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Hanna's Pov.

One week later...

Finally. I finished unpacking and decorating my new apartment.

I looked around and smiled. Satisfied with my work. I sat down on my brand new gray couch and closed my eyes, relaxing a bit.

Ahh. Relaxation. A nap would be good.

I laid down on a pillow with my eyes closed and fell into a deep sleep.

Two hours later.

I woke up to a loud bang, which made me jump off of the couch. It took me a minute to process where I was and what that loud bang was. It was someone knocking.

I got up and opened the door to reveal a crying Emily.

"Oh my. Em what's wrong?" I asked her as I pulled her inside and closed my door. I led her to the couch and sat her down as her talking is muffled by her crying.

"Em. Stop and just breath." I tell her as I hand her a tissue.

She inhales a breath and exhaled it. Her crying had quieted down and she wiped her tears.

"Now tell me what happened." I command.

" I-I came home t-to see Sarah in bed, half naked with a-another girl. " Emily stutters as a tear rolls down her cheek.

I'm shocked. I look at Emily with wide eyes and my mouth slightly open. I would have never guessed Sarah would cheat on Emily.

"Oh my god. Em, I'm so sorry. What did you do?" I ask.

"I freaked out and told Sarah we're done. I scared her so she fell out of bed and saw me. She tried to apologize and told me she would never do it again. But I-I just told her to fuck herself and left." Emily replied.

I suddenly got a wave of anger. I just wanted to punch something or more like someone. After all, she was like a sister to me.

"That bitch." I muttered through gritted teeth.

"Don't be mad Hannah. Please." Emily begs.

I look at my puffy eyed friend and huffed. I just looked at her and hugged her. She was surprised at first but soon hugged me back.

"Just let it all out." I whisper to her.

She cries and sobs loudly, soaking my white shirt but I didn't care. I just played with her hair and rubbed her back whispering soothing things in her ears.

About 10 minutes later the sobbing has stopped and Emily was asleep on my shoulder. I laid her down gently on the couch and got up. I got a blanket and laid it on top of her.

I went inside my kitchen and ate an apple, not being that hungry.

After eating my apple, I walked to my room and got out my pajamas and underwear. I went inside my bathroom and locked the door. I took a shower and got out. I went in my room with my towel securly around me and changed into my clothes. I air dried my hair and went to sleep after turning all the lights off.

The next morning...

I woke up to the light from my window shining into my eyes. I groaned and pulled the blanket up to my eyes to block out the light. About 5 minutes later I finally got the strength to get up. I brushed my teeth and my hair. I put on a gray v-neck and a leather jacket with black pants and black ankle boots. I did my makeup and went into the living room to find Emily still sleeping.

I went to the kitchen, made coffee, and made eggs and bacon.

As I'm eating, Emily comes into the kitchen with wild hair and puffy eyes.

"Good morning. How did you sleep?" I ask.

She groans and holds her head.
"Morning. I slept fine. Just have a headache."

I nod and stood up to get her advil. I give her the pill and she takes it dry.

"I made you a plate for breakfast." I handed her the plate with a smile and continue to eat mine.

After she thanks me for breakfast, we cleaned up and sat on the couch.

"So wanna talk about it?" I ask hesitatantly.

Emily sighs. " I just feel like... I don't know what to do. I mean I love her so damn much but I don't know if I can trust her. And I feel like a relationship is based on trust." She expresses.

"Yeah I know what you mean." I mutter.

"You do? Hannah I don't think you ever had anyone ever cheat on you." She says with a confused look on her face.

"Em. Just because they haven't cheated on you doesn't mean there's still trust. They can do a lot of other things to lose your trust. I've had experience." I say as my eyes get watery.

"Hanna? You okay?" Emily asks me.

I nod and wipe my eyes. "Anyway, are you gonna forgive her?" I ask trying to change the topic and succeed successfully.

"I don't know. There's a part of me that wants to forgive her but the other part says no. Hanna I love her but at the same time I can't see myself with her anymore. What do I do?" She pleads.

"Well, what I would do is talk to her. Even though she did something wrong. Then after you talk to her, take some time to think about it. If you do forgive her, don't make it easy. And if you don't, it's not the end of the world." I say.

She nods. "I guess your right. But let's stop talking about me. How's your love life going?"

"It's not going. " I say.

"Well have you been on a couple of dates?" Emily asks.

"Yeah. A few. But their not... Umm...-"

"Caleb." Emily cuts me off.

"No! They just don't have any qualities I like. And I don't feel a connection." I say.

"Well what kind of qualites are you looking for?" She asks.

"I like a bad boy who has sarcasm. Someone who cares for me more than they do with themselves. They have to be cute and have nice hair with a bit of an attitude." I reply.

"So Caleb." Emily states.

"No! Emily I'm over him." I say, trying to convince myself more than her.

"What ever happened to you guys?" She suddenly asks.

"I told you. Things weren't working out." I say.

She rolls her eyes. "I want the truth."

I sigh. "Honestly? I don't know. I just... Let him walk out. " I say as a tear rolled down my face. Why am I crying?

"Han don't cry. I'm sure there's a reason you guys broke up. You just have to figure it out. Do you still have feelings for him?" She asks.

"I don't know. But I do miss him." I say a little quietly.

"Look I gotta go but think about contacting him again and talk to him. It sounds as if you still love him. I love ya Han. Thanks again." She gets up and leaves, leaving me with my thoughts.

Do I miss him? Yes. Do I wish we were still together? Yes.

Why did I let him go? I don't know.


Authors note:

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Also if you have any ideas, feel free to message me them.

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Check out my other story!

Xoxo ~ Kailee❤

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