So, Will You?

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Caleb's Pov.

Today, is the day.  I'm finally going to do it.  I woke up at three in the morning to get everything ready.

Right now, I was at the new house moving the last box into the house.  It was, now, four in the morning and Toby and Ezra were here with me, helping me out.  

"Spencer is on the way."  Toby said, unpacking a box in the living room.

"So is Aria."  Ezra shouted from the kitchen.

"Okay." I shouted to both of them from the bedroom upstairs.

I quickly sent a text to Allison and Emily, asking them when they are coming.  I placed my phone on the new white dresser that was  next to the bathroom door.  I then began unpacking the box that contained Hanna's undergarments and putting them in a drawer in the dresser.  

A few minutes later, I get a message from Emily, informing me that her and Allison are on their way.

"They're here!"  Toby shouts from downstairs.  

I finish unpacking the box and started unpacking the box with my boxers and briefs.  

About five minutes later, I finished unpacking the box and began to walk downstairs to greet the girls.  When I get downstairs, I see Emily, Allison, Spencer, and Aria in the living room talking to the boys.

"Hey guys." I greet the girls.

"Hi Caleb."

"Hey Caleb"

"Hello Caleb."

All of them greet me back.

"Thank you again for helping me with this." I tell all of them.

"It's really no problem Caleb."  Emily tells me, the rest of them nodding their heads in agreement.

"Yeah, we're happy to help."  Aria says.

"Now, who's ready to decorate?"  Allison asks everyone.


Hanna's Pov.

Beep Beep Beep 

I groaned in annoyance at the stupid alarm clock waking me up.

"Caleb, turn it off."  I say to Caleb, pulling the comforter over my head.  

After about a minute, the stupid alarm clock is still going off.  I groan and throw the comforter away from me, sitting up and looking over at Caleb's side of the bed, finding it empty.  I look at his bedside table and at his alarm clock.  His alarm clock wasn't going off.  So, I turned the other way and saw my alarm clock going off.  I quickly shut it off, not being able to hear anymore of the stupid, annoying alarm clock.  

When did I set my alarm clock?  I don't remember doing that at all.

I turn my body towards Caleb's side of the bed.  I close my eyes and open them a minute later, finding a piece of paper on the bed.  I grabbed it and unfolded it, beginning to read it.

Good Morning beautiful, 

As you're probably really confused about your alarm clock, I'm the one that set it up.  I know you hate that stupid alarm clock, so I'm sorry.  But I did it for a good reason, I promise.  Now, as you can probably tell, I am not there.  I am somewhere else and I hope you'll join me soon.  Inside the closet is something I put together for you.  Get ready and meet me at this address:  286 Red Rose Drive


I got up from the bed and set the note on my bedside table.  I walked to my closet and opened the door.  I turned on the light and on the floor in the middle of the closet was a beautiful outfit.  It was a gorgeous strapless navy blue dress with a sweetheart neckline.  Next to the dress was, a pair of dark grey high heels with a pointed toe.  On the other side of the dress was, a beautiful silver necklace with big black gems on them.  A black clutch was next to the necklace.  

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