Can I tell you something?

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Hanna's Pov.

"Baby! Where are you?" Yelled Caleb from the bedroom.

"I'm in the kitchen!" I yelled back at him, continuing to eat the muffins I got from the bakery this morning.

"Well, can you come in the room?" Caleb asked/yelled.

"Why? It's really far!" I complain to him because I was currently sitting on the counter eating my banana muffin and quite frankly, I was comfortable and really lazy.

"Because, I need to tell you something! And your room isn't very far from the kitchen Han." Caleb yelled back at me.

"But babe, I'm comfy and lazy and I don't want to walk all the way over there." I complain, once again.

"Ugh, fine." Complained Caleb. I chuckle at the fact that I won.

I hear noises coming from my room and I wonder what Caleb is doing. A minute later, Caleb walks out of the room and into the kitchen wearing a black shirt and red basketball shorts. He walks over to me and in between my legs. He kisses me on the lips lightly before speaking, "I had to get out of the warm, comfortable bed and walk all the way to the kitchen."

"Boohoo." I mock him and laugh a little before kissing him more rough than the first time. Caleb chuckles against my lips and I smile into the kiss.

"So, you had to tell me something?" I ask after we pull away to catch our breaths.

"Shh. Be quiet. You're going to ruin the moment. Don't ruin the moment." Caleb says and kisses me passionately and more rough. He pushes his tongue onto my lips, telling me to open my mouth a little bit more so that he can explore my mouth with his tongue. I oblige and Caleb's and my tongue start to explore each others mouths, enjoying every aspect. Caleb picks me up and carries me to the couch. We untangle from each other as he sets me down, gently on the couch. He soon comes and lays down beside me, both of us facing each other.

"So, what are we doing today?" Caleb asks me.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted and all that I want to do is lay on the couch and watch movies all day." I say, sighing to prove that I'm tired and exhausted.

"I like that idea." Caleb agrees and kisses me lightly on the lips before reaching over me and getting the TV remote.

"Do you want to watch Netflix or no?" Asks Caleb.

"I want to watch a movie from Netflix." I tell him. I grab the remote from his hand and face the other way, towards the TV. I turn on my TV and click on the Netflix app. Caleb wraps his arm around my waist lays his head on my shoulder so that he can also see the TV.

"What do you want to watch?" I ask Caleb.

"Hmm. Let's watch Grease." Caleb decides and I happily agree with him. I search up Grease and I start to play it.

"I love this movie." I comment. "Good choice." I praise Caleb on his choice of movie and I grab his hand and kiss it before giving the movie my full attention.

"I know you do. So do I. This is probably my favorite movie of all time." Caleb says and I agree with him.

"Oh, I'm going to go make popcorn and grab some snacks and drinks for us. I'll be back." I say as I get up and out of his arms. I start to walk to the kitchen when Caleb commands, "Bring the m&m's babe." I nod and walk into the kitchen.

I grab a popcorn bag and put it into my microwave, hitting the popcorn button. When the microwave goes on, I grab the m&m's Caleb wanted, a whole bag of potato chips, the rest of my muffins, and I grab some bottles of apple juice for me and Caleb. I balance everything in my hands and arms and walk to the living room, setting everything down on the coffee table. I quickly smile at Caleb and go back to the kitchen, waiting for the popcorn to be done.

Once the microwave beeped, indicating that the popcorn is done, I grab the bag of popcorn from the microwave and open it up. A breeze of popcorn and butter blows into my nostril. The steam from the popcorn evacuates the bag and I grab a bowl from the cabinet and pour the butter popcorn into the bowl. I threw away the bag and ate a couple of popcorn as I walked to the living room.

When I walked into the living room, I see that Caleb organized everything on the coffee table. I set the bowl down on the coffee table and lay back down next to Caleb and his arm goes around my waist again.

I grab the bowl of popcorn and offer Caleb one, "Want some?"

"Thanks." Caleb takes a handful of popcorn and stuffs it into his mouth. We play the movie and we lay there for about two hours, just watching Grease and enjoying each others company.

Two hours later...

Grease just finished and we were watching the credits roll.

"This feels perfect." Whispers Caleb.

"What does?" I ask, turning around to face him.

"You in my arms." Caleb says and kisses me on the lips.

"It does, doesn't it?" I agree. Caleb nods.

"Can I tell you something?" Caleb asks after a moment of silence.

"Sure, what's up?" I ask, curious as to what he was going to tell me.

"I love you." Caleb says with a smile on his face.

I stay frozen. We haven't said that to each other since we broke up.

"I love you too." I reply once I resume back to reality.

"I know." Caleb says and he kisses me once again as he closes his eyes and is soon asleep.

I just stare at him and soon enough, my eyes start to get droopy, falling into a deep slumber.


Authors Note:

This is a very short chapter. Sorry about that. But I just wanted to bring back some happiness in this book haha. But isn't Hanna and Caleb so cute?!

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