Getting the Phone Call.

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Caleb's POV.

"Welcome to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania! This is your captain speaking. It was a pleasure flying you guys! I hope you enjoyed your flight and thank you for choosing Delta Airlines! Please enjoy it here in Philadelphia! You can now unbuckle your seat belts, take your luggage, and head to baggage claim 3. Again, thank you for flying with us today." The captain speaks over the intercom.

I unbuckle my seat belt and stand up, stretching out my legs. I walk out of the little aisle and open the cabinet that is located above my seat. I grab my medium sized black duffle bag and close the cabinet. I then grabbed my backpack that was still on my seat and put my arms through the holes.

Everyone was doing the same as me and was making their ways out of their aisle and towards the exit. I started to walk out and follow the line of people trying to make an exit.

Once I made it out of the plane and I walked out of the little connection hallway, I walked towards the sign that read 'Baggage Claim 1-5'. When I could see the machine that held all of the luggage's, I saw her.

The blonde, wavy hair with a few strands of black was spotted from where I was standing. I walked closer to her as her back was towards me. She was wearing a purple hoodie with grey skinny jeans that outlined her perfect little bum.

I walked to her and stood behind her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and snuggled my head in her neck, giving her mini kisses and inhaling her scent.

"God, did I miss you." I mumble in her neck, stilling giving her mini kisses.

"Caleb!" Hanna quickly turned around in my arms and grabbed my face. She pulled my face to hers and kissed me. Our lips moved in sync. I could taste her strawberry chap stick that she always put on her lips and, God, did I miss lips.

"I missed you so much." Hanna says after she pulls away and leans her forehead on mine. She was looking into my eyes and a smile was on her lips.

"I missed you too. How have you been?" I ask her with the same huge smile on my face. Our foreheads are still together and my hands are still wrapped around her waist and her hands are wrapped around my neck.

"I've been horrible, you know my boyfriend was gone for a whole freaking month." Hanna tells me with a 'duh' tone.

"But now, I'm all better because the love of my life is standing right here, in my arms." She tells me with a small smile on her lips. She quickly kisses me and, before she can get out of my arms, I tell her, "I love you." .

A gigantic smile is placed on her lips and she kisses me again with so much more passion.

"I love you too. Now, let's get out of here. I have a surprise for you at home." Hanna says before she pulls away and grabs my hand, lacing our fingers together.

I pick up my duffle bag that I dropped on the floor and walk with Hanna to the exit and to her car. Once we make it to her car, I place my backpack and duffle bag in the backseat. I close the backseat door and open the passenger door, getting in and closing the door behind me. I put my seatbelt on as Hanna starts the car and she drives away from the airport.

"So, what's my surprise?" I ask Hanna, remembering that she told about the surprise earlier.

"I'm not telling you. It's a surprise. You'll know soon though. And you'll like it.... a lot." She tells me with a knowing smile on her face. I sigh in defeat and grab her unoccupied hand and lace our fingers together.

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