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Hanna's Pov.

"Caleb, do you have anymore tape?"  I shout from the bedroom.

"Yeah, I have an extra roll.  Do you need it?"  Caleb shouts from the living room.

"Yeah!  Can you bring it in here please?"  I ask Caleb as I continue to put my hats into a box.

I hear Caleb walking into the room and soon enough, he is standing right behind me.

"Here you go."  Caleb says as he hands me the tape.  I take the tape and quickly kiss him on the lips.

"Thanks.  Did you finish packing everything in the living room?"  I ask as I tape up the box that contains our hats.

"Pretty much.  I just have to tape up a box and then I'm done."  Caleb replies to me, now siting on the bed.

"Awesome.  I'm done with the bathroom and the bedroom.  Let's go eat dinner somewhere, yeah?"  I ask Caleb, joining him on the bed.

"Sounds good.  What should we eat?"  Caleb asks, wrapping his arms around my shoulder.

"Italian food at that Italian restaurant down the street?"  I ask, my mouth watering from thinking about the garlic bread they have there.

"Alright, let's go."  Caleb replies, getting up and off the bed.  Caleb grabs my hand and helps me up.  

He grabs his car keys, wallet, and phone as I straighten out my clothes.

"What are you doing?"  I ask Caleb, confused.

"What do you mean?"  Caleb asked me, also confused.

"Why are you grabbing your car keys?  We're going to walk there."  I tell Caleb as I grab a light pink coat to wear from the closet.

"Oh, okay then.  Let's go."  Caleb says, putting down his car keys and picking up the apartment keys.

I follow Caleb out of the apartment as I put on my coat.  When we walk out of our apartment complex, Caleb takes my hand and intertwines our fingers together.

"It's a beautiful day.  The weather is perfect and the skies are clear.  It doesn't look like it's going to rain."  Caleb says, looking up at the sky.

"Yeah, it is a beautiful day."  I agree with Caleb.

"Yeah, we rarely ever ha-"  Caleb starts to say but is cut off by his phone ringing.

Caleb uses his free hand to get his phone out of his back pocket of his dark grey shorts as we stop walking.  When he looks at his phone, his eyes slightly widen and he immediately ignores the call.  He puts his phone back into his pocket and we continue to walk.

"Who was that?"  I ask Caleb, curious.

"I don't know.  It was a blocked number."  Caleb says, shrugging his shoulders but not looking me in he eyes. 

"Oh."  Was all I said as I wasn't convinced that it was a blocked number.  But I decided to just let it slide.  If he wanted to tell me then he would've told me.  I'm not going to push him to tell me and get into his business.  But I feel like I should have a right to see who is calling him since I am his girlfriend.  For all I know, it could be another girl. What am I saying?  Caleb would never cheat on me.  He's not that type of guy.  He is a very trustworthy guy and I trust him with my life.  Yup, I'm letting this slide.  I'm just paranoid.

"Hello?  Earth to Hanna?"  Caleb says as he waves his hand in front of my face.

"Huh?  Sorry Caleb, what did you say?"  I ask him as I am brought back from my thoughts.

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