chapter 44

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He dragged me past his office and towards his car and by this point I wasn't having any of it I screamed at the top of my lungs making him drop my arm and giving me time to turn on the balls of my feet and run and run I did. I ran to the gym where I knew Dan would be teaching a lesson and as I walked in he looked happy but also looked worried and I didn't understand why until he looked over at the corner where Mr. Fitz sat observing everything that was going on. In my mind I was screaming how the fuck did he get here before me I was fucking running.

He smirked at me before standing up and walking towards us the kids in the gym moved around him letting him walk directly to us and as he stopped in front of us I wanted to punch him it was the first time I had even had a thought like this.

"Ceaira how did I know you would come running to Dan"

He said in a way that made it unbearably

"We still need to talk Ceaira and I'm not going to let you get away with running from me, so this lunch come down to my office and we will finish the conversation we started"

He stated this in a no questions asked way making me realise I wasn't getting out of it


I sighed giving in after all this running I didn't have it in me to fight back. I watched Mr. Fitz walk out of the gym and then I turned to Dan who looked worried and concerned

"What's going on Ceaira?" he asked

"Well you know how I text you and told you how I over heard him talking to someone on the phone about you and me being together and how he had given me 5 weeks until he would do something and that something would result in me being kidnapped by him and the other person well he then caught me as I was coming to you after I text you and he tried to get me off school site as he was dragging me towards his car until I screamed making him let go of my arm and giving me a chance to run but he managed to get in here before me even though I was running and then he said what he did just then about wanting to talk to me at lunch and know I don't know what is going to happen and I'm worried he's going to try and make a move because I don't have it in me to fight him off any more I just want to give up"

I spilled everything to Dan making sure I told him everything and even that part that I didn't want to go to Mr. Fitz at lunch and how I just wanted to give up.

"Ceaira I'm here for you and if he tries anything call me and I will literally come running, I will fight him off even if it means losing my job over it because I love you"

He whispered the last part so only I could hear and after that we spent the rest of that lesson watching the kids play table-tennis.

~ Lunch ~

Lunched rolled round and I walked as slowly as possibly towards Mr. Fitz's office hoping that maybe he would have forgotten and wouldn't be there but I was disappointed as I stepped into the doorway to find him sitting at his desk staring at his computer screen. I knocked on the door and his head shot up to look at me his piercing blue eyes locked with mine and he called my name as if it was the last thing he wanted to say

"Come in shut the door and sit down"

I walked in and shut the door but remained standing


He almost commanded

"I would rather stand thanks"

I stated blankly shocking him a little.

"Well I think you know why I have called you in here and part of it is to do with you screaming and then running from me earlier and the other is to do with the fact that I will have you Ceaira and it will all happen in due time"

He stood up and began walking towards me I backed up until I hit the door and then I began to panic I couldn't do anything I couldn't even run. He was now stood in front of me and I looked at the floor hoping he wouldn't be able to do anything if I didn't look at him. He put his finger under my chin and lifted my face to look at him and then his face slowly came closer and closer to my own causing me to grow increasingly worried and just as I thought he would kiss me he whispered into my ear

"You still want me and I still want you and in 5 weeks time we will finally be together again with no distractions from anyone or anything in this town"

And with that he pulled away

"You can go"

He said as I bolted out of his office. I had just been told I had 5 weeks and then something would happen either to Dan or me but Mr. Fitz was sure he was getting me back and I almost feel as if I am just a mere object in a game men play one hoping the can obtain this object and flaunt it to the rest of his friends. I didn't feel like going and seeing Dan I know he would just freak out and want to punch Mr. Fitz for ever saying that so I kept it to myself and continued my day as normal. When the last bell of the day finally rang out I couldn't help but smile it was great and I even got a text from Dan saying he would meet me later so we could be together for a night which made me smile. I decided to walk home making the most of the hot sun while it was still out seeing as this winter so far had been the worst one in British history.

It was around half past eight when Dan came round, he knocked on the door and because Sarah and Liam had gone out for the evening I had dressed up so as I answered the door Dan's eyes dropped to the floor before he worked his way from my lower legs up my thighs taking in the lacy material of the dress I had put on he continued past my stomach and up to my chest his eyes lingering on my perky breasts and then meeting my gaze. I smiled at him and then moved out of the way letting him come in and then closing the door behind him. I felt a pair of hands grab my hips and I knew he would already be growing hard just by looking at me and when I was pulled into him seconds later I could feel my suspicions being answered.

"Someone excited?" I asked

"Only because you made me" he chuckled

"Hell yeah I did" I replied laughing with him

We walked upstairs messing around as we went. We ordered pizza halfway through the evening and then once every piece was gone we cuddled up on my bed and stayed together even when Sarah and Liam came home. Sarah popped her head round the door after seeing Dan's car just checking on us and as we both smiled at her she smiled back and left us alone. Not long after Sarah and Liam had come home I feel asleep on Dan's chest listening to his steady heartbeat and his soothing breathing. 

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