Chapter 7

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It was Monday I only got thirty minutes of sleep and I walked in to school late so late that I had missed the whole of form and had to sign in and go to maths. I didn't want to be here just like every other day except today I had so many things on my mind that I felt like I wasn't really at school as I spent most of my time thinking about how I was going to deal with the situation at hand.

I spent all of maths in my own little world and when the time came to go to science I then had the devastating thought of either telling James or keeping it from him. I got to science late because Mr. Wilson wanted to speak to me, James face lit up when I strolled into the classroom I sat down in my place and stared at the table for most of the lesson I couldn't make eye contact with him and I didn't want to bring him into my mess of a life.

"Ok class you can go. Ceaira can you stay behind."

I knew it was coming but I was praying that he would let me go with the class. As the last student left James closed the door behind them and then spun round to look at me.

"Hey beautiful what's up."

I still couldn't look him in the eyes all I could do was walk up to him and throw my arms around him hoping he would encase me with his warm comforting embrace. I pulled away the moment I felt like someone was watching and when I turned around to see if anyone was and to my dismay it was Mrs. Hall the head of science and then next thing I knew she was walking into Mr. Jones classroom asking to speak to him.

I had five minutes left of break and I sat outside pastoral in the quad waiting for the bell to go to tell me that I can go to the next lesson of hell. Double history and our class were stuck with a substitute lucky for me they couldn't control the class so I managed to sit at the back of the class doing nothing.

It was lesson change over when Mr. Fitz entered the room, Mr. Fitz was one of those teachers that nobody hated but nobody would ever mess with but being one of the deputy heads of the school they had that power. He briefly spoke to the substitute before asking me to gather my things and go with him.

I walked slowly behind him racking my brain for things I have done, did the hospital or the police ring the school did I do something wrong in a lesson. Mr. Fitz had led me to his office where he asked me to close the door and sit down and before my bag had hit the floor I was being attacked by what seemed like the Spanish inquisition but what was actually a number of questions to do with what Mrs. Hall had seen in Mr. Jones classroom.

"Sir Mr. Jones could tell that I wasn't happy and he kept me behind to ask me if I was ok. I said I would be fine and I asked if I could have a hug but that's it"

"Ceaira I hope your telling the truth because if anything more happened you do know that Mr. Jones would have to be fired and sent to jail and we would also have to keep a close eye on you."

I didn't know how to respond to that so I sat there looking out the window hoping he would let me go. I nodded in acknowledgement before he finally broke the silence

"Ceaira I'm only asking if there is nothing going on there is nothing to worry about"

I couldn't help but look him in the eyes he was so nice and was only trying to help figure out things part of me wanted to hug him and tell him everything but my brain managed to keep control over the rest of my body and reminded me that I had only just met the man and that I had Mr. Jones, James and Miss. Hickstead to talk to and confined in.

I hadn't realized I had been sitting there for two minutes quietly thinking to myself and it was only because Miss. Hickstead had walked into Mr. Fitz's room asking to talk to him and finally turning to face me and telling me that she would like to see me for a few minutes at lunch. Mr. Fitz was in mid sentence when the bell finally rang and I couldn't help but feel relived to be out of his office but what was biting away at me was what Miss. Hickstead wanted and whether they will go and speak to James while I'm with Miss. Hickstead.

"Ah Ceaira I'm glad you remembered please go and sit down I just have to finish something and then I'll be right with you"

I sat down wishing I had pretended to forget her asking me but I was here now I would have to suck it up and get it over with. It felt like I was alone for the majority of lunch but what was actually five minutes, once again I had managed to drift into my own world were I was safe from pesky teachers and no parents it was also the only place I could go to that made me feel happy as if life was worth living and I could only get to that place when I was sat in a little room inside pastoral waiting for Miss. Hickstead.

"Now Ceaira you probably know why I have asked you to come here but just to clarify I need to ask you some questions about you and Mr. Jones and your weekend"

My heart had stopped and was now stuck in my throat I had so many questions running through my mind, how does she know? What does she know? Did she see us? What is she going to do? Will she tell anyone? But the worst question of all how would James react to this? I didn't want to find out the answers to any of these questions but if I walked out now she would know something was going on between us. I sat staring at the wall waiting for her first question,

"Ceaira what is going on between you and Mr. Jones?"


I reply unfortunately to quickly making Miss. Hickstead look me in the eyes with a questioning face. My little voice inside my head is now ranting and raving stupid girl should have waited a few seconds and then answered wishing I could shut it up I close my eyes and think about what is coming.

"Ceaira you can tell me anything you know like has he got something on you? Has he made you do anything?"

All the questions were making me feel sick and before I had time to register what I was doing I had stood up and walked out but I knew where I was heading his room.

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