Chapter 38

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I walked up to my room and fell onto my bed having not slept in it for weeks I was now glad to have it back. I climbed under my duvet and fell asleep the second my head hit the pillow but it didn't last long as I woke up with an ache in my heart. I wished I was with Dan but I wasn't and I would have to try and get past that but it wasn't the only thing keeping me awake the pain in my stomach was almost unbearable to the point I had to get up and go down stairs to get a painkiller. I took two pills and then made my way back upstairs lying back down on the bed and finally trying to get back to sleep. I woke up around mid day in pain but not half as bad as last night, I found my TV remote and turned it on flicking through the channels until I gave up.

I got out of bed slowly hoping not to hurt myself any more and went to the shelves of DVD's I have looking for one I would watch, I soon settled with watching the whole series of Pretty Little Liars. I put in the disk for the first season and then walked out of my room and downstairs grabbing a glass from the cupboard and filling it with coke before picking up a packet of crisps and a chocolate bar and making my way back upstairs. When I got back into my room the disk was at the play menu, I placed my things on the bedside table and then pressed play climbing back into bed and getting comfy. I stayed in bed for the rest of the day watching each episode of PLL, eating the food I had gathered and relaxing. My phone went of beside me and I rolled over to reach it picking it up of off my bedside table and looking at the text from Dan:

Hello Beautiful I'm just texting to see how you are and if its ok I would like to come and see you, I have a surprise for you and I want to see your reaction when you get it.

Love you xxxxx


My heart leapt as I read the text and a large smile grew on my face, I called Sarah into my room

"Is it ok if Dan comes round?"

I asked hoping she would be ok with it.

"Dan, who's Dan?" she asked

"Umm Dan Smith th...."

"The PE teacher from school!"

"Yes Sarah the PE teacher from school"

"I thought you were with Mar...Mr. Fitz"

"No I'm not with him" I spat

"Oh ok then yes its fine for Dan to come round and I have to say I think he is a better match for you although he is still older than you he's much better than Martin"

I smiled at Sarah I was glad she approved of Dan and I agreed with he I thought he was a better match for myself too. I text Dan and told him he could come round and then waited for fifteen minutes before he arrived. I heard the front door open and Sarah speak and then the stairs creaked telling me someone was walking up them; I heard a knock on my door

"Come in"

I say and in walked Dan a smile instantly making its way to my face. He closed the door and walked over to my bed perching on the edge

"Hey beautiful how are you?"

"I'm good thanks but missed you"

"Haha I missed you too more than you can understand and that was only for a week and a half I don't know what I would do if it was longer"

"Nor do I but why weren't you at the hospital?"

"I couldn't stand seeing you like that so lifeless and pale I felt like it was my fault that I wasn't there when it happened and I didn't think you would want to see me"

"Dan I don't blame you for what happened either way it would have happened it was just that you weren't there and I did want to see you I would never be able to push you away Dan I love you with all my heart and I never want you to forget that"

"I love you too Ceaira"

I moved over on the bed so he could fit and once he had led down next to me I kissed him firmly on the lips.

"What was that for?"

"Just a reminder of how much I love you"

"And I have a reminder of how much I love you"

He pulled out a box and gave it to me. I sat up in bed looking at the book intently wondering what could be in it

"Just open it"

Dan said impatiently. I pulled the ribbon off and pulled open the lid to reveal a beautiful 7karrot ring, my eyes widened and my breathing stopped I turned to Dan and looked at him shocked

"Its not and engagement ring"

I tilted my head confused if it wasn't and engagement ring what was it

"Its a promise ring and I promise that when we are ready and you have finished school and whatever else you want to finish if that's college and uni or just college than I will wait but I promise that I will propose and I will marry you if you want me to".

I threw my arms around him and whispered into his ear


I pulled back and kissed him passionately and then tried on the ring finding it's a perfect fit. We snuggled up to each other and watch TV happy to have each others company. We ordered a pizza later on into the evening and luckily Sarah brought it up to us and we paid her back. We ate in bed while watching the Pretty Little Liars episodes and after a short while my eyes became heavy and I had to fight to keep them open

"Go to sleep"

Dan said and that was all I needed before I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep but not before I heard Dan say

"Dolci Sogni Bello"

and then I was gone.

I woke up during the night with Dan by my side so I wasn't alone, I climbed out of bed and carefully tiptoed down stairs to grab myself a drink. I plucked a glass from the cupboard and poured myself a glass of water but as I looked up from the kitchen sink I saw a figure staring right at as they stood in the back garden. I stood frozen in the kitchen unable to process a thought not sure what to do and that's when they ran. I drank the water as quickly as I could before rushing back upstairs to the safety of my bed and Dan's strong arms. I climbed back into bed and looked at Dan for a few minutes taking in his features and how he looked so sweet and innocent while asleep. I snuggled down next to Dan resting my head on his chest and closed my eyes falling asleep for the second time that night but still on edge after seeing the creepy figure in the garden and unsure about telling Dan about it or not.

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