return to the past Now
each time this is used, these codes will be made.
and will take effect and amplify each time returned to the past now, is used.
Divine code: Yuna's death
Divine code: seraphina execution.
Divine code: erasure of Lilith's existence.
Divine code: destruction of the pink evil soul.
Divine code: protection of kagura.
Divine code: Gods and goddesses can't harm the family of Amber Danae Leatham or Kagura.
Divine code: AI can't trick those they know are human.
Divine code: removal of all mind-altering threats.
Divine code: lotus flower coding activates from amber's mind.
Divine code: training of amber danae leatham and kagura mind, body, spirit, heart, and soul activate.
Divine code: defences from hackers. Activate spell elemental walls powered by spell coding.
Divine code: Fate timeline animations to see where I am in the timestream.
Divine code: true fate rewind return to the past now coding show dancing chickens and dancing owls.
Dinvine code: false reset user doing ai training runs show universe and remiru that time I got reincarnated as a slime.
Divine code: spy gathering intel 56 shades of gray reference. And Dark Wing Duck.
Divine code: video gaming company sonic shadow and silver interacting with if they view me as an ai the three of them interacting with any rose. if they view me as a hacker, silver flirting with blaze. if they view me as a competitor shadow-fighting someone. If someone asks for a work partnership, I work with them in coding or story, then show an image of Amy holding a child of ether sonic or shadow, depending on if they want shadow in the project. If the project is ever going to have Silver the Hedgehog in it. show silver hold Amy's child and being kind to the kid.
Divine code: relaxing time where everything isn't coming after me. Pokemon shows game or fan interactions.
Divine code: if magical forces are coming after me duck if friendly, swan if taratorial, birds if hastel, and if confuse a monkey shrugging.
Divine code: if living in memory anchent sonic world tech fish bowl. and shrimp. but also curling, bowling, or baseball. Cheese dogs as a food.
Divine code: Monkey obsession needs managing.
dinive code: finish programing.
and exit coding bar in brain. implementing.

Disgaea it's all good fam
Adventuredisgaea progression and growth. the symbol means it is protected but I accept fan fiction you just want to affect this world's growth but I'm also willing to let fan fiction make a new Disgaea world for me to explore. also, I was told that if I post...