Meeting Isabella?

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Hanna's POV.

It's been a week since Caleb told me about Isabella. We barely talk now and it's because I'm upset. He's always calling me and as much as I want to pick up the phone, I also don't want to. I guess its because I'm scared to see or talk to him.

Ever since we reunited, I have fallen for him all over again. Every time we hang out or talk, I just want to kiss him and hug him and never let him go. And the whole reason that I wanted to meet up with him is because I wanted to ask him if he felt the same way. I wanted him to say yes then swoop me up in his arms and kiss me. But I guess dreams don't really come true because he has a girlfriend.

Isabella is her name. Caleb says she has light brown hair and brown eyes. She also has a bubbly personality. The opposite of me.

Right now I'm just eating a bagel with strawberry cream cheese. I was just thinking. Thinking a lot. Thinking about Caleb. After I was done with my bagel, I washed my utensils and grabbed my bag, car keys, and phone.

I locked my door and started to walk to my car. I got in my car and started it up. I put some music on and started to drive out of the parking garage, on my way to Spencer and Toby's house.

They were having a small get together with their close friends.

I got to their house and I parked my car on the side of the road. I took my keys and put it inside my purse, along with my phone. I got out of my car and walked to the door, knocking on it.

A few seconds later, Spencer answered the door.

"Hey Han. It's been so long since I last saw you." Spencer said as she hugged me.

I hugged her back. "Yeah I know. It's been too long" I reply back, letting go of her.

She lets me in the house.

"You can just put your bag in my room if you want." She says heading into the kitchen.

I go upstairs and into Spencer's and Toby's room, and I put my purse on the floor by the window. I start to head back downstairs

When I get downstairs, I head to the kitchen, knowing Spencer is in there.

"Hey Spenc. Do you need any help with anything?" I ask.

"Yeah. Can you cut the tomatoes please?" She replies while adding onions in the soup she was cooking.

I nod my head and get out the tomatoes, a cutting board, and a knife. I start to cut the tomatoes and in 5 minutes, I was done.

I grab the board and add the tomatoes into the pot of soup.

"Anything else Spencer?" I ask.

"No but thanks. You're the only one that actually volunteered to help me." She says thankfully.

"No problem." I start to walk out of the kitchen and head into the living room.

"Han! Hi." Says Alison as she comes and hugs me.

"Hey Ali. How have you been?" I ask, hugging her back.

"Amazing." She replies with a smile.

"That's really good. Have you lost some weight?" I ask examining her.

"No. I actually gained weight. But enough about me. How have you?"

"Okay, I guess. You know, the usual." I reply.

"Han, you guess? What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I reply

She gives me that 'I know you're lying' look.

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