain spray that helps my hair take to the curl.

Once my hair was in bouncy curls I put a light amount of foundation on with some lip gloss and then pulled my dress out of the bag and hung it on the wardrobe door looking at it in awe. I pulled off my trackie's and top and then took the dress of the hanger before ever so carefully stepping into it and sliding it up my body putting my right arm through the sleeve and placing it on my shoulder. I zipped up the back and then stood in front of the mirror looking at myself hoping and praying that Mr Smith would like the dress. I heard a car pull up outside and as I looked out the window I noticed Mr Smith's car outside the house, I grabbed my purse putting my phone in to it and then flew down the stairs stepping into my heels and saying bye to Sarah before walking out the door and down the drive towards Mr Smith's car. I had a long black coat on hiding my dress so Mr Smith wouldn't be able to see it; I stepped into his car and smiled at him before closing the door and putting on my seat belt.

We got to the wedding reception and I was glad I had found the dress that I was wearing because it went perfectly with the place the wedding reception was being held at. We walked through the overly large doors towards the hall; we went up a flight of stairs and were met by people taking coats. I carefully slid off my coat and pasted it to one of the men before turning back to Mr Smith who had his mouth hanging open and eyes wide. He gulped once before speaking

"You look gorgeous"

He said eyes now full of lust. We walked through the door and into the hall and when we did everyone stopped to look at us I blushed feeling everyone's eyes on us made me feel strange, Mr Smith placed his hand on the small of my back and guided me through the crowd of people towards his family which by this point I had only just realised I would be meeting. We walked up to two couples who I guessed was his parents and his sister and was granted my answer when he said

"Mum, Dad, Alisha, Mick how are you all?"

He asked showing some hostility towards Mick as if he didn't like him. His mum instantly threw her arms around him and pulled him into a hug and his father gave him a hug but not like his mother did he then turned towards his sister and hugged her before shaking hands with Mick and then stepping back next to me

"Who's this?"

His mum asked looking at me with caring eyes

"This is Ceaira"

He stated wrapping an arm around my waist.

"The Ceaira you never stop talking about, that Ceaira?"

His dad asked causing Mr Smith to blush

"It is look at him blush"

His sister Alisha cooed

"Yes it is that Ceaira"

He said once they stopped talking and then kissed my forehead and smiled at me shocking not only me but his parents as well.

"Well it's nice to finally meet the girl Dan can't stop talking about"

His father said I smiled politely and then looked at Mr Smith. He looked at me passion filling his eyes and warming my heart, we left his family and moved round to some of the other people he knew introducing me as *which shocked me most* his girlfriend. We found a few empty seats and placed our things down Mr Smith pulled out my chair for me and then pushed it in once I had sat down like a gentleman. We talked to one another about almost everything we talked about life and what I wanted to do once I leave school he then told me what his dreams were and how he managed to pursue them getting him where he was today although he didn't plan on falling for his student though.

As the night went on people began to leave and soon it was us, we walked up to his parents and his sister and he said his goodbye's which I return had them saying goodbye to me as well. As soon as we were out in the fresh air I shivered the nights were growing cold and I had only brought a thin coat with me so Mr Smith rushed me over to his car and started the engine trying to get some heat into the car to warm us up and it didn't take long once we started moving. With the heaters on full blast I soon felt tired and drifted off to sleep and when I woke up I was in Mr Smiths arms being carried into a building. With my head on his shoulder I asked

"Where are we?"

It was dark but I could still just make out his face and his beautiful brown eyes

"Sorry did I wake you?"


I mumbled into his chest

"Were at my place"

He answered my question and it made me think why has he brought me back to his place. He fiddled with his keys until I reached into his pocket and found them

"Which key?"

"The gold coloured one"

He answered I found the right key put it into the lock and unlocked the door letting us both in. He closed the door while I placed the keys back in his pocket and then he carried me to his room placing me down on the bed before stepping back.

"Do you have anything I can change into?"


He went to his wardrobe and pulled out a large t-shirt and threw it in my direction I caught it and then began pulling off my shoes, he looked at me as if I was crazy and then went into his bathroom which I took my chance and changed as quickly as I could pulling the top down just as Mr Smith walked out of the bathroom. When he looked at me I had already climbed into his bed and had pulled the duvet over me trying to warm up the bed. Mr Smith headed for the door when I spoke

"Where are you going?"

I asked

"I'm sleeping on the sofa"

I looked at him

"You can't do that you'll freeze"

I said knowing he knew it too

"I'll be fine, just go to sleep".

I watched him leave the room only closing the door slightly before I closed my eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep.

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