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Hanna's Pov.

I took a step back to look around.  The couch was moved back against a wall that faced the kitchen.  I walked to the coffee table and began to push it in front of the couch.  The wood floors made an unpleasant noise from me pushing the table against it.

"Hanna, what are you doing?" I heard Caleb shout from the room. 

I stayed quiet as I tried to concentrate on where I wanted to put a vase that was in the corner of the room, next to the tv.

"Han, seriously, what are you-" Caleb walked out of the room and stopped as he saw what I was doing. He sighed in what seemed to be annoyance.

"You're still moving the furniture around? You've been doing that since late last night.  Did you in even sleep?" Caleb asked as he walked towards me me and stood in front of me.

"Where should I put that vase? Would it look okay next to the couch?" I asked, completely ignoring his questions while I point to the vase that I am talking about. It's not that I didn't want to answer them because I had no problem answering them. It's just that I'm so focused on moving around the furniture.

"Are you ignoring me?" Caleb asked me, crossing his arms across him unclothed chest.

I, again, didn't answer his question and instead walked to the vase and picked it up. I began to walk towards the couch and when I got to the couch, I put the vase next to it, against the wall.

I heard Caleb sigh and walk towards me.  He stood in front of me once again and put his hands on my cheeks, gently pulling my face up to look at his face.

"What's wrong?" Caleb asked me, looking for an explainable expression.

"What do you mean?" I ask, not giving him an answer.

"You have been moving around furniture since 10 p.m. last night.  You've moved every piece of furniture in every single direction and place possible. You haven't gotten any sleep according to the dark circles under your eyes.  So, what's wrong? Why are you moving the furniture around?" Caleb explained and asked again, his hands stroking my cheeks.  I lean into his hand, closing my eyes.

"Nothing is wrong. I just want to move around the furniture. I'm getting tired of the way it is." I say back, not giving a truthful answer.

"You're lying.  Hanna, I've known you for years now, I know when you're lying. And right now, you are lying. Now, tell me the truth. Why are you moving around the furniture and not getting any sleep?" Caleb asked, once again, but a little more stern than last time.

"Because, it doesn't feel like home anymore." I reply back, pushing his hands off of my face and crossing my arms after.

"What do you mean?" Caleb asks me, clearly confused as to what I'm talking about.

"The feelings that used to be in here isn't here anymore. When I walked into this apartment, I used to always get a sense of comfort and warmth here, no matter what.  But now that I'm back, every time I walk into this apartment, I feel scared and uncomfortable. This place is dark and cold. And this feeling doesn't go away."  I reply back to Caleb, telling the truth and sighing from frustration because of this feeling.

"But it will, Han. You have to give it time." Caleb says, rubbing his hands up and down my arms, trying to calm me down.

"Caleb, I've been here for three weeks now.  I know that this feeling won't go away! It's the type of feeling where it bothers the hell out of you and you know that it won't ever go away." I say back to Caleb, a tear escaping my eye but I wipe it away furiously.

"But why? Why do you feel like this?" Caleb asked, completely confused.

I just stare at him with no emotion on my face.  I didn't want to answer him because I knew that if I did, I would have to face the truth as to why I feel this way.

"Oh... I got.  The memories here and everything that happened with that son of a bitch.  You can't handle it." Caleb puts all the pieces together and realization crosses his face.

"Every time I walk into this apartment, all that goes through my mind is how I got kidnapped.  And if I just stay still, then the memories of that night at my apartment replays over and over again.  It doesn't go away and I know that it won't ever go away. But this apartment is what is keeping me from being free. Sometimes, I still feel like I'm trapped in that house. And I wait for the front door to open and reveal Kyle." I say, being completely honest.  By now, tears are streaming down my face and every time I wipe a tear away, another tear replaces it.

Caleb wraps his arms around my neck and pulls me into him. I continue to cry on his bare shoulder as Caleb whispers reassurance that everything is going to be alright. He buries his head into the crook of my neck and begins to rub my neck, trying to calm me down.

What felt like only minutes was really hours that I finally pulled away and wiped away the last few tears.  Caleb smiled at me and crashed his lips onto mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist as we slowly kissed each other.

After a minute or two, I pulled away and leaned my forehead on Caleb's, trying to catch my breath.

"Is moving the furniture helping?" Caleb asks me, his eyes still closed.

"Nope. Nothing I tried is working. What do I do Caleb?" I ask, sighing after.

"We move." Caleb replied, opening his eyes.

"Move? Like to a different place?" I ask, making sure that I'm hearing him correctly.

"Yup. We can move to a bigger apartment. Or even a house.  We can have an extra bedroom and another bathroom so that we don't have to wait for each other." Caleb says, eyes sparkling from the idea.

"I don't know. It's a lot of work. We have to pack and move our furniture into our small cars. It's going to take a lot of time." I say, not really considering it.

I would love to move, just to get this feeling to go away.  That's also why I don't want to move. That's the only reason as to why we should move. With all of the time we have to devote and all of the effort it takes to move, that one reason is not enough.

"Come on, you always complain about how you don't have a big enough closet. We could get a bigger closet, huge closet even. Plus, we could officially move in together and I don't have to worry about getting clothes from my apartment and going home twice everyday just to feed my dog. You could finally be free and not have that feeling anymore."  Caleb says, trying to convince me. 

I look deeply into Caleb's eyes to see if there is any doubt in them.  There's not any doubt. At all.

"Okay.  We'll start looking tomorrow." I give in with a smile on my face.

"Yes!" Caleb cheers before kissing me on the lips and twirling me around.

I giggle and kiss Caleb back.

"Now, let's start dinner." I say, pecking his lips once more before heading to the kitchen, Caleb following closely behind.


Authors Note:

Hiiii! So, this is just a mini filler chapter that I hope you guys enjoyed.

So, Caleb and Hanna are moving! Next chapter, a character from Rosewood will be visiting! Can you guys who? Comment who you think it is!

Also, I just want to say thank you to everyone that is reading my book! A special thank you to those that vote and comment! You guys have no idea how much of appreciate it.  Especially your comments! I get so much support and love for this book a nd I just want to say thank you again! Your comments literally makes my day. So, thank you!

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