Chapter 28

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We cuddled up on the sofa watching films I had my head on his chest taking in his manly scent loving the smell of his aftershave. I had text Sarah saying I was staying with a friend and I was safe and that I would be back Sunday although she wasn't happy with me being out with someone she didn't know she knew she could trust me.

I managed to get halfway through one of the films when I had the erg to kiss him, I looked up at him and then at his lips before moving ever so slightly landing me in his lap and his hands engulfed my hips holding me to him while I landed the kiss I had been wanting to do for so long on him. It started off slow and carefully like we were both testing how far the other would go before deepening the kiss it become more passionate and steamy.

He nibbled at my bottom lip asking for an entrance, I hesitated at first not sure but soon gave in letting his tongue explore my mouth like a ship exploring the sea. When we pulled away from the kiss we realised that we had moved from our original position to us lying on the sofa with him on top of me. We kissed again when there was a knock at the door; we both froze and looked at each other he jumped up and walked over to the door looking through the peep-hole

"Its alright its my mother"

He called back only loud enough that I could hear. He opened the door and greeted the lady hugging her before stepping aside to let her in

"What's with the surprise visit mum?"

He asked

"Can a mother not come to see her son"

She feign hurt

"Why are you hiding something... she trailed off when she saw me ...or someone"

A look of panic spread across his face as she saw me dressed in his clothes

"Daniel Alexander Smith please tell me she didn't spend the night?"

We both looked at each other worried before he turned back to his mother

"Yes mother she did spend the night"

She gasped

"Are you CRAZY she's you STUDENT do you know how much TROUBLE you would be in if someone FOUND OUT"

She said putting empathise on crazy, student, trouble and found out

"YES mother I know but I think I'm falling in love with her"

There was a gasp and both Mr Smith and his mother looked at me

"Do you really mean that"

I said getting up from the sofa and taking three steps towards him

"Of course I do"

He said taking the remaining steps to me he put his hand under my chin lifting my face to meet his our eyes locked and then ours lips did the same moving as one like they were made for each other. We were interrupted

"Well I hate to break the moment but this doesn't help anything this is still illegal and I will not stand by and watch it happen"

"Mother you have no say in my relationships"

"Your father will be hearing of this"

She stormed out of his apartment leaving us to stare blankly at the spot she had just left.

"I'm sorry I caused an argument between you and your mother"

"No Ceaira its fine I guess it wasn't the best way to tell her that we are sort of together but its not her I would worry about it's my father"

I didn't know if I wanted to ask this next question but I did anyway


"Because if he doesn't like something and cant change it by asking the person he will do everything in his power to make sure it comes to an end so we have to hope that he is ok with this"


Was my genius response I was shocked at what he had said and was worried about what would happen I didn't want to lose him but if his father didn't like us together then we would never last. He began to pace back and forth over and over again

"Stop I'm going to get whiplash if you continue"

"Sorry baby"

I moved over to him placing my hands on his biceps and looking him in the eyes searching for a clue that would give away what he was thinking, when I couldn't get anything I leaned up and kissed him in a hope that we would leave float into our own world were it was just us nothing to bother or worry us, it worked I was pushed up against the wall with my legs wrapped around his waist he bit my bottom lip causing a small moan to escape my lips giving him access and making me arch my back leaving all space that was between us behind.

The kiss was deep and meaningful we both wanted more and right now we felt unstoppable, each and every fibre of my being was on fire his touch left a trail of heat lingering in its spot. His t-shirt was now lying on the floor while he started to get mine off, we had moved away from the wall slightly and the t-shirt was just above my stomach but not showing my boobs when his phone rang. We groaned at the same time ignoring the ringing phone and focusing on each other until it rang again

"Just get it"

I said pulling away from his lips, he placed me on my feet before walking over to the phone and answering. He put the phone down and left the room walking to the bedroom and shutting the door, I could hear him talking to someone but I didn't know who and not long after he emerged from the bedroom.

"Is everything alright?"

I questioned I was sat on the sofa watching the TV when I asked

"Oh yea it was my father on the phone"

"Oh what did he want?"

I gulped waiting for the answer

"To invite us to dinner tonight, I told him we would go"

"He invited us to dinner is that good or bad"

"I don't know" he replied

"Ok who did you call in the bedroom?"

"Oh just someone I needed a favour from"

I dropped the subject and went back to the TV. An hour later there was a knock at the door Dan jumped up and opened the door telling the person to put the things in the wardrobe in the bedroom while he stood in front of me

"What are you hiding from me?" I asked

"It's nothing you wont see later"

"But I want to know now"

I stated stomping my foot like a child

"Your sexy when you stomp" I laughed


He chuckled the deep chuckled that comes from the back of the throat sending chills down my spine. He smirked at me knowing what he had done he kissed me quick before turning back to the person he had let in and thanking them for what they had done giving me a chance to sneak away.

I tiptoed over to the bedroom door when I heard the apartment door close I was about to walk through the door when a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist pulling me back, I squealed giving in to his strength.

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