Odd Jobs

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"Yes, August. I am well aware of what it states in your contract. I drew up those documents, if you recall," she spat into her cell phone as her heels clicked down the busy concrete sidewalk of Madison Avenue. "Arendelle Publishing has a bunch of imbeciles working for them. That's why I told you to rethink Fairytale Playhouse before signing anything. Playhouse is a much more organized company with a lot more advantages."

She paused while he responded, fishing through her purse for the key to her apartment building. She listened while he spoke, rolling her eyes when he was being unreasonable.

Regina Mills is one of the most prominent and decorated intellectual property attorneys on the whole island of Manhattan. Intellectual property cases deal with copyright infringement and the protection of anything done creatively by an individual. At the moment, she was discussing publishing options with August Wayne Booth, bestselling author of Once Upon a Time and soon-to-be bestselling author of Happily Ever After, the sequel to the former.

"Fairytale Playhouse is a better company all around for the types of books you write, August. Trust me on this one. Ultimately, it's your decision, but they were good to you with the initial publication of Once and it was a huge success. I can negotiate a better contract with them before Arendelle even returns my phone call."

She turned onto 81st Street and stopped in front of a building with a big, beautiful sign that read, "Welcome to Enchanted Plaza Apartments." She turned her key in the door, hand crafted wood with an old iron lock to give the building a castle-like exterior, and entered the lobby. The phone was pressed against her ear by her shoulder as she approached the rows of mailboxes. She placed a smaller key in and turned, opening the rectangular door to reveal the many bills and junk she'd have to sort through later that night.

"I know I'm right, August. You should really listen to me more often. It would save us a lot of trouble," she chuckled into the receiver. "I'll call Playhouse first thing tomorrow morning to schedule a meeting and negotiate your very long and absurd list of provisions for the sequel."

Just then, Regina looked up at the cork board that hung beside the mailboxes. There were fliers for missing dogs and general announcements for the residents of Enchanted Plaza. One flier in particular caught her attention as she ended the call, "Alright, I'll do my best. Have a good night, August."

Need help moving? Don't have a babysitter for date night? Just need someone to feed your cat? No need to fret! Henry Trotter is your guy! Seeking any odd jobs around Enchanted Plaza. Any job is a job for Henry!

The boy's contact information was listed below clip art pictures of various household chores being done by cartoon children. Just below those was a disclaimer written in smaller font than the rest of the flier.

*Rates vary depending on hours worked and type of job. Negotiable at employee's discretion*

Regina laughed to herself at the disclaimer, shaking her head as she pulled the mail close to her chest and shut the mailbox. She turned to the elevator and pressed the button, waiting patiently for the sound signaling its arrival. She took a minute to look through the envelopes in her hand.

Verizon: the cell phone bill. Comcast: the cable bill. A postcard from Spain: her mother. The latest issue of Victoria's Secret. Junk. Junk. Junk.

She looked up when the elevator doors opened and stepped inside, pressing the number three causing the doors to close. She smiled when she spotted another flier taped to the wall. The doors opened and she stepped out, making her way down the hall to Apartment 13.

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