Chapter 24

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I was sat down stairs in the kitchen when I heard his alarm go off I hadn't slept well that night and I was now trying to keep myself awake with a cup of coffee. I had realised a few things while awake that night one was that I cant sleep with other people and even if I do I wake up feeling as if I haven't slept and the other thing I realised is that I have to finish anything that could happen or has happened with Mr Fitz a relationship with him would never work and I cant keep stringing him along.

By the time he got down the stairs I had already poured him a cup of coffee and another one for myself and I was sat at the table waiting for him.


I said praying he would have had a good night sleep and would be reasonable today

"Hey yourself, what you doing up already?"

"I have been up for the whole night thinking thing through which is why I'm all ready for school, how did you sleep?"

"Oh and I slept fine, what were you thinking about?" he asked

"Us and how everything should stop"

I looked away from him waiting for his response; the coffee cup came down hard onto the table making me jump. I was pulled up from my seat into a bear hug

"I cant lose you Ceaira, I need you"

He whispered into my ear, I pulled away from him looking at the floor

"You need to get ready as we need to get to school"

He grabbed his things while I grabbed mine and then we both headed to the car for the long ride to school. It was a quiet journey to school neither of us spoke and I felt as if something would happen if I did. Once we got to school I began to open the door when Mr Fitz placed his hand on my arm pulling me back, I turned my head to look at him but instead his lips met mine kissing me with passion and the fear of losing me. I pulled back only to have his grip on my arm tighten

"Ceaira please don't leave me"

Panic etched in his voice

"I can't be with you sir"

I said coolly only just managing to pull my arm out of his grip before stepping out of the car and walking towards the school entrance a breath of fresh air washing over me as I knew that he could now do nothing as we were on school property. I walked through the doors and saw Mr Smith walking out off reception

"Hey Ceaira"

"Hey sir"

I said cheerfully not quite knowing where my changed of mood came from.

"Are you willing to help set up the gym again with me?"

"Yea sure thing"

I saw and then followed him to the gym.

"What happened to you yesterday?"

"What do you mean?"

"We were meant to go shopping after school and then you weren't in"

"Oh I'm really sorry but I had something else I had to do"

I looked away from him slowly starting to feel bad for not telling him I wouldn't be able to go yesterday.

"Can I ask what it was that you had to do?"

He asked, I looked up unsure on whether I should tell him or not

"I had to stop a relationship from starting"

He looked at me shocked after what I had told him

"So your single?" he questioned


I chuckled finding his question amusing, he left it at that dropping the subject and getting on with setting up the gym.

"So would you want to reschedule and go today after school?"

I asked kinda hoping he would say yes


"Would you like to come dress shopping with me after school today?"

He looked up from the horse

"Oh that yea that would be great meet me here and we'll go"

We set the gym up and then left for form making it just in time for the bell, once the bell rang for the start of first period I made my way up to the study unit making sure to walk the long way round as I had never like spending my time there. As I walked through the door of the study unit I was greeted by a cheery face the teacher in there was always happy for some strange reason but it had never really bothered me unless I was in a bad mood.

"Hello Ceaira how are we today?"

She asked her good mood lighting up the room

"I'm good thank you, I was hoping I would be able to go out and do some photography"

"What are you going to do?" she questioned

"I was going to take photos" I replied

"Well that's fine with me just don't go of the school site"

Was the response I vaguely heard as I was already half way out the door when she said it. I put a headphone in my ear and began to traps round the school looking for things to do with my photography project.

'Quarter of a way through year 11 I'm 16 years old and I'm walking round the school looking for things to photograph FUN NOT' I thought to myself as one of my favourite songs came on. It took 10 minutes to find things I could photography and that's when I began snapping photos here there and everywhere, I had decided to continue with my portraits and metallic portfolio's and right now I was taking photos of metallic objects when a brilliant idea popped into my head. I walked towards the PE department walking into the gym to find Mr Smith. I walked in to find him sitting on one of the benches watching the kids direct themselves round the obstacle course we had set up only a short while ago.

"Ceaira what are you doing out of class and why are you here?"

I looked at him with a face that said what-don't-you-want-me-here and replied

"I was wondering if I could use your class for my school photography obviously with their consent"

He looked up surprised

"Well yea sure if they don't mind nor do I"

He called the class in and then let me speak. I asked if they would mind and none of them objected so I let them continue and then began moving round the gym to get the photos I wanted. I had got a load of photos by the time first period finished I had even ended up with some of Mr Smith and I felt that I had got enough to go back and upload them. I walked over to Mr Smith to say thanks

"Lets see your photos then"

He said as I approached him so I passed him my camera and sat down next to him to look at them as well.

"You're amazing at taking photos"

He said I looked up at him as he was flicking through and then he smiled and I looked at him confused that was until I looked at the camera. He was looking at the photos of himself

"I especially like these photos"

He stated making me chuckle

"Thanks and I'm glad you like them"

He looked at me his brown eyes looking straight into my soul

"Why are you so perfect"

He whispered barely audible. I whispered back

"I'm not"

He passed the camera back and I thanked him for letting me in his lesson before making my way back to the study unit to upload the photos.

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